2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Are these things factual?
Hunter took puters to guy in Delaware. April 2019
Puter guy tried to contact Hunter to pay for and come get puters.
Puter guy alerts Feds about Hunter puters
FBI makes forensic copy of puter, then get subpeona and take puter Dec 2019
Puter guy does not hear from FBI so gets in touch with Giuliani.
These are not necessarily facts;
The Puter guy says he saw disturbing things on puter so he turned to FBI.
FBI came to store made copies of hard drive and left
FBI came back with subpeona and took puter Dec 2019
Why take puter if there is nothing important on it.
Nothing is ever mentioned by FBI so Puter guy gets in touch with Giuliani
If there is nothing to this why doesn't FBI say so?

Holy Moly
Maybe the FBI agent who signed off on the subpoena had moved on from child porn. If not this is getting really sordid.
Supposedly on OAN tonight they are goingn to reveal more emails.
As sick as Hunter is I don't care about who he raped.
I do care about his and Joe's holding up other countries for pay offs

Former Hunter Biden business partner Bevan Cooney, who is now in prison, is supposed the source of 26,000 of Hunter's emails. Cooney is in federal prison after being convicted for financial crimes in deals he made with one of Hunter's other business partners, Devon Archer. Cooney (who among other things was owner of the Viper Room in LA) got permission to access his gmail account from prison and then turned over this account. His motivation for doing this is supposed to be his anger at becoming the fall guy while Hunter Biden walked away free.

Devon Archer was also convicted by a jury but had his conviction vacated. That vacated sentence was recently reinstated by an appellate court and so Archer is now awaiting a new sentence.

There are supposed to be more emails to come, including a series where these people discuss getting their hands on union pension money to make deals. Hunter's role was to leverage his father's close relationship with public employee unions to get access to those funds.

There is also supposed to be another series of emails that will shed light on the curious financial relationship Hunter had with Yelena Baturina, who is ex-wife of the mayor of Moscow and who, according to US State Dept, has ties to Russian organized crime.
Well yes I said it wrong. Any rape is horrific
I hope he suffers the consequences
But the thing that affects our country is what he and Joe and the rest did.
I see Hunter's former partner is singing, from prison
Exclusive — Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden’s Flipped Business Partner Provided 26,000 Emails
Things sound pretty bad for Hunter. The links to Joe, what did he know and when, are what's important. I doubt we will have definitive info on Joe before the election. But perhaps this is Dem plan C: Biden pardons his son and resigns - leaving Spread Eagle in charge.
....Devon Archer was also convicted by a jury but had his conviction vacated. That vacated sentence was recently reinstated by an appellate court and so Archer is now awaiting a new sentence.....

An additional note of the Devon Archer stuff.

The judge in his trial was Ronnie Abrams (SDNY). She vacated the judgment after a unanimous jury convicted him in a massive fraud case (She upheld Cooney's conviction in the same case). The SDNY USAO appealed and won.

Now get this, while that appeal was pending, Judge Abrams let Archer travel to Ukraine for "business" as well as 38 other trips, including China, Russia, Jamaica, Turks & Caicos, Mexico, the French Antilles and the United Arab Emirates. Not bad, eh?

But wait, that's not all. Abrams’s husband is Greg Andres, who was one of Robert Mueller’s rabid dog Democrats in the bogus Russigate matter. He was the main attorney assigned to go after Paul Manafort.

But wait, that's not all. Judge Abrams is the daughter media ***** Floyd Abrams and sister of often clownish TV attorney Dan Abrams. She is a family friend to John Kerry. And she has a long record of donating money to Democrats.

Quite a few coincidences there. Enough for recusal. But she never did recuse herself.
I know how you meant it Horn67 guess I just jumped on it cause my feelings are based on a feeling that a genuine basic issue contributing greatly to the problems in America are the abominable number of abortion murders and lackadaisical attitude toward rape. No offense to you it just happens to be an area of concern for me.
Point taken. If the things people who supposedly have seen the vids on the hard drive are true the level of depravity by Hunter is beyond what most people can comprehend. If the Chinese had access to these vids??
So far neither Biden nor his campaign are denying this was Hunter"s lap top.
When will the FBI explain why they have set on the info on puter since Dec 2019?
Point taken. If the things people who supposedly have seen the vids on the hard drive are true the level of depravity by Hunter is beyond what most people can comprehend. If the Chinese had access to these vids??
So far neither Biden nor his campaign are denying this was Hunter"s lap top.
When will the FBI explain why they have set on the info on puter since Dec 2019?

If this is true then the **** needs to hit the fan within 7 days. If it doesn't then we are truly F'ed.
Sadly I have zero confidence anything will come of it - right or wrong. Maybe after Biden relinquishes the office to the s*** Harris but I really doubt it. Press will suppress anything negative, real or not.
What I want to come out if true are the corruption and selling of access through Joe.
Yes if the sick stuff is true and there is anything the US can do to Hunter do it
But most important is Joe being exposed if true.

Lol got a tweet rt to me , some Dems are saying China planted all that on Huntet's lap top
In the next debate Trump should bring it up on every occasion and not let it go. He has nothing to lose after the last abomination. Just keep it in the forefront, would be better if he had something new, like some new email but even without it he needs to sound like a broken record.
The Presidential Debate Commission has just dumped a topic for discussion in the next and final debate this week

Can you guess the topic that shall not be discussed?

Hint: It was supposed to be the centerpiece of the 3rd debate

Why would they suddenly do that?

Foreign Policy

CPD: Moderator Announces Topics for Oct. 22 Presidential Debate

Somebody doesnt want Joe being asked about the Biden Family's stream of revenues from Communist China, Ukraine and Russia, Hunter's laptop, the pallets of cash sent to Iran and support for endless wars.
Instead they will once again be asked about race, covid and "climate change" which have already been covered.
Twice. Plus in the VP debate
The fix is in
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Whoa Pull out ALL stops
Now the party line is Russia And China planted stuff on the laptop
And the emphasis will be on poor Hunter's addiction and salacious behavior instead of the corruption of Joe.
But what else does the DMC have to fool the Dem voters?

Let us ask Bubba
Does reading the emails from Hunter's laptop cause you to think maybe Joe should not be POTUS?

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