2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

The Presidential Debate Commission has just dumped a topic for discussion in the next and final debate this week
Can you guess the topic that shall not be discussed?
Hint: It was supposed to be the centerpiece of the 3rd debate
Why would they suddenly do that?
Foreign Policy
CPD: Moderator Announces Topics for Oct. 22 Presidential Debate
Somebody doesnt want Joe being asked about the Biden Family's stream of revenues from Communist China, Ukraine and Russia, Hunter's laptop, the pallets of cash sent to Iran and support for endless wars.
Instead they will once again be asked about race, covid and "climate change" which have already been covered.
Twice. Plus in the VP debate
The fix is in

The new moderator for the next debate
Because, of course

Regarding NV, it has one of the lowest college educated population in the US. Vegas is shutdown. Lots of Dems moved back home to California. I would be very surprised if Trump doesn’t win NV.
I heard Rush say today that Trump was leading in early voting in quite a few battleground states. He mentioned Fla, Mich, Wis, and Az. That never happens. Early voting is one place the Dems usually work their "magic".

George Soros is going to be pissed if Trump wins. I heard he's spent $70 million on this election. Almost triple what he spent in '16.
Hopefully he'll be so distraught he drowns himself in a bathtub by placing a sponge on his head, like in the Simpsons when Burns sank from the same.

Dude looks exactly like the 129 year old trillionaire from the terrible movie Prometheus. Tell me Soros wouldn't go to another planet to try to claw another 2 years of life.
I hope so but I do not underestimate the DMC and what they will and can do to steal the election.
They are going to triple and quadruple their cheating ballot harvesting and manipulating.
Dude looks exactly like the 129 year old trillionaire from the terrible movie Prometheus. Tell me Soros wouldn't go to another planet to try to claw another 2 years of life.

Prometheus was a good movie. They screwed up Covenant however. I really wanted to learn more about the engineers.
I just wanted to know why they were 12 feet tall, when as a result of such a huge size, they'd have to have feet 4 times as big as a 6 foot man. Double the height, quadruple the weight and associated size of the feet. Dudes would be waddling around with snow shoe looking feet.
Trump got Fiddy

Interesting, in a sad type of way, how human civilization started with picture writing, developed an actual alphabet, now is slumping back to picture writing.

I should carve into a block of clay twitter feeds from celebrities, and a translation of that into actual words, fire it in the oven, then bury it for future civilizations to find and use as their Rosetta Stone.
Still waiting for the Hunter laptop bombshells. Maybe Monday was to establish it is not Russian disinformation. Also maybe to minimize the spin before Thursday’s debate.
Still waiting for the Hunter laptop bombshells. Maybe Monday was to establish it is not Russian disinformation. Also maybe to minimize the spin before Thursday’s debate.

I wouldn't be surprised something big releases tomorrow or Wednesday before the debate.

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