2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Most of the time, nothing happens. Main problem with cable news is that it's on for 24 hours of the day, with enough real news for about 50 seconds. So the rest is supposition as to what might, may, could, happen.

It's as if a football game took a month to play, and after every single play, talking heads commented for hours on about a 2 yard run, trying to extrapolate that single play into an entire game.

When things happen, they explode onto the scene. When things get drawn out, and out, and out, there's nothing that going to happen. Like those stupid leftists waiting in 2006 for Fitzmas Day, when supposedly K Rove was going to be arrested and hauled away in chains.
The most telling point to me is the Russian woman paying Hunter.
They paid for access to Biden/Obama
DMC can pretend otherwise but not for long
The most telling point to me is the Russian woman paying Hunter.
They paid for access to Biden/Obama
DMC can pretend otherwise but not for long
It looks like the Russian lady was trying to get money out of Russia. Not good politically, but not really bad either.

You will start to see the polls tightening as Election Day approaches. The pollsters have basically added 5-7 pts to Biden via disingenuous assumptions since summer. Remember only the last poll is accountable, so the pollsters will try to be within MOE to declare success.
More examples of tightening. By the way, I called this since late August. Further, say this poll is true (Biden +2), Trump wins the EC.

Well, I told myself to hold my horses until 2 weeks out from the election. We’re here. The polling I see today is what I expected in early September. Silly me, I didn’t expect brazen misinformation from the left. It’s all they have. Apparently everything will be crunched in this 2 week period: big debate, October surprise, etc.
Reading the tea leaves and using deductive reasoning, the Biden Campaign is finally acknowledging they were never going to take Texas, and are now out of it for Ohio, Georgia, Iowa and North Carolina. And they think the rest of the Midwest is in play

% of Americans saying they’re better off now than they were four years ago (per Gallup)

Sep 2020 (Trump): 55%
Dec 2012 (Obama): 45%
Oct 2004 (Bush 43): 47%
Jul 1992 (Bush 41): 38%
Jul 1984 (Reagan): 44%
Some Dem candidates have begun to distance themselves from Joe Biden.
If we had an honest media, each candidate would be questioned about the Joe and Hunter matter
% of Americans saying they’re better off now than they were four years ago (per Gallup)

Sep 2020 (Trump): 55%
Dec 2012 (Obama): 45%
Oct 2004 (Bush 43): 47%
Jul 1992 (Bush 41): 38%
Jul 1984 (Reagan): 44%
Although better off and approval are different variables I would expect them to be highly correlated. I would feel better seeing higher numbers from what's reported by Gallup in this article.

Two Weeks From Election Day, How Trump's Approval Rating Compares to Past Presidents'
As I said many times, the polls mistaken enthusiasm from upper class self hating white liberals for enthusiasm from the youth and minorities. The latter really don’t care about what Trump does. Different hang ups.

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