2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Trump got Fiddy...

As not seen on Twitter


Will the undecided voter or a lean Biden voter even care about Hunter's escapades?

He belongs in prison if true, but I'm a helluva lot more interested in Joe's connection with China, Ukraine, etc.. If Joe gets nailed before the 60 Minutes reel, it's all good... but going after Hunter is "Obama's birth cert is fake" ****. No one cares
Will the undecided voter or a lean Biden voter even care about Hunter's escapades?..

I would bet they probably dont. But how many of them are there really? 10, 20?
Were any of those people who were supposed to be "undecided voters" at the Biden townhall even real? We know for certain several of them were Dem plants. Maybe they all were -- the media is so corrupt now nothing surprises

I think everyone has had their minds made up for some time and so this election has always been about the turnout.

"However much contempt you have for the mainstream press right now, it's insufficient. I don't have words to adequately convey what they're doing."
-- Glenn Greenwald
If this is really from Hunter's puter it looks sketchy especially when ol Joe bragged not long after that he would with hold a billion from Ukraine if they did not get ride of the dude investigating Burmisa.
There is also the supposed email where Vadym thanked Hunter for introducing Vadym to Hunter's father, Joe. Yet Joe said he did not know of Hunter's dealings with Burmisa
So far all the Biden campaign has said is No one is saying the emails are not authentic.
From Vadym Pozharsky-Burmisa
BREAKING: Smoking Gun Email from Hunter's Laptop Proves Bidens Were Paid to Shut Down Burisma Investigation and Make It Go Away
So when the debates were announced MONTHS ago the third debate was to be on Foreign Policy.
It has been changed.
Any Left leaning person on here think this is not to protect Biden?
Another factor unique to this election: the hard left (wokeness, pc, doxing, marxists, cancel culture, etc.) is driving many cultural moderates towards the cultural conservative camp. They are finding the often annoying, preachy, dogmatic, and judgmental cultural right wing far less annoying, preachy, dogmatic, and judgmental than the even worse cultural left wing.

For many typical folks who are neither right wing nor left wing, it's like the South Park creators have said (paraphrased): 'We can't stand the conservatives, but we absolutely f@cking hate the liberals.'
It seems like every few hours, I get tagged and taint-slapped with some polling data that's usually from some off-the-wall polling outfit. lol
Susquehanna? Well known polling outfit. Read the details on the tweet (not the tweet name)
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I cannot believe that anyone undecided would not want to know if the Biden issues are not real and if proven would support him. The problem is the media is never going to let it happen and that there are not many undecided left.
Susquehanna? Well known polling outfit. Read the details on the tweet (not the tweet name)

I actually got the document, but I misread the title. It looked like American Greatness did the poll. Susquehanna isn't off the wall. However, they did sample more Republicans than Democrats. That would give me pause.
The Gallup "better off" poll is up to 56%
Pretty good given that 2020 has seen Covid plus an overabundance of riots, arson, looting, physical violence, racial strife and economic upheaval
Only 32% said they were worse off
A clear majority says they are better off now than they were in 2016/Obama

It's kind of amazing given how most of us look at 2020

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Is this news? I thought this was established already.

How long they have been sitting on it is news
Since 2019?
Which leads to -- why have they been sitting on it, doing nothing, all this time?
And -- how differently would they have treated the material found on the laptop had it belonged to Michael Flynn, Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, Paul Manafort or Roger Stone? Not to mention Eric, Don Jr. or Ivanka
Which leads to -- how did the FBI become so politically corrupt?
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First we heard the FBI agent who issued the first subpeona for the puter was out of child porn divisiom. Now it is being reported that the subpeona was issued out of the FBI money laundering div.
Either way the FBI has had the laptop since Dec 2019. If this was only about Hunter would they have acted sooner?
First we heard the FBI agent who issued the first subpeona for the puter was out of child porn divisiom. Now it is being reported that the subpeona was issued out of the FBI money laundering div.
Either way the FBI has had the laptop since Dec 2019. If this was only about Hunter would they have acted sooner?

If Trumps wins, Wray has to go and must be replaced by someone willing to sever ties and lop off some heads. Public confidence in the FBI has never been so low.

If they showed up at your door, even for something as routine as a background check on a neighbor or old friend, would you even let them in the door? When I went through my background check, oh so many years ago, all my old neighbors told me later they invited the FBI agents in for coffee at the kitchen table. They thought it was all very amusing given that I was a somewhat wild teenager. But now? I would advise them to step outside to talk to them on the porch, dont even let them in. And if anything got uncomfortable, just go back inside.

If Biden wins, we are screwed. The pollical hacks will be allowed to further entrench themselves inside the bureaucracy and put up even more walls of secrecy to cover their tracks. They will have learned from Russiagate and be much better at it next time.
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There is no honor among thieves. First the Bevan guy who is in prison released 27.000 biz emails showing the depth of corruption. Now this other guy is doing the same. This is the CEO of Sinohawk Holdings.
"My name is Tony Bobulinski. The facts set forth below are true and accurate; they are not any form of domestic or foreign disinformation. Any suggestion to the contrary is false and offensive. I am the recipient of the email published seven days ago by the New York Post which showed a copy to Hunter Biden and Rob Walker. That email is genuine.

This afternoon I received a request from the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs and the Senate Committee on Finance requesting all documents relating to my business affairs with the Biden family as well as various foreign entities and individuals. I have extensive relevant records and communications and I intend to produce those items to both Committees in the immediate future.

I am the grandson of a 37 year Army Intelligence officer, the son of a 20+ year career Naval Officer and the brother of a 28 year career Naval Flight Officer. I myself served our country for 4 years and left the Navy as LT Bobulinski. I held a high level security clearance and was an instructor and then CTO for Naval Nuclear Power Training Command. I take great pride in the time my family and I served this country. I am also not a political person. What few campaign contributions I have made in my life were to Democrats.

If the media and big tech companies had done their jobs over the past several weeks I would be irrelevant in this story. Given my long standing service and devotion to this great country, I could no longer allow my family’s name to be associated or tied to Russian disinformation or implied lies and false narratives dominating the media right now.

After leaving the military I became an institutional investor investing extensively around the world and on every continent. I have traveled to over 50 countries. I believe, hands down, we live in the greatest country in the world.

What I am outlining is fact. I know it is fact because I lived it. I am the CEO of Sinohawk Holdings which was a partnership between the Chinese operating through CEFC/Chairman Ye and the Biden family. I was brought into the company to be the CEO by James Gilliar and Hunter Biden. The reference to “the Big Guy” in the much publicized May 13, 2017 email is in fact a reference to Joe Biden. The other “JB” referenced in that email is Jim Biden, Joe’s brother.

Hunter Biden called his dad ‘the Big Guy’ or ‘my Chairman,’ and frequently referenced asking him for his sign-off or advice on various potential deals that we were discussing. I’ve seen Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business. I’ve seen firsthand that that’s not true, because it wasn’t just Hunter’s business, they said they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy on the line.

I realized the Chinese were not really focused on a healthy financial ROI. They were looking at this as a political or influence investment. Once I realized that Hunter wanted to use the company as his personal piggy bank by just taking money out of it as soon as it came from the Chinese, I took steps to prevent that from happening.

The Johnson Report connected some dots in a way that shocked me — it made me realize the Bidens had gone behind my back and gotten paid millions of dollars by the Chinese, even though they told me they hadn’t and wouldn’t do that to their partners.

I would ask the Biden family to address the American people and outline the facts so I can go back to being irrelevant — and so I am not put in a position to have to answer those questions for them.

I don’t have a political ax to grind; I just saw behind the Biden curtain and I grew concerned with what I saw. The Biden family aggressively leveraged the Biden family name to make millions of dollars from foreign entities even though some were from communist controlled China.

God Bless America!!!!

There is no honor among thieves. First the Bevan guy who is in prison released 27.000 biz emails showing the depth of corruption. Now this other guy is doing the same. This is the CEO of Sinohawk Holdings.
"My name is Tony Bobulinski. The facts set forth below are true and accurate; they are not any form of domestic or foreign disinformation. Any suggestion to the contrary is false and offensive. I am the recipient of the email published seven days ago by the New York Post which showed a copy to Hunter Biden and Rob Walker. That email is genuine.

This afternoon I received a request from the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs and the Senate Committee on Finance requesting all documents relating to my business affairs with the Biden family as well as various foreign entities and individuals. I have extensive relevant records and communications and I intend to produce those items to both Committees in the immediate future.

I am the grandson of a 37 year Army Intelligence officer, the son of a 20+ year career Naval Officer and the brother of a 28 year career Naval Flight Officer. I myself served our country for 4 years and left the Navy as LT Bobulinski. I held a high level security clearance and was an instructor and then CTO for Naval Nuclear Power Training Command. I take great pride in the time my family and I served this country. I am also not a political person. What few campaign contributions I have made in my life were to Democrats.

If the media and big tech companies had done their jobs over the past several weeks I would be irrelevant in this story. Given my long standing service and devotion to this great country, I could no longer allow my family’s name to be associated or tied to Russian disinformation or implied lies and false narratives dominating the media right now.

After leaving the military I became an institutional investor investing extensively around the world and on every continent. I have traveled to over 50 countries. I believe, hands down, we live in the greatest country in the world.

What I am outlining is fact. I know it is fact because I lived it. I am the CEO of Sinohawk Holdings which was a partnership between the Chinese operating through CEFC/Chairman Ye and the Biden family. I was brought into the company to be the CEO by James Gilliar and Hunter Biden. The reference to “the Big Guy” in the much publicized May 13, 2017 email is in fact a reference to Joe Biden. The other “JB” referenced in that email is Jim Biden, Joe’s brother.

Hunter Biden called his dad ‘the Big Guy’ or ‘my Chairman,’ and frequently referenced asking him for his sign-off or advice on various potential deals that we were discussing. I’ve seen Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business. I’ve seen firsthand that that’s not true, because it wasn’t just Hunter’s business, they said they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy on the line.

I realized the Chinese were not really focused on a healthy financial ROI. They were looking at this as a political or influence investment. Once I realized that Hunter wanted to use the company as his personal piggy bank by just taking money out of it as soon as it came from the Chinese, I took steps to prevent that from happening.

The Johnson Report connected some dots in a way that shocked me — it made me realize the Bidens had gone behind my back and gotten paid millions of dollars by the Chinese, even though they told me they hadn’t and wouldn’t do that to their partners.

I would ask the Biden family to address the American people and outline the facts so I can go back to being irrelevant — and so I am not put in a position to have to answer those questions for them.

I don’t have a political ax to grind; I just saw behind the Biden curtain and I grew concerned with what I saw. The Biden family aggressively leveraged the Biden family name to make millions of dollars from foreign entities even though some were from communist controlled China.

God Bless America!!!!

We need financial crimes to trace the flow of funds.
Where do we suppose Joe hides his kickback accounts?
The BVI?
If Trumps wins, Wray has to go and must be replaced by someone willing to sever ties and lop off some heads. Public confidence in the FBI has never been so low.

If they showed up at your door, even for something as routine as a background check on a neighbor or old friend, would you even let them in the door? When I went through my background check, oh so many years ago, all my old neighbors told me later they invited the FBI agents in for coffee at the kitchen table. They thought it was all very amusing given that I was a somewhat wild teenager. But now? I would advise them to step outside to talk to them on the porch, dont even let them in. And if anything got uncomfortable, just go back inside.

If Biden wins, we are screwed. The pollical hacks will be allowed to further entrench themselves inside the bureaucracy and put up even more walls of secrecy to cover their tracks. They will have learned from Russiagate and be much better at it next time.
I bet they would find a reason to arrest you for not cooperating, and you would be behind bars while the likes of all the Obama people and Hunter still are out scot free. You would be arrested so fast your head would spin.

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