2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

"We can't cover the Hunter Biden laptop story because it can't be verified.
-- Leslie Stahl, CBS

More of this laptop has already been verified than was the Steele Dossier in 4 years
Should Trump offer Biden a a pardon tonight?

Maybe say something to the effect "I am going to give you this one chance to come clean in front of the nation. Admit it all ight now and I commit in front of the nation to pardon both you and your son. I do this so that the country can move forward from this period"
JF I would offer just to pardon his son, his a$$ needs to go to jail for selling out the great USA. Maybe it will catch him thinking about the offer.
You should see the Trump rally last night. There is no mask from Trump - he believes he is winning due to heavy turnout. Says media can’t hide the turnout discrepancy much longer. I think Trump believes he has TX, GA, NC, OH, MI (possibly WI) locked up. FL, PA, and AZ are likely the toughest races.
Early in person voting in FL now Rs +123,000

Huge. The usual pattern is a heavy D advantage going into election day, R catch up that day, then see if it lasts when the fraud vote comes rolling in hours after the polls close.

If Trump is ahead by the start of election day, it's over there. I think he wins FLA pretty easily. Only concern would be if lots of Seniors who have been cooped up in their homes in fear from the Wuhan virus, all blame Trump, while that nice young man in Biden would have saved them all with his magic words.

Personally, I don't think Trump should spend much time on the Biden issue.
It's very clear that true Dems don't care a rat's a** what Biden did. He should stick to his talking points of keeping the USA safe, denounce white supremacy once again for old times sake, calmly spell out his response to Covid (that was a good one, by the way) and use some empathy talking about kids and school, how they are missing out and what he is doing to get things back to normal.
He isn't Trump, and that is all they care about.
I care about it, but what bothers me the most is how the media has handled it.

It's clear to me now that they will never be fair, and people don't believe anything Fox news says. If it weren't for Fox, Biden would win in a landslide.
I wonder how much farther all of this will be taken, how much we will be spoon fed what the media wants us to hear and believe.
I saw on Tucker Carlson last night that there is a woman on staff (can't remember where) that uses sophisticated algorithms and such to uncover anonymous Trump supporters and punish them. She takes glee in releasing their names. They are also wanting an apologist tour of sorts, where everyone who supported Trump that was a big deal may come forward to atone for their sins. You can't make this stuff up. It boggles my mind that people are willing to lose their privacy, free will, all mostly because of the right to abort a child.

It feels like we have entered a very dangerous era, and one that I can't figure out how to stop. Last election I knew Trump would win. I was an "anyone but Hillary"
This year I go back and forth. I see the crowds, I see Biden not campaigning, but the hatred of Trump is stronger than the hatred of Hillary, at least in my circle.
One girl actually cried as she voted for Biden. Bless her heart.

The left has kept our nation in a stress position, much like torture, for the last 4 years. Every day, more bad articles about Trump, or Russia, or what kind of shoes Melania wore. It has been a drip drip drip, and people are beaten down.
If Trump is allowed to win again, I fear for the country.
Sadly, I think the fix is in. Already in San Antonio there have been instances of widows receiving 4-5 pre-filled applications to vote by mail, and twice bags of votes were found thrown away. There is a Dem group sending out the pre-filled apps to vote by mail to all the 65+ people on the rolls. It has confused several people who don't know if their first vote didn't count, so they innocently fill in another. The Dems are ready to pull out all stops to "win unfairly.

I'm sure both sides have teams of lawyers ready and waiting to contest the results unless Trump wins big. I don't see Biden winning big enough. So we will be in the stress position for longer.
Bets on when our next President is announced! I pray it will be soon, but would not be surprised if it were months.
Do they allow "ballot harvesting" in Florida?

Not to my knowledge no. You can absentee vote as in all states, and there's some nursing home voting fraud as usual, but FLA doesn't have the Pipe Piper aspect of sending out a ballot to everyone on the roles, alive or dead, then accepting them back without postmarks / witnesses / copy of ID / or if they're written in crayon.
Can you explain why Trump is hated in your group of friends? So hated your friend cried but voted for Biden?
Do you hate Trump?
Is it abortion on demand?
Huge. The usual pattern is a heavy D advantage going into election day, R catch up that day, then see if it lasts when the fraud vote comes rolling in hours after the polls close.

If Trump is ahead by the start of election day, it's over there. I think he wins FLA pretty easily. Only concern would be if lots of Seniors who have been cooped up in their homes in fear from the Wuhan virus, all blame Trump, while that nice young man in Biden would have saved them all with his magic words.
That number is for early in person voting. Dems have large vote by mail margin but it’s shrinking every day.
Can you explain why Trump is hated in your group of friends? So hated your friend cried but voted for Biden?
Do you hate Trump?
Is it abortion on demand?
They are brainwashed by the media. The folks in Washington don’t care what damage they are doing to the country. They just want power again.
That is for sure true for many that do not take the time to research.
But Holland does and I am wondering if the friends do. If so why so much hate you would cry for having to vote for a candidate you do not like because you hate the other candidate more.
That is for sure true for many that do not take the time to research.
But Holland does and I am wondering if the friends do. If so why so much hate you would cry for having to vote for a candidate you do not like because you hate the other candidate more.
People who are brainwashed don’t realize they are being brainwashed.
There is already an email made public that shows Tony thanking Hunter for setting up a meeting with the Chinese Hunter Tony and JOE
I bet the Hunters wish they had never tried to cut Tony out of the chinese money
He should make his own copy, otherwise they'll "accidentally get deleted".

If you consider the FBI the legal enforcement arm of the Democrat party, you'd be right!
Biden Spox said Bidens' tax returns show he couldn't have gotten payoffs from Chinese.
Boy they think people are stupid

If this Tony Bobulinski stays alive the Bidens need lessons from Hillary
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Bobulinski had a press conference and is turning over his computers and phones to the FBI. Smart *** reporter asked who's paying him to do this. :rolleyes1:
Big news. Kimberley Strassel is not one to pump things up that are all hot air. She's been quite correct on various Russia! and Obama era spying efforts against Trump.

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