2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Can you imagine the fear in the Biden camp when Trump won?
Well and many others . They all thought it would go on forever
Nothing indicates it won't go on forever. Roger Stone gets arrested SWAT style for MUCH less yet all these people are still walking around spewing their BS.

Nate Silver has his electoral projection as almost the complete opposite of Dr. Norpoth
With Texas, Florida, Georgia and almost everywhere else blue

Nate Sliver, ha. Here's Nate's trick for fame and fortune:

Look at other people's polls. Throw out the ones you don't like (in a non-transparent method). Then take your ones and add Secret Hobo Spices!

The resulting estimate will predict huge Democrat wins.

Go on all the talk shows, talk about how Science! and Data! show that it's almost assured to be a big win for the leftists.

Enjoy the media love and adulation (go back to 2016 when him and George Stenographer were talking. Nate said his model predicted a 90 percent chance for Clinton to win, and George said "Really that much!?!?".

You could tell that old boy **** his pants with joy he was so excited, granted after being Clinton's ventriloquist dummy for years and having various hands shoved up his ***, old boy can't keep even a big turd loaf inside for long.

Now the half the time the leftist win, Nate is heralded as a prophet. The half the times his predictions are garbage, he'll point to page 239 on his actually report (never mentioned on TV) that said well actual, the race was statistically tied to the point that no winner could be predicted, so his model wasn't bad, etc.

Repeat for next election.
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I also caught CNN lying about the Trump townhall. I was working out while the townhall was going on. One of the TVs had CNN on and they were covering the Trump town hall. One of the headlines was something like, "Trump once again doesn't clearly denounce white supremacy."

Then I watched the townhall. Trump said explicitly 5+ times, "I denounce white supremacy." I said those words at least 5 times while the lady kept asking him "why is it so hard to denounce."

Super dishonest. They should be put out of business for out and out lying like that.
See, it's good that Biden's son is a crack using, kicked out of the military serving, crooked bribe and influence peddling son, as it shows that Slow Joe is a real human too.

Reminds me of the lavish praise for Princess Di, where every failure on her part (marriage, running around with various shady dudes she was porking) showed how human she and the rest of us were, and were actually accomplishments.
Why in the world is it "BREAKING NEWS" that a politician is holding a rally prior to an election?

BREAKING NEWS: Monday predicted by experts to come after the end of Sunday.

BREAKING NEWS: Sky mostly blue, except for a few white clouds.

BREAKING NEWS: Winter to follow fall, experts say.

There are no votes for Biden. All votes are either reflective Democrat votes, or votes against Trump. Even McGovern ran more of a campaign for his own cause that Slow Joe.

You'd think you'd need something to beat something, especially an incumbent President. But with 98% of the media to drag you across the finish line, maybe not.
This current event is one of the more amazing in all of US presidential election history

By the way, the Post is the oldest daily newspaper in America and was founded by Alexander Hamilton. And I think it has the 4th or 5th largest circulation in the country


The Biden Campaign has put their lid back on until the next debate (Thursday)

Go figure

Zero questions from the press (down from the one allowed last week)

This is panic mode. They recognize this Hunter/China and Hunter/Ukraine info is piling up and becoming more irrefutable by the minute. They also know he won’t be able to control his anger when confronted on it.

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