2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

"Many people" = @Garmel but notice the deflection. Every single time. Rinse...repeat.

You mean like this? Wanna stick your foot in your mouth again?

Jan 26th
I'm a strong believer there was oodles of fraud because the math in this election is ****** up beyond belief. However, having Powell, Wood and Q getting involved didn't exactly help our side.

Feb 8th
Not everybody. Dominion shouldn't scare anyone because their shortcomings have been proven by the media both left and right before the election. Now, the exception would be those like Powell who said the machines were tied to Chavez, which may not be verifiable. Also, saying that Dominion was deliberately in on the cheating will get you sued. However, I don't believe that happened. Dominion machines were hacked and Dominion had nothing to do with it.

Dominion has lied to the public consistently. Their biggest fib was that the machines can't be hooked up to the net. Their machines are also easy to hack. Anybody who brings legitimate issues up can't be sued.
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GA cracking down on illegal voting. :lmao: The goal of these bills are fewer voters leaving the more predictable partisans the only ones left.


Rules are not always as dumb or ridiculous as they appear. It may be that parties were taking advantage of this to communicate and influence voters. So they instead are ensuring the people in the line are not approached. People bringing the food and water are probably lying about what they're up to so because it can't easily be proven they had to just shut it down.

My point is that it's not so superficial all the time. There are reasons why the NCAA and the IRS have so many petty rules; it's because nobody will follow the intent of the law and everything ends up having to be literally spelled out.

I didn't get any water or food handed to me while I waited for my Covid vaccine shot. You see me crying about it? I'm 62.
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Thanks. Now do November/December.

Just looked. I said nothing positive or negative. Just neutral statements. Once again, you jump to a conclusion (like I was supposedly asking for a loyalty pledge to Trump) without doing any reading first on your end. Perhaps you'll learn someday. I believe in you! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
I thought you weren't a big football guy.

I'm not a big college football guy. (I used to like NFL football until Jerry ruined the Cowboys with the help of Barry.) However, I do know that OU and anything associated with OU sucks and that nobody associated with it should be spiking any balls except their own.
I'm not a big college football guy. (I used to like NFL football until Jerry ruined the Cowboys with the help of Barry.) However, I do know that OU and anything associated with OU sucks and that nobody associated with it should be spiking any balls except their own.
Snopes has not yet drilled down into whether or not OU sucks just yet. Stay tuned. That said, I sternly disagree with your assertion. :)
Snopes has not yet drilled down into whether or not OU sucks just yet. Stay tuned. That said, I sternly disagree with your assertion. :)

I think what bugs people is the arrogance of OU fans given the fact that they are probably in the top 3 of all-time cheating programs. But the trophies (7?) are displayed as some sort of sign of self-worth. It's comical how important those trophies are given the manner in which they were "earned."

Everybody knows this.
I think what bugs people is the arrogance of OU fans given the fact that they are probably in the top 3 of all-time cheating programs. But the trophies (7?) are displayed as some sort of sign of self-worth. It's comical how important those trophies are given the manner in which they were "earned."

Everybody knows this.
OU didn't do anything that all of the schools in the SWC/SEC weren't doing as well. He was the first school in our region to recruit non-white athletes and that gave him an advantage that he built on.
OU didn't do anything that all of the schools in the SWC/SEC weren't doing as well. He was the first school in our region to recruit non-white athletes and that gave him an advantage that he built on.

I'm very happy about his recruiting of blacks. I'm just completely out of the pride game when it comes to sports. It means nothing to me given the cheating.
I'm very happy about his recruiting of blacks. I'm just completely out of the pride game when it comes to sports. It means nothing to me given the cheating.
OU fans are arrogant? I think what's funny is that Longhorn and Sooners would be fans of the other team if they were born into a different locality. OSU fans would be Aggies/Tech as well.
OU fans are arrogant? I think what's funny is that Longhorn and Sooners would be fans of the other team if they were born into a different locality. OSU fans would be Aggies/Tech as well.

I'm not saying UT fans aren't arrogant. Yes, they are. But this is looking in the mirror and asking yourself about why ill-gotten gains feel so good. And OU fans don't. They break the mirror and act arrogant.

I've seen many a Longhorn game and I enjoy it when they win. It's exciting to be in a packed stadium. But I have zero personal investment in them. Of course, I didn't go to school there (went to Trinity) but I've soured on the sausage making. I hope they win. I don't care if they lose other than the initial emotional letdown at the game itself. They do not represent me. They have no bearing on my self-image.
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I think what bugs people is the arrogance of OU fans given the fact that they are probably in the top 3 of all-time cheating programs.
I was assigned to Vance AFB (Enid, Oklahoma) in 1970 as an instructor pilot. While I was stationed in Enid, ou was put on a major probation for doctoring the high school transcript of a player from Galveston. The probation included two years of no TV and no bowl game. The local ou fans reaction - "That sucks! We won't be able to see the Sooners on TV." I never heard a Sooner fan bemoan the fact that ou had cheated big time and deserved a probation. Their mantra seemed to be "whatever it takes to win."
That just about sums up ou.
I was assigned to Vance AFB (Enid, Oklahoma) in 1970 as an instructor pilot. While I was stationed in Enid, ou was put on a major probation for doctoring the high school transcript of a player from Galveston. The probation included two years of no TV and no bowl game. The local ou fans reaction - "That sucks! We won't be able to see the Sooners on TV." I never heard a Sooner fan bemoan the fact that ou had cheated big time and deserved a probation. Their mantra seemed to be "whatever it takes to win."
That just about sums up ou.
If I weren't on a UT board I'd feel attacked. :)
Snopes has not yet drilled down into whether or not OU sucks just yet. Stay tuned. That said, I sternly disagree with your assertion. :)

Even if Switzer had been a model citizen as a head coach at OU, he allowed himself to be a hand-puppet and tool to destroy one of the most storied professional sports franchises. It's like George Steinbrenner ruining the New York Yankees in the 1980s. At least Steinbrenner had the decency to acknowledge that he screwed up and changed course in the mid '90s. Switzer can't even do that. He actually thinks that Super Bowl ring he stole from Jimmy Johnson is a result of his merit and rightfully belongs to him.

Fuckin' bastard . . .
Even if Switzer had been a model citizen as a head coach at OU, he allowed himself to be a hand-puppet and tool to destroy one of the most storied professional sports franchises. It's like George Steinbrenner ruining the New York Yankees in the 1980s. At least Steinbrenner had the decency to acknowledge that he screwed up and changed course in the mid '90s. Switzer can't even do that. He actually thinks that Super Bowl ring he stole from Jimmy Johnson is a result of his merit and rightfully belongs to him.

Fuckin' bastard . . .
I think in his mind that team was a powder keg of amazing players with explosive personalities that he facilitated to continued greatness.

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