2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

That is an incredibly biased article. Here's what people do when they know the stats don't back them up..."A lot of elderly...", "A lot of farmers...", etc. Funny how Democrats are statistics majors and lean on the "statistically insignificant" phrase when talking about voter fraud but they use a whole different language set when talking about supposed issues getting id's. ID's are valid for 8 years and once you have one, the renewal process is SUPER easy. So what we are really saying is that one time in your life you have to drive to an inconvenient DMV and wait in an inconvenient line....and then you are set. I'd also be willing to bet that these places that supposedly are 120 miles from a DMV are also 120 miles from a WalMart. I'd be willing to bet that most of these folks found a method and the time to hit the Walmart occasionally. There is no time bounding on getting your ID, your going to need it in 2022, go ahead and start the process today. The people that push these claims always act as though this is a process that somehow should be "same day" rush order. I woke up this morning and decided i want to be a responsible citizen, now everything should just fall in place for me today.
Like I said, somehow these people figure out how to supposedly register to vote, but they can't secure a document to identify who they are. That's really believable. And why the F is it our problem? The few constantly burden the majority.
Here's what people do when they know the stats don't back them up..."A lot of elderly...", "A lot of farmers...", etc. Funny how Democrats are statistics majors and lean on the "statistically insignificant" phrase when talking about voter fraud but they use a whole different language set when talking about supposed issues getting id's.

To be fair, Trump pulled that BS all the time. "A lot of people are saying my junk is the biggest and most beautiful they've ever seen . . ."
Mr D
That is some TDS to make up something he never said and even put it in quotes
Kinda unlike you to do that
Do you still believe Trump said white supremists were good people?
That was put in quotes too.
Mr D
That is some TDS to make up something he never said and even put it in quotes
Kinda unlike you to do that
Do you still believe Trump said white supremists were good people?
That was put in quotes too.

Dude, it was a joke, and I think most people here knew I wasn't suggesting that he actually used the term "junk." I make dick jokes and references here all the time.

Nevertheless, it is comical to see a Trump supporter give me **** about not being literal.
Can't make this **** up. There were a few here that defended Powell. I think she's telling the court that you aren't reasonable people for believing she was telling the truth.

Can't make this **** up. There were a few here that defended Powell. I think she's telling the court that you aren't reasonable people for believing she was telling the truth.

Reaching is embarrassing.

They're making it sound more ridiculous than it actually is. I read Powell's motion to dismiss. From the headline and the story, I initially assumed she was raising the Hustler magazine defense, which would have been comical. In that case, Jerry Falwell sued Hustler Magazine for running a fake liquor ad that contained a fake interview with Jerry Falwell talking about when he lost his virginity. It was obviously pretty raunchy and would have been clearly defamatory if it was intended to be taken seriously. The Supreme Court ruled that statements that were obviously parody and that no reasonable person would think were real couldn't be actionable in tort cases like defamation (or intentional infliction of emotional distress, which was the case in the Hustler magazine case).

That isn't the defense Powell is raising. She's claiming that the exact statements Dominion says were actionable defamation aren't actionable not because she's conceding that they're all wrong and that no one would have thought they were true but because a reasonable person wouldn't view them as statements of fact but as something else such as opinion, advocacy/spin, etc., which are not actionable.

Is her defense merited? I'd have to go back and read the complaint and find the actual comments that they're suing about, and I'm not going to go that kind of trouble for Sidney Powell. I think it's pretty clear that she was full of **** generally, regardless of whether some exact quote from her qualifies as a statement of fact or some other type of speech. Her intent was to deceive.

Honestly, I knew it when she refused to let Ben Shapiro interview her. He would have given her favorable treatment, but he did say that he would press her for specifics and to come forward with evidence. If you're not willing to be interviewed under those circumstances (even from a political ally), you should not be believed or taken seriously.
That isn't the defense Powell is raising. She's claiming that the exact statements Dominion says were actionable defamation aren't actionable not because she's conceding that they're all wrong and that no one would have thought they were true but because a reasonable person wouldn't view them as statements of fact but as something else such as opinion, advocacy/spin, etc., which are not actionable.

A better corollary is Fox News' defense of Tucker Carlson in a defamation case in which they claimed he couldn't be taken literally because his audience expects exaggeration and bloviation. In that case and Powell's case they are admitting that no "reasonable person" should expect accuracy.

I think it's pretty clear that she was full of **** generally, regardless of whether some exact quote from her qualifies as a statement of fact or some other type of speech. Her intent was to deceive.

Yes, it was obvious she was full of **** every time she opened her mouth or filed a motion. You and I could see that clear as day. The true believers in the steal ran with it as statements of fact though. They repeated it on twitter, conservative blogs and on West Mall.

That's what makes the legal arguments so important when establishing their integrity. At least Tucker is a paid entertainer wheras Powell is may now be claiming something similar but she's a lawyer by trade and was in the midst of multiple legal cases on the subject. Accuracy in her public statements was even more important at that moment. This nobody is dumb enough to believe her statements as facts is laughable. Dominion's response should be easy enough, replete with conservative media echo chambers and twitter.
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Is her defense merited? I'd have to go back and read the complaint and find the actual comments that they're suing about, and I'm not going to go that kind of trouble for Sidney Powell.

Here’s a link to the Complaint, which includes very specific quotes of things Powell said. Paragraphs 58 to 69 are all you need to look at to convince yourself of that, but there’s more. Amongst the things Powell said are:
  • Dominion was “created in Venezuela at the direction of Hugo Chavez”
  • That she has a recording of Dominion’s CEO saying “he can change a million votes, no problem at all”
  • That Georgia’s governor and Secretary of State joined in on the scam by awarding Dominion a no-bid contract at the last minute.
Each of these statements is clearly factual in nature, not opinion or fluff.

This will get particularly interesting when Trump is deposed.
Here’s a link to the Complaint, which includes very specific quotes of things Powell said. Paragraphs 58 to 69 are all you need to look at to convince yourself of that, but there’s more. Amongst the things Powell said are:
  • Dominion was “created in Venezuela at the direction of Hugo Chavez”
  • That she has a recording of Dominion’s CEO saying “he can change a million votes, no problem at all”
  • That Georgia’s governor and Secretary of State joined in on the scam by awarding Dominion a no-bid contract at the last minute.
Each of these statements is clearly factual in nature, not opinion or fluff.

This will get particularly interesting when Trump is deposed.

If those are the statements at issue, she's screwed on the statement of fact defense. It's not even close.
Good thing I didn't base my opinions on Sidney Powell's comments. I looked into the data itself. She made surface level claims that were either exaggerated or lacked any specifics.

The Venezuela thing I thought was for show or oversimplification. Those other 2 bullet points I hadn't heard and sound specific enough to get her into trouble.
Good thing I didn't base my opinions on Sidney Powell's comments. I looked into the data itself. She made surface level claims that were either exaggerated or lacked any specifics.

The Venezuela thing I thought was for show or oversimplification. Those other 2 bullet points I hadn't heard and sound specific enough to get her into trouble.

One of those statements sounds eerily similar to this story. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/eric-coomer-dominion-trump/ I wonder if it's the same one but Dominion in their statement didn't get it quite right. Powell was an embarrassment but I don't think we should be taking anything Dominion says as fact . They've been caught in their own lies as well.
One of those statements sounds eerily similar to this story. Did a Dominion Voting Systems Employee Brag About Rigging the Election Against Trump? | Snopes.com I wonder if it's the same one but Dominion in their statement didn't get it quite right. Powell was an embarrassment but I don't think we should be taking anything Dominion says as fact . They've been caught in their own lies as well.
So, you should read back through the "IMO the Fix is in" thread and see all of the love toward Ms. Powell. Enjoy. IMO, the Fix is in

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