2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Boys, boys. Here is a sad fact. The government already controls healthcare and has central decision making. The commercial payers react after CMS makes decisions and the commercials have become monopolies by states. Healthcare in the United States is not a problem. How it’s paid for is. While Bubba’s vision is different than mine, I bet he knows where the problems are.
Ha, sounds to me Bubba like you’re being careful here to not say Trump screwed up the distribution plans so you won’t have to say Biden screwed anything up later.
Dont take offense here Bubba cause none is intended I am just getting very concerned about all the EOs ramifications and thinking about what might be coming with next round from the legislature.
Ha, sounds to me Bubba like you’re being careful here to not say Trump screwed up the distribution plans so you won’t have to say Biden screwed anything up later.
Dont take offense here Bubba cause none is intended I am just getting very concerned about all the EOs ramifications and thinking about what might be coming with next round from the legislature.
It is too early to tell if trump screwed up the roll out. The county health department’s are an inefficient delivery model. We need gyms, mall parking lots, hs gymnasiums, etc.
It is too early to tell if trump screwed up the roll out. The county health department’s are an inefficient delivery model. We need gyms, mall parking lots, hs gymnasiums, etc.
1.3m doses per day. Some screw-up. Now Biden wants to expand coverage to pharmacies, which Trump started to put into place last Nov or so.

It is too early to tell if trump screwed up the roll out. The county health department’s are an inefficient delivery model. We need gyms, mall parking lots, hs gymnasiums, etc.
I’m sure you realize that only 250m Americans are over 18 and thus eligible for the vaccine. At 2m doses per day, all 250m can have their 1st dose in 125 days, or 4 months. I know 2 doses are needed, but equally important only 50% of the folks want the vaccine between now and next Fall. Thus, the goal should be at least 2m doses per day, which I believe will only be feasible once J&J vaccine is available. Whereas the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are mostly being distributed from hospitals and large health care facilities, the J&J vaccine should target clinics and pharmacies since it can be stored in a regular refrigerator for 3 months.

The Biden admin is a shît show. Anyone with a brain can figure out they are trying to walk the line between not praising Trump for the current success on one hand, while at the same time downplaying expectations as to why they haven’t ramped up vaccinations to >2m daily doses and in multiple venues.

Is the above too much math for an okie? Sit down if your brain hurts.
It is too early to tell if trump screwed up the roll out. The county health department’s are an inefficient delivery model. We need gyms, mall parking lots, hs gymnasiums, etc.
You realize the “screw-up” relates not to daily doses given but to how the states and counties are reporting the numbers? It’s a screw-up only to the extent that Biden admin can’t tell if “equity” is being achieved. My goodness. The screw up is only in their heads. This is why America needed Trump (he got it done with the vaccines) and why America doesn’t need progressives in office (they implement policies to fix non-problems based on feelings and other mental issues).
I’m sure you realize that only 250m Americans are over 18 and thus eligible for the vaccine. At 2m doses per day, all 250m can have their 1st dose in 125 days, or 4 months. I know 2 doses are needed, but equally important only 50% of the folks want the vaccine between now and next Fall. Thus, the goal should be at least 2m doses per day, which I believe will only be feasible once J&J vaccine is available. Whereas the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are mostly being distributed from hospitals and large health care facilities, the J&J vaccine should target clinics and pharmacies since it can be stored in a regular refrigerator for 3 months.

The Biden admin is a shît show. Anyone with a brain can figure out they are trying to walk the line between not praising Trump for the current success on one hand, while at the same time downplaying expectations as to why they haven’t ramped up vaccinations to >2m daily doses and in multiple venues.

Is the above too much math for an okie? Sit down if your brain hurts.
Wonder what % of that 250M will get it. Not me, and I turn 52 next month.
Wonder what % of that 250M will get it. Not me, and I turn 52 next month.
I have an ongoing debate with my former boss who’s retired and over 65. He got the shot plus all of his contemporaries. No surprise there. However I told him that sometime in early or mid March, all of the 65+ folks will be done and the gov will open it up to younger folks (not clear who exactly is included in this tier since it is not announced yet). I told him that after the initial surge of these folks that will last for about 4-6 weeks (end of April), the demand is going to fall off a cliff. He said if that happens, then the Biden admin, CDC, Fauci, etc will all go crazy. I told him the vaccine delivery issues will be over by end of April cause there will be no line (just a constant administration of doses). They are blind to this outcome just like DC was blind to 2016 Trump victory.
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I have an ongoing debate with my former boss who’s retired and over 65. He got the shot plus all of his contemporaries. No surprise there. However I told him that sometime in early or mid March, all of the 65+ folks will be done and the gov will open it up to younger folks (not clear who exactly is included in this tier since it is not announced yet). I told him that after the initial surge of these folks that will last for about 4-6 weeks (end of April), the demand is going to fall off a cliff. He said if that happens, then the Biden admin, CDC, Fauci, etc will all go crazy. I told him the vaccine delivery issues will be over by end of April cause there will be no line (just a constant administration of doses). They are blind to this outcome just like DC was blind to 2016 Trump victory.
Yeah, come to think of it, they will threaten everyone with lockdowns again if they deem enough people have not gotten the vaccine. Which would be odd, par for Dems, since those who are in high risk or whatever would have gotten it.

Still wondering where all the H1N1 etc mandates and panic are.
Yeah, come to think of it, they will threaten everyone with lockdowns again if they deem enough people have not gotten the vaccine. Which would be odd, par for Dems, since those who are in high risk or whatever would have gotten it.

Still wondering where all the H1N1 etc mandates and panic are.
They will start mandatory vaccinations for flights, school, etc.
I have an ongoing debate with my former boss who’s retired and over 65. He got the shot plus all of his contemporaries. No surprise there. However I told him that sometime in early or mid March, all of the 65+ folks will be done and the gov will open it up to younger folks (not clear who exactly is included in this tier since it is not announced yet). I told him that after the initial surge of these folks that will last for about 4-6 weeks (end of April), the demand is going to fall off a cliff. He said if that happens, then the Biden admin, CDC, Fauci, etc will all go crazy. I told him the vaccine delivery issues will be over by end of April cause there will be no line (just a constant administration of doses). They are blind to this outcome just like DC was blind to 2016 Trump victory.
Called it. My former boss sent this:

Why not? Just curious. Bill Gates wireless tracking device? :)

He's already had Covid so he's probably betting on having immunity.
Haven't been vaccinated for any of the other coronaviruses. Not scared of this one and I'm not going to do so for it. Argue all day, it has a 99% survival rate. I'll take my chances.

Personal choice. My body. That only matters to liberals with abortion and illicit drugs.
My neighbor is a Trumpie and will not get the shots because of Bill Gates’ chip.
I told him that if Gates could make a chip that would go through that gauge needle then I was proud to carry one
I have an ongoing debate with my former boss who’s retired and over 65. He got the shot plus all of his contemporaries. No surprise there. However I told him that sometime in early or mid March, all of the 65+ folks will be done and the gov will open it up to younger folks (not clear who exactly is included in this tier since it is not announced yet). I told him that after the initial surge of these folks that will last for about 4-6 weeks (end of April), the demand is going to fall off a cliff. He said if that happens, then the Biden admin, CDC, Fauci, etc will all go crazy. I told him the vaccine delivery issues will be over by end of April cause there will be no line (just a constant administration of doses). They are blind to this outcome just like DC was blind to 2016 Trump victory.
Note my post was before this WSJ Op-Ed:

1.3m doses per day. Some screw-up. Now Biden wants to expand coverage to pharmacies, which Trump started to put into place last Nov or so.

7 day average now up to 1.46m doses per day. This is an unbelievable achievement by Trump.

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