2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Which "lib" said that?

I supported @OUBubba 's experience with my own. I recognize there are a few very publicized cases within the right-wing blogosphere of boys competing in girls sports. I'm simply not concerned enough to treat it on the same level as a black man getting summarily executed by a police officer which statistically is much more prevalent.
So how do you feel about white men being executed by the police since statistically it happens much more often than black men? If fact, please give me one example of a black man being executed by police in this country in the last 20 years. I bet you can't do it. And BTW, failure to obey orders, charging an officer and trying to run over an officer is not execution.

There have been 2 videos posted here showing white men being executed by the police. Men who did exactly and explicitly what the officers commanded them to do.
So how do you feel about white men being executed by the police since statistically it happens much more often than black men?

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink:
On the execution of black men I'd simply ask whether we give police the powers of law enforcement, judge and jury. If not, then you should agree that no black man, or criminal regardless of color, should ever be harmed absent immediate threat to the LEO.

If fact, please give me one example of a black man being executed by police in this country in the last 20 years.

George Floyd is the most obvious example of many.

I don't think police should use their legal monopoly on violence against any race unprovoked and the threshold for "provoke" should be extremely high. For those that keep saying "more whites" you surely must also recognize that demographically Whites comprise 56% of the population and Blacks 14% thus any statistics in which police violence against blacks is anywhere close to whites is completely disproportional, right?
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink:

George Floyd is the most obvious example of many.

I don't think police should use their legal monopoly on violence against any race unprovoked and the threshold for "provoke" should be extremely high. For those that keep saying "more whites" you surely must also recognize that demographically Whites comprise 56% of the population and Blacks 14% thus any statistics in which police violence against blacks is anywhere close to whites is completely disproportional, right?

Seriously you bring up George Floyd. As noted, George Floyd died from a fentanyl overdose. He did not die because a knee was on his neck. Anyone who looked at this at all knows this.

Then again people still think Breonna Taylor was shot to death while sleeping in her bed. SMH.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink:

George Floyd is the most obvious example of many.

I don't think police should use their legal monopoly on violence against any race unprovoked and the threshold for "provoke" should be extremely high. For those that keep saying "more whites" you surely must also recognize that demographically Whites comprise 56% of the population and Blacks 14% thus any statistics in which police violence against blacks is anywhere close to whites is completely disproportional, right?
Of course, you are wrong again.

No racial bias in police shootings, study by Harvard professor shows - Washington Times
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink:

George Floyd is the most obvious example of many.

I don't think police should use their legal monopoly on violence against any race unprovoked and the threshold for "provoke" should be extremely high. For those that keep saying "more whites" you surely must also recognize that demographically Whites comprise 56% of the population and Blacks 14% thus any statistics in which police violence against blacks is anywhere close to whites is completely disproportional, right?
Only a batshit crazy idoit would think George Floyd was executed. You prove exactly what type of person you are every time you post.
Just for you ii's....I've got three daughters. And a daughter in law...
That is great and I am happy for you. I hope your grandchildren get to pursuit the sports and life they want on a fair and equitable playing field. I also hope they are not forced to shower with boys. But hey, that's just me.
I have found no conservative on this board who has supported what happened to George Floyd. However, most have pointed out that George Floyd was no angel, was high on drugs and resisted arrest. While he should not be held responsible for past crimes he as already done time for, remove the drugs and resisting and he is probably shooting dice tonight in Minneapolis.
Which "lib" said that?

I supported @OUBubba 's experience with my own. I recognize there are a few very publicized cases within the right-wing blogosphere of boys competing in girls sports. I'm simply not concerned enough to treat it on the same level as a black man getting summarily executed by a police officer which statistically is much more prevalent.
Good grief that is easy. You stated it, Bubba thought I accused him of it. You brought up the lie that black men get summarily executed by police. The facts and truth do not support your statement.
Book deals are a standard Dem trick for funneling money to someone

Since Hunter Biden has been convicted for drug use does his book about his drug use 'Beautiful Things' qualify under the Son of Sam law preventing criminals from profiting from their crimes?
Should Hunter have to forfeit the $2M Simon & Shuster paid him to his victims?

Since Hunter Biden has been convicted for drug use does his book about his drug use 'Beautiful Things' qualify under the Son of Sam law preventing criminals from profiting from their crimes?
Should Hunter have to forfeit the $2M Simon & Shuster paid him to his victims?

Applies to Son of Sam but not Son of Joe.
OUT: The election wasn't rigged.

IN: The election was rigged, but in a good, smart, upper-middle-class sort of way.

Any questions?

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

"He spent months pondering scenarios and talking to experts. It wasn’t hard to find liberals who saw Trump as a dangerous dictator, but Podhorzer was careful to steer clear of hysteria. What he wanted to know was not how American democracy was dying but how it might be kept alive. The chief difference between the U.S. and countries that lost their grip on democracy, he concluded, was that America’s decentralized election system couldn’t be rigged in one fell swoop. That presented an opportunity to shore it up."

There's so much spin in this piece but FFS. Democracy was dying? How? In what way? Did Trump declare himself dictator? Did he change the voting laws?

Texas with 29 million people had their votes counted on election day. So did Florida with what, 20 million or so? I skimmed over large parts of that article but it made my head spin.

Time Magazine. State media. Hail Hydra.
Good grief that is easy. You stated it, Bubba thought I accused him of it. You brought up the lie that black men get summarily executed by police. The facts and truth do not support your statement.

Let's bring back your quote:
Both the libs here say, "I don't care about others as long as my kids are not exposed and I still get free stuff." Now I am not sure why I am not surprised.

You've now modified it to say that OUBubba didn't say it. Where did I say it? I haven't updated any posts so please quote me, not your nonsensical interpretation of what I said. Please, quote me. Notice your initial quote had nothing to do with black men being murdered so please don't try to pivot to that. I'm simply asking you to admit that you built a straw man and tried to claim it was OUBubba and I.

I'll address the black man murdered argument after your initial point is withdrawn/corrected because clearly we're having trouble walking and chewing gum simultaneously in this debate.
One last time:

1) You stated black men were being systematically executed.
2) I spoke of that and one other issue in a post addressed to both of you.
3) Bubba thought I attributed it to him. I did not. I told him so UNLESS he was also you in jest.
4) You then referenced something else saying you did not say it. I was speaking about your execution quote. You obviously did say that.
The Supreme Court will hear three 2020 election cases cases two weeks from today.
Cases from GA, MI and PA.
Good luck to them
We need to get federal elections cleaned up in this country, hopefully this will be a good first step
One last time:

1) You stated black men were being systematically executed.
2) I spoke of that and one other issue in a post addressed to both of you.
3) Bubba thought I attributed it to him. I did not. I told him so UNLESS he was also you in jest.
4) You then referenced something else saying you did not say it. I was speaking about your execution quote. You obviously did say that.

This is related to the "black men being executed"? :yikes:
Both the libs here say, "I don't care about others as long as my kids are not exposed and I still get free stuff." Now I am not sure why I am not surprised.
I’m not okay with any health plan that doesn’t include personal responsibility to pay some significant dollars out of pocket. Otherwise it gets out of control.
Centralized decision making has a few disadvantages. Just ask those living in Communist countries. Hell, just ask those living in 'Murica when Dems are in charge.
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Liberals: "The government response to Covid has been a disaster! The vaccine rollout is a disaster!"

Also liberals: "The government should run the healthcare system."

Can't fix stupid.
SH and Bubba just disappear when facts about the border wall and black/lib lies are provided. Typical Libs. How long before they repeat the same drivel again?

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