2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Only funny because I’m thinking that’s what we went through for the last four years too.

Some need to be reminded of this but I never stated that Trump colluded with the Russians though many on the left did. The interference campaign was real, Trump's campaign was open to collusion and Paul Manafort did share campaign polling data with Russian intelligence. Still, I was happy that Trump wasn't charged. If Obama had a meeting in Chicago with Russian intelligence, if he hired as his campaign manager someone tied to Russian oligarchy and his campaign embraced Russian hacking of the McCain's campaign I'm comforted in knowing you'd all simply look the other way and accept that no FBI/Special Counsel investigation is warranted.

With all that said. I appreciate the sentiment @nashhorn.
Some need to be reminded of this but I never stated that Trump colluded with the Russians though many on the left did. The interference campaign was real, Trump's campaign was open to collusion and Paul Manafort did share campaign polling data with Russian intelligence. Still, I was happy that Trump wasn't charged. If Obama had a meeting in Chicago with Russian intelligence, if he hired as his campaign manager someone tied to Russian oligarchy and his campaign embraced Russian hacking of the McCain's campaign I'm comforted in knowing you'd all simply look the other way and accept that no FBI/Special Counsel investigation is warranted.

With all that said. I appreciate the sentiment @nashhorn.
You are being disingenuous. The problem was the fbi didn’t stop the investigation when it was obvious there was no collusion.
Jan 2017. At that point, fbi knew all their sources were compromised or non-credible.

Generalizations like "all their sources were compromised or non-credible" detracts from the credibility of your statement. The Trump Tower meeting was pretty serious as was the Paul Manafort fiasco. Additionally, Roger Stone's interaction with Wikileaks was unknown at that point. I'm not aware of any "compromised or non-credible" sources around those events. They alone warranted an investigation.

Again, we have many indictments to show that the Special Counsel's investigation was warranted, including those Russian GRS agents.
From the same article:
"Loyalty to Trump runs deep among the respondents. Asked with whom they would identify if the president left the GOP, 72% responded Trump’s party, while 28% answered the Republican Party."
From the same article:
"Loyalty to Trump runs deep among the respondents. Asked with whom they would identify if the president left the GOP, 72% responded Trump’s party, while 28% answered the Republican Party."

Trump owns the Republican Party which is why so few have been willing to speak up. Anyone remember the fundraising deal that amounted to the RNC's money being the Trump Campaign's money? Trump might be the most viable path to a 3rd party we've seen in the last 50 years. If the Party ever attempted to take back it's identity (and power) prompting Trump to take his ball and go home he'd take at least 50% of the party with him.

Can we make a deal? Y'all Trump supporters convince him to split the R party. Maybe we can get the AOC/Bernie wing to do the same and suddenly we get viable options. 4 parties? What say you?

That's the only hope to pushing the extremists to the margins from my centrist perspective.
Where is Anerica"alone"?
Against whom?
China? Russia? Who are we alone against?

Israel and Saudi Arabia aren't exactly elite players on the world stage. We've publicly kicked sand in the faces of most of our traditional allies. Worse yet, our POTUS defended our enemies against his own intelligence services. Yeah, we've been going it alone everywhere but the ME. Nationalists wanted that. Mattis is simply saying he doesn't agree with that approach.
Mattis - In practice, “America first” has meant “America alone.”

Full context is important.
Sort of like girls who hang onto a rich person. Yeah he ain’t alone, but who is paying for everything in cash and lives?
I doubt most people remember or perhaps even knew of the 2005 Carter-Baker Report but, just for the record,

They called on states to
-- increase voter ID requirements;
-- to be leery of mail-in voting;
-- to halt ballot harvesting;
-- to maintain voter lists, in part to ensure dead people are promptly removed ...
-- to allow election observers to monitor ballot counting

Had we followed through, no way we are in the sad state we are in today wondering if Joe Biden will still remember his own name by January

2005 Carter-Baker Report Could Have Averted Problems With 2020 Voting
The United States is it's own entity. Russia and China are our enemies. Europe is an empty impotent former power; the basis of white privilege, imperialism and slavery the world over. We stand alone because we are the only one's who can truly back Russia and China down. Name any other entity that can back up our muscle and our will.

Liberals do not have will. They have the desire to be liked. That is pure weakness and existence in a delusionary world.
People should be riled up

Not if it is based on evidence that won't hold up in court or just gets people to watch a person's Twitter feed or Youtube channel.

We need real protection of our systems, not inflamed rhetoric that only gets clicks.
Even Dems know Dominion et al can be hacked, as Eliz or Amy or people at CNN warned
Until it is exposed how this happens and a way to prevent it there is no confidence in the election system.
Many experts have said there is a way to tell . Maybe as it gets to court the research of systems will be forced
The United States is it's own entity. Russia and China are our enemies. Europe is an empty impotent former power; the basis of white privilege, imperialism and slavery the world over. We stand alone because we are the only one's who can truly back Russia and China down. Name any other entity that can back up our muscle and our will.

Liberals do not have will. They have the desire to be liked. That is pure weakness and existence in a delusionary world.
Every entity in history, regardless of it status is better off with allies than going it alone. It is simple math.
In US history:
- the 13 colonies were better off with French and Prussian support against the British including a resource draining land war in Europe.
- Napolean made the Louisiana Purchase with his ally US to fund a war in Europe.
- Texas Republic was joined to the US to expand and limit the Spanish influence in future SW part of the US.
- Mexican American War allowed the Western Expansion to the Pacific and acquisition of Spanish colonial Phillipines at the expense of Spain and and not Europe involved.
- In the Civil War the Northern States were better off with the massive British and French navies choosing to sit out the naval blockades in the South and Caribbean.
- In the Civil War the British could have stopped immigration to the North but chose to let it occur providing a stream of immigrant labor to expand the war effort, westward expansion etc
- Russian monarch made the Alaska Purchase to finance war efforts.
- WW1 was the Allies with the US against the Kaiser, Turks etc that redrew the map of the Middle East and East Africa.
- WW2 was the Allies with the US against the Axis countries that ended Turkish rule in the Middle east, Japanese dominance in Asia, expansion of Chinese Communism and subjugation of Eastern Europe to Soviet Communism.
- The Cold War had many European, Asian, African, Allies of the US vs the Soviets
- Korean Conflict had many Allied participants of the US vs the Communists
- Vietnam War had many Allied participants of the US vs the Communists
- Follow the Cold War to the collapse of the Soviet Empire that had many US allies involved in multiple continents. Including the arming of US ally Afghanistan against the Soviets.
- With the rise of Arab/Muslim factions in the Middle East and the rise of US ally Israel to the rise Islamic Jihadists against US interests in the region.
- Afghanistan/Iraq - Gulf 1, Gulf 2, Surge, withdrawal, Surge 2 to US current involvement Nov 24, 2020.
In every area of the world that the US has sent and stationed troops since 1776 we have had numerous allies to share the cost in blood and destruction.
A big advantage is that the US has avoided most of the destruction of war on its on territory and the cost of rebuilding has been avoided allowing for US business expansion.
Our enemies may end up our allies like UK, Canada, Japan, Germany, South Korea, AU/NZ, NATO, Saudi, Eastern Europe etc and our allies may end up our enemies like Russian, China, Iran, and the proxies.
The US has a $740B military budget that compares favorably to that of China and Russia but is always better off with other countries on our side in global conflicts to share the burden.
Which battle or competition do you want to enter alone? Russia aggression, China expansion in Pacific, cyber security, space, nuclear proliferation, just pick the ones we can win alone.

That $740B military budget is the 800 lb Gorilla in any military contest as long as the US can borrow 60% of it on the world stage.

Nobody likes taxes when deficit spending is available.
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Which battle or competition do you want to enter alone? Russia aggression, China expansion in Pacific, cyber security, space, nuclear proliferation, just pick the ones we can win alone.
This is a false choice. We will have allies when it is their interest to do so. The problem is the grift that occurs between wars.
A reporter at ABC15 in Phoenix confirmed an error in ballot count in Greenlee county where apparently ballots for Biden were uploaded multiple times,
Biden lead is 4202 NOT 10377 as previously reported.
Asked for further comment the ABC reporter said chit hapoens
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A reporter at ABC15 in Phoenix confirmed an error in ballot count in Greenlee county where apparently ballots for Biden were uploaded multiple times,
Biden lead is 3723 NOT 10377 previously reported.
Asked for further comment the ABC reporter said chit hapoens
I read it backwards. The lower lead is in error which is in process of being fixed.
Even Dems know Dominion et al can be hacked, as Eliz or Amy or people at CNN warned
Until it is exposed how this happens and a way to prevent it there is no confidence in the election system.
Many experts have said there is a way to tell . Maybe as it gets to court the research of systems will be forced

Everyone is worried about election security. Heck, a House bill is sitting on McConnell's desk right now on this topic. The leap between "we are concerned for election security" and "we've been HACKED" requires evidence. Some conservatives have jumped right to the latter based on #ReleaseTheKraken and anonymous internet amateur analyses. The ONE case that data was used to show data anomalies took 5 minutes to prove that whomever did the analysis had little attention to detail and shouldn't be claiming they are experts in this field.

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