2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

do you think good records are being shown?

I've seen contradictory claims about PA voting numbers

Voting in the US needs to be completely reworked. It needs to be 100% done in the US with no part of any counting or data storage being done in Europe or Canada or anywhere else. Voting needs to go back to paper ballots. Companies like Dominion/Smartmatic should be forbidden from ever doing business anywhere in the world ever again. Vote by mail needs to be eliminated except for limited cases (military service, living abroad). Photo ID for voting is mandatory.

The SCOTUS can help us down this road by making a ruling relying upon my Article II argument above. The Court can say the reason this election was a mess is because a variety of courts all over the country were usurping Legislative Branch powers by inventing new voting laws right and left. The burden falls to the various state legislatures alone to clean this mess up. Trump wins, now get to work states legs.
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There is apparently a term for this -- “Drop and Roll”
Middle of night and/or early morning vote drops for BIDEN

State and time
IL + 500k at 3:36 am
WI 140k at 3:42 am
MA + 100k at 3:42 am
MN + 200k at 5:30 am
GA + 100k at 6:30 am
MI + 130k at 6:31 am

Dont have PA, AZ and NV yet, but what is there definitely establishes a pattern
Even he knows its all ********
And I am sure you already know why he thinks Oregon's system works
Oregon elects Dems
State trial judge in the Kelly/Parnell suit in PA - "likelihood of success on the merits"
This one mostly argues the state constitution


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Who is throwing ALL credibility behind this or any one thing?? Who?
Heck the DMC cheated in so many ways no need to single one cheat out. just add them together.
But Husker what is his affidavit suggests to you he is not a credible expert?
16. "I conclude thata combination of lost cryptographic key contained on stolen USB memory cards, serious exploitable system and software vulnerabilities and operating system backdoor in DVS,Scytl, SOE Software/eClarity and Smartmatic created the perfect environment to commit widespread fraud in all Case 2:20-cv-13134-LVP-RSW ECF No. 1-19, PageID.829 Filed 11/25/20 Page 8 of 99stateswhere these systems are installed. My analysis of the 2020 Election from NY Times data shows statistical the battleground state votes These failures are widespread and systemic-and sufficient to invalidate the vote counts."

Pretty damning to me.
Who is throwing ALL credibility behind this or any one thing?? Who?
Heck the DMC cheated in so many ways no need to single one cheat out. just add them together.
But Husker what is his affidavit suggests to you he is not a credible expert?

I think he's going the Hammer and Scorecard route. Navid mentions it in his report. The media and liberals say it doesn't exist so it doesn't exist. Sort of like how election fraud and Hunter's laptop are fake because they say so.
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Won't change a thing. Facts mean nothing to liberals. There could be video evidence of ballots being printed with Biden's name on them and counted and they all would still say, "where's the evidence".

Yep. Cyber security expert after cyber security expert says the same thing that this election was filled with fraud. Libs love science until it bites them in the ***.
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