2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

85% of people aren't taking a vaccine for 6 months or so.

Sadly, you're right. If the big orange guy would have listened to scientists and been a leader on COVID he would have won by a landslide. He did not.

Nah. there'd just be more fraudulent votes to put Joe and HO over the top
Rigging election question: If they were going to rig an election wouldn’t they also rig the down ballots in sync with the main race? This is a huge logic flaw.
Intend to follow that reasoning Bubba and wonder, did they think it wasn’t necessary, ie believed the polls or that it would never be questioned? Honestly who knows?
Rigging election question: If they were going to rig an election wouldn’t they also rig the down ballots in sync with the main race? This is a huge logic flaw.

Time could be a factor. You can do a lot more ballots in a shorter amount of time if you concentrate on one candidate (the president). Not saying that it happened this way but I think that would be a good reason.
Time could be a factor. You can do a lot more ballots in a shorter amount of time if you concentrate on one candidate (the president). Not saying that it happened this way but I think that would be a good reason.
But you would do complete ballots so they’d add up. Right?
Rigging election question: If they were going to rig an election wouldn’t they also rig the down ballots in sync with the main race? This is a huge logic flaw.

If there isn't a straight-ticket option, I could see someone only opting to fix one race for time considerations. To me, the biggest problem isn't that nobody would or could do it. Of course they could and would. It's that the margins aren't small enough to make it decisive. If we were talking about hundreds or even a couple thousand votes, maybe. Ten thousand or more? Hard to believe that without solid evidence. Speculation isn't going to do it.

In PA, we're talking about 45,000 votes. In GA, we're talking about 12,000 votes. In AZ, we're talking about 15,000 votes. That's going to be pretty hard to rig. Should we wait until every vote is counted and let Trump take real issues to court? Of course. That's within his right, and he's not wrong or an ******* for doing it. A Democrat would absolutely do the same thing. However, I'm not going to go full Stacey Abrams unless we find something very big and very damning.
Those numbers don’t seem that hard to create. When some households were receiving multiple ballots for people who were either deceased or no longer lived at the address, very easily could surpass those numbers. I don’t think this is talking about random people voting illegally.

70% of republicans do not think it was a free or fair election. That is roughly 50 million Americans. Perception is reality and this does not bode well for our country.
Rigging election question: If they were going to rig an election wouldn’t they also rig the down ballots in sync with the main race? This is a huge logic flaw.

I heard the questionable ballots only had a Biden vote, no down ballot votes. Like the ballots were done in a hurry. So lazy cheating, fits the D MO.
Arizona is still counting
~78,000 votes left
Trump down 15,432

Last I saw was Biden lead 14,700
With just 61,000 outstanding, 37,000 of which are provisionals

Maybe someone will find a magic flashdrive of 100% Trump votes like the ex-CIA chick did in Virginia?
Those numbers don’t seem that hard to create. When some households were receiving multiple ballots for people who were either deceased or no longer lived at the address, very easily could surpass those numbers. I don’t think this is talking about random people voting illegally.

70% of republicans do not think it was a free or fair election. That is roughly 50 million Americans. Perception is reality and this does not bode well for our country.
Of that 70% I would wonder how many would change their minds once all of the court cases are finalized IF Trump does not come out on top. Would that be enough for Republicans to change their minds? Or will they still say it was an unfair election? IMO Trump will always say it was stolen if the court cases do not favor him or show any proof. Something to think about.
It is quite a contrast

Dems 2016 --
"Anonymous Russian/Ukrainian sources paid by Hillary and the DNC funneling cash through a cut-out DC law firm to conceal the payments from the FEC are to be believed without question.

Dems 2020 --
“Numerous sworn affidavits of fraud from on the record witnesses mean nothing.
Ignore them!"
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Is it possible Biden won honestly despite the numerous unusual statistical anomalies?

Is it possible a baseball team could win the World Series with its pitchers throwing 4-conseucitve perfect games?

Both events are possible

But are they likely?
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Attorney General authorizes prosecutors to probe 'substantial allegations' of vote irregularities
U.S. Attorney General authorizes prosecutors to probe 'substantial allegations' of vote irregularities

On the same day and possibly/probably related, Obama lackey Richard Pilger resigned from his DOJ election crimes job.

I could never figure out why they let these types hang on after the transition. It was a flaw they never really cured. They never even recognized it as a potential problem
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I am so old, I remember when Democrats used to whine and cry about "money in politics." They still whine and cry about Citizens United.

John Solomon says Mark Zuckerberg sent at least $350 million to election judges in mostly Dem areas

Of that 70% I would wonder how many would change their minds once all of the court cases are finalized IF Trump does not come out on top. Would that be enough for Republicans to change their minds? Or will they still say it was an unfair election? IMO Trump will always say it was stolen if the court cases do not favor him or show any proof. Something to think about.
If there is no recount in those states because a liberal judge says no, it will only get worse. If there is evidence of one illegal vote, one dead person voting or any election worker testifying about illegal actions, the count must be thrown out totally. Otherwise, all hell could break loose.
If there is no recount in those states because a liberal judge says no, it will only get worse. If there is evidence of one illegal vote, one dead person voting or any election worker testifying about illegal actions, the count must be thrown out totally. Otherwise, all hell could break loose.
LOL. One disputed vote in an election that swings by 45,000.

And, I'm sure you'll define any judge not throwing out an entire election as "liberal" even if they were appointed by Lord Trump himself.
As always, you miss the point because of your brain being washed by CNN. If you think a republic can survive where up to 50% of the electorate feels their vote doesn’t count, you are mistaken. That’s when the population takes it into their own hands. It might only be perception, but it is their reality.

And democrats calling for “unity” after 4 years of their open and defiant resistance is f’in laughable. The Dems - even if Biden holds on - are about to sleep in the bed they made.
LOL. One disputed vote in an election that swings by 45,000.

And, I'm sure you'll define any judge not throwing out an entire election as "liberal" even if they were appointed by Lord Trump himself.
I wouldn't support a judge throwing out legal votes anywhere. And I don't expect anything to change in the outcome of the election. However, removing election observers from the counting rooms and continuing the count, as was done in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia is unacceptable and should not be tolerated. People who participated in this should be prosecuted and imprisoned. They should be banned from any future government job or office.
Also, the "fixing" of invalid ballots should not be allowed. I think it would be just for all of these votes to be thrown out.
....I could never figure out why they let these types hang on after the transition. It was a flaw they never really cured. They never even recognized it as a potential problem

As it the Impeachment witnesses and "whistleblower(s)"
One of Trump's few blind spots
His closest advisors did him a great disservice in this regard (for the record, I would have been all over it, and can even prove it with contemporaneous posts in here as it was happening)
Woopi just gets more hilarious, now she says, “Trump supporters should just suck it up like we had to”. Now that is as funny as she’s ever been!

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