2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Not that 90% of people around here give any credence to any of your drivel anyway, but when you put forth the importance of accuracy here but then try to convince everyone that the CDC ORDERED mask mandates, you just look sillier than usual. They recommended it and thesaurus dot com notwithstanding, I seriously doubt any reasonable person believes or thinks of recommendation being a gawdamn synonym for instruction or order.

Thesaurus and Dictionary.com are now part of the deep state that can't be trusted.

Just in case it's unclear, I'm now dropping into my elementary school teacher voice to talk about synonyms. Just because you've translated my use of order as "law" doesn't mean it wasn't incorrectly used. Look at the possible synonyms for "Order". Instruction? Directions? Directive? Command? I can't fathom why you've chosen to equate it to "law". Actually, if I did I'd be in violation of posting guidelines so I'll keep it to myself. I would recommend for you to read more, expand your vocabulary. Reading/education doesn't have to be a liberal conspiracy.

Order syn.png
So the first word listed after "order" is "command". When a government agency command you to so something, you are generally required to do so under pain of penalty. Which clearly isn't the case.

Comical how what's highlighted are two of the words in the list, and what's left out are ones such as directive, edict, decree, injunction, mandate, commandment, rule, regulation, ordinance, you know, all the ones that make the argument, as such, look silly.

The CDC may have issued a recommendation about cloth face coverings, but it is incorrect to say they ordered anything.

You should quit while you're behind.
Palestinians have already asked Biden to move the US embassy back to Tel Aviv

Doubtful this happens. I mean, it was Federal Law to move the embassy, and every president since Clinton had run on moving it, then folded up under hysterical whining from the State Department about how it would ruin everything.

Since it happened, and well, nothing bad happened as a result, doubtful Slow Joe would move it back, in the event he is installed via voter fraud. Will depend on how many Israel haters he has running the show while he eats ice cream and drools over himself.
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I told someone to be prepared for thousands of ballots to be invalidated. I guess they thought I was joking.

Sad part is, Republicans had complete control of Michigan from 2011-2019 - both houses of their Legislature, and the Governor's position.

Similar case for Wisconsin, and PA from 2011-2015. Yet they did nothing to clean up the political machines in Detroit, Milwaukee, and Philadelphia, respectively.

Maybe it was too big a job, maybe they didn't want to rock the boat too much, who knows.

Unlike Republicans who do little while in office, Democrats fundamentally change voting procedures to ensure things are favorable to them in the future.
Any movement of Jewish support to Republicans is merely from an increasing percentage of Orthodox Jews compared to Reform, or more accurately, Jews In Name Only Jewish people. Birth rates for Orthodox are much, much higher than Reform Jews.
Yeah, that was such a joke, ever worse that the AZ call.....Fox claimed a +5 Democrat gain before any of the polls had closed in the Midwest or west coast. Only off by at least 10-15 seats!....

Arizona is still counting
~78,000 votes left
Trump down 15,432
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Doubtful this happens. I mean, it was Federal Law to move the embassy, and every president since Clinton had run on moving it, then folded up under hysterical whining from the State Department about how it would ruin everything.

Since it happened, and well, nothing bad happened as a result, doubtful Slow Joe would move it back, in the event he is installed via voter fraud. Will depend on how many Israel haters he has running the show while he eats ice cream and drools over himself.

Joe could order it moved back to Tel Aviv one day, wake up the next day and completely forget his order of the previous day.

This is not someone who can be trusted with nuclear codes
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First they didn’t have to have a photo ID

Then they didn’t have to vote in person.

Then they didn’t have to even request a ballot.

Then the signatures didn’t have to match.

Then they didn’t have to sign at all.

Then the ballots didn’t have to arrive on time.

Last chunk supposed to be a Trump-lean
(kinda funny but CNN never called AZ)

We're going to need to win at a rate higher than 60% in regards to the remaining total. Hopefully, the 78,000 amount is wrong and it's higher. If we lose by just a few thousand a recount/audit might still get us the win.
Attorney General authorizes prosecutors to probe 'substantial allegations' of vote irregularities
U.S. Attorney General authorizes prosecutors to probe 'substantial allegations' of vote irregularities

Before anyone gets too excited:
Barr wrote that investigations “may be conducted if there are clear and apparently-credible allegations of irregularities that, if true, could potentially impact the outcome of a federal election in an individual State.”

Those are some pretty big caveats.
We're going to need to win at a rate higher than 60% in regards to the remaining total. Hopefully, the 78,000 amount is wrong and it's higher. If we lose by just a few thousand a recount/audit might still get us the win.

There might still be some provisionals outstanding, but its down to it
Sad part is, Republicans had complete control of Michigan from 2011-2019 - both houses of their Legislature, and the Governor's position.

Similar case for Wisconsin, and PA from 2011-2015. Yet they did nothing to clean up the political machines in Detroit, Milwaukee, and Philadelphia, respectively.

Maybe it was too big a job, maybe they didn't want to rock the boat too much, who knows.

Unlike Republicans who do little while in office, Democrats fundamentally change voting procedures to ensure things are favorable to them in the future.
Are you referring to the Republican state legislator that wrote and passed the current voting laws in Pennsylvania, which included mail-in voting?
How can THE PEOPLE have any trust in future elections if Low Life Joe steals this election with OBVIOUS late voter FRAUD, cheating, voter suppression on many levels, intimidation at the polls and other skulduggery.

I always thought we are all AMERICANS. My parents and my faith raised me to accept and love everyone equally. I've always tried to do that.

Unfortunately, that is not enough anymore.

Today the left has made it all about skin color. If you are white you are automatically a flaming entitled racist and should be shamed. Why is that attitude not racist?

Its all about: SELF RELIANCE in a capitalistic society.

If you get at least a HS education, you make a sincere effort to learn a trade, a skill, pursue / achieve a business dream or even seek higher education you can succeed in this society far beyond what you dreamed you could.
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