2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

I think y'all are talking about the symptoms not the cause. Universities have more money to spend on infrastructure and non-teaching administrations because they have more money. Not the other way around. Those things don't generate money they consume it.

I think Statalyzer is correct that college degrees increase a potential employee's attractiveness. That increased demand. That leads to higher cost.

But the other side of the that is that the government also made it easier to get loans, even for more money than the degrees would economically justify. This facilitated many more people going to college who would either not go or go to cheaper schools or work and school part time. That increased the $s into universities even further.

At the same time the government controls licensing and entrance of new universities into the market. Supply is restricted which means increasing prices don't do what they do in a free market which is signal others to enter into the higher education market which would stabilize the price.
I think y'all are talking about the symptoms not the cause. Universities have more money to spend on infrastructure and non-teaching administrations because they have more money. Not the other way around. Those things don't generate money they consume it.

More of a focus on supply side economics, completely ignoring the demand curve. That's A perspective. I appreciate the consistency even though I believe the world isn't that black/white.
If people in public education pimped trade school (and skilled trades in general) half as hard as they pimp a college education, we'd have more tradesmen and not so much demand for women's studies (among other completely useless) courses.

The demand side is being artificially inflated by the completely unrealistic expectation that high schools are supposed to prep all children for college, coupled with the almost completely lost message that craftsmen and skilled labor can equate to a very comfortable living, can be entered immediately after high school (and apprenticeships can be had during high school in some cases), and those people begin earning wages at 18 or 19 with little to no college debt burden to have to service with those wages.
More of a focus on supply side economics, completely ignoring the demand curve. That's A perspective. I appreciate the consistency even though I believe the world isn't that black/white.

I actually talked about the demand and supply side both. Demand has been increased through government and supply has been held down by government. Plus demand has gone up due to the value (perceived and real) of a college degree.
Given these two debates, I think we have 8 years of Trump. Damn the Democrats are good at screwing up elections.
The dumbocrat candidates just have no clue which group to pander to or how to properly do it. These idiots think if they pander to the most freakish subsets of voters, to the greatest outliers from normalcy, it makes them look most compassionate. Only the tiny number of freaks and guilt plagued liberal fools fall for that crapola.
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Bold ideas last night included:

$1,000 cash per citizen per month no questions asked
Free healthcare for illegal immigrants
Decriminalize illegal crossings
Free college
Eliminate all college debt
Re-sign the Iranian deal
Elimination of employer private insurance option / Medicare for all
And finally, full throated support of the New Green Deal

Count Biden and Bernie out unless the DNC brings back Debbie to “run” the primary. They both looked like bumbling old white men and Kamala painted Biden as a racist.

Trump 2020 is a done deal.
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The Democrats couldn't have a better platform. No moderator is challenging them. No hardball questions.

They let Warren skate by without one reference to her having used a dubious claim of being native American to get a prestigious position at Harvard. Imagine how they'd have come after Trump for doing that.

Trump can't get a few billion to build the wall, they've got no chance of getting trillions for giveaway programs. But, the old chicken-in-every-pot thing is a timeless classic that has worked over and over again. We'll see how dumb the American voters really are.
What are the chances a debate moderator asks some form of this question?

And we have a winner. A few bad apples shouldnt reflect on everyone coming into the US, right?

And re: Kamala, why doesnt she call herself Indian American? Shes just as Indian as she is Black. What's wrong with calling herself Indian?
Biden slipped 10 points after first debate
Battered Biden drops 10 points after first debate

Is it time to shake up this race?
(Is it still OK to even say "race?")
Biden would likely beat Trump head to head. However, he will not make it out of the primary. He is already done. Kamala painted him equivalent to the KKK. No right minded idiot on the left could vote for him. Turn out the lights Joe, the party is over.
Biden would likely beat Trump head to head. However, he will not make it out of the primary. He is already done. Kamala painted him equivalent to the KKK. No right minded idiot on the left could vote for him. Turn out the lights Joe, the party is over.

And what does that say for Obama, who evidently didn't vet Biden and never knew he was a, gasp, anti-busser!

Its amazing how no one cares about anything until its politically expedient. I wonder how many Black people Kamala prosecuted in her career?

And shes half Indian btw. Shes bi-racial, not Black.
Biden would likely beat Trump head to head. However, he will not make it out of the primary. He is already done. Kamala painted him equivalent to the KKK. No right minded idiot on the left could vote for him. Turn out the lights Joe, the party is over.
I would love to see Kamala get the nomination. She is more unlikeable than Hillary if that is possible and off the charts, crazy liberal.
Prepare to be called a "misogynist" or a "sexist" if you point out her unlikeability.
The terms racist, sexist, homophobic, bigot, etc. get thrown around so often and so casually that they have pretty much lost all effectiveness. For instance, yesterday when Longest stated that all conservatives are racist and thus hate the 14th amendment, my reaction to that was a bored little eye roll. I know a couple of other posters took offense, but for me, that kind of thing is no more meaningful than elementary school playground name-calling. He may as well have said all conservatives are stupid heads.

It did nothing but illustrate the weakness of his argument.

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