2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

I think the name calling helps Republicans with Independents/Centrists. I think Trump is a personally despicable human being. However as POTUS, its hard for me to argue any of his actual actions as President. Low unemployment, inflation in check, record stock market and finally addressing the trade deficits are why he will earn my vote again.

I think many independents, rust belt and middle of the country blue collar are similar. Labeling them as racist only drives them more to Trump.
^I sincerely hope the Democrats nominate one of the far-left crazies to run for POTUS. Remember back to 1972, when the Dems ran George McGovern - at that time, he was very far left. As I recall, that one didn't work out well for the Dems.
Trump is what he is. I would not be besties with him
But I am thankful he decided to run and even more thankful he won. Dems are bitter that he has accomplished so much despite them from every arena attacking him with nasty attacks.
His success for so many average Americans makes it harder for the Dem candidates to come up with real ideas to offer which is why they are offering free stuff to everyone.
From Andrew Sullivan in NY Mag - "The Democratic Candidates Are in a Bubble on Immigration

"Democrats’ new position — everyone in the world can become an American if they walk over the border and never commit a crime — is political suicide."
* * *
Last month alone, 144,000 people were detained at the border making an asylum claim. This year, about a million Central Americans will have relocated to the U.S. on those grounds. To add to this, a big majority of the candidates in the Democratic debates also want to remove the grounds for detention at all, by repealing the 1929 law that made illegal entry a criminal offense and turning it into a civil one. And almost all of them said that if illegal immigrants do not commit a crime once they’re in the U.S., they should be allowed to become citizens.

How, I ask, is that not practically open borders? The answer I usually get is that all these millions will have to, at some point, go to court hearings and have their asylum cases adjudicated. The trouble with that argument is that only 44 percent actually turn up for their hearings; and those who do show up and whose claims nonetheless fail can simply walk out of the court and know they probably won’t be deported in the foreseeable future.

None of this reality was allowed to intervene in the Democratic debates this week. At one point, one moderator tellingly spoke about Obama’s record of deporting ” 3 million Americans.” In that bubble, there were no negatives to mass immigration at all, and no concern for existing American citizens’ interests in not having their wages suppressed through this competition. There was no concession that child separation and “metering” at the border to slow the crush were both innovated by Obama, trying to manage an overwhelmed system. Candidates vied with each other to speak in Spanish. Every single one proposed amnesty for all those currently undocumented in the U.S., except for criminals. Every single one opposes a wall. There was unanimous support for providing undocumented immigrants immediately with free health care. There was no admission that Congress needed to tighten asylum law. There was no concern that the Flores decision had massively incentivized bringing children to game the system, leaving so many vulnerable to untold horrors on a journey no child should ever be forced to make....."

"Andrew Sullivan: Democratic Candidates Are in a Bubble on Immigration
Would be nice if all of them, on both sides, took this same position and even made a point of standing together on it. But they don't. And they won't.

^I sincerely hope the Democrats nominate one of the far-left crazies to run for POTUS. Remember back to 1972, when the Dems ran George McGovern - at that time, he was very far left. As I recall, that one didn't work out well for the Dems.
That is my prediction for 2020
That is my prediction for 2020

I would go along with that if Trump did more, did anything really, about the southern border situation.

But he still has some time. For example, he could shut it down (except for commerce) and tell them it will stay that way until at least the "claiming fake asylum" scheme is eliminated. Or, perhaps he already has a plan to wait until ~Oct 2020 to move the US Army in and shut the border with Mexico? That action at that time might give you a Nixon v. McGovern result.
Beto is campaigning for President of the United States this week ....

... in Mexico.
Not a joke
He is having a "town hall" with folks who were denied entry into the US

I wonder how these candidates would answer, if asked at a debate, who they would be representing, if they won.
Part of me feels bad for Beta. The guy went from being celebrated and hailed as an inspirational but cool figure to being ridiculed as a superficial, dorky, and juvenile loser in about ten minutes and by largely the same people or certainly the same class of people. Basically they licked his sack for about a year, and then on a dime, they pretty much admitted that everything Cruz's people said about him was true.

Now he just looks like a publicity-seeking hack who's desperate for attention. It's sad in a way.
Part of me feels bad for Beta. The guy went from being celebrated and hailed as an inspirational but cool figure to being ridiculed as a superficial, dorky, and juvenile loser in about ten minutes and by largely the same people or certainly the same class of people. Basically they licked his sack for about a year, and then on a dime, they pretty much admitted that everything Cruz's people said about him was true.

Now he just looks like a publicity-seeking hack who's desperate for attention. It's sad in a way.
I have said this many times: most people don’t know their role. In Beto’s case, it was a foil to Cruz. Once that passed, his role as super cool
pol was no longer in force. Cruz won in my mind because he pivoted from foil to Obama to supporter of Trump conservative policies. You have to see the forest from the trees.
Here what liberals have been arguing about

Shouldn't surprise anybody. If you embrace intersectionality and race-based identity politics as major and sometimes even defining concerns, this kind of crap is going to matter to you. And of course, the logical extreme of this kind of thing is laws to enforce it - de jure segregation, Nuremberg Race Laws, etc.
Not content with the wokeness points he scored by backing taxpayer-funded abortions for dudes who "identify" as chicks (still can't believe that hasn't attracted more ridicule - it is by far the most ridiculous thing I've heard a presidential candidate support in the 31 years I've followed politics), Julián Castro has endorsed Nike's move. Link.

Beta - "Wait! Look at me! Look at me! I'm woke too!" Link.
Even some honest liberal commentators are acknowledging that the candidates are taking crackpot positions that will hurt them in the general election. Link.
Even some honest liberal commentators are acknowledging that the candidates are taking crackpot positions that will hurt them in the general election. Link.
If this keeps up, no way dems will win. Someone pointed out on Twitter that the “end private insurance” position is very unpopular with upper class whites that dems won in 2018 to win the House. Dems are going to send those voters to Trump.
^As well as promising public-funded health care to illegal immigrants. Once it becomes obvious to citizens that they will have to foot the bill for this giveaway, it will blow up on the Dems. Extreme views will not sell to the electorate.
If this keeps up, no way dems will win. Someone pointed out on Twitter that the “end private insurance” position is very unpopular with upper class whites that dems won in 2018 to win the House. Dems are going to send those voters to Trump.

They will if they keep this up. For the most part, Trump has given these people a personality reason to ditch him. He acts like a jerk. However, if the alternative backs eliminating private insurance, government-back healthcare for illegal immigrants, and getting rid of the Hyde Amendment, they'll have a policy and economic reason to go back to him. The debates have already given him a ton of material for Trump's TV ads.
180,000 million will lose their employer based insurance which in most cases in largely funded by the employer. At the same time, promising illegal immigrants health insurance is the “hold my beer” of dumb politics.

I say great call democrats. I salute you!
At the same time, promising illegal immigrants health insurance is the “hold my beer” of dumb politics.

That's really bad, but the taxpayer-funded abortion for transfemales might be even dumber. It takes a special kind of stupid to embrace that or even take it seriously.
Some dubious messaging for a DWI/hit & run driver


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