2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Seems like he's at least contemplating running
Not a pun

Maybe he thinks if he can "heal" this rift, the Middle East would be easy?

THe solution is a series that includes TT and BU. Watch Aggy try to swallow that choad.
I think we should play aggy, but it's none of Abbott's business. I hate it when politicians jump in and influence college athletics. Baylor wound up in the Big XII because Ann Richards stuck her nose in.
I will be very surprised if C Harris and Booker last very long in the Democratic primaries. Even if they do they have zero chance in the General. America was really put out with their actions in the Brett Kavanaugh hearing. They were complete clowns all the way through it.
They weren't alone.

They weren't alone, and they weren't even the worst. That title probably goes to Mazie Hirono. Nevertheless, I don't think hostility to Kavanaugh will hurt a candidate in a Democratic primary. Booker and Harris won't go far, because they're contrived and phony. Nobody thinks they believe their own BS. Same with Gillibrand.
It looks like the Clown Car idiots are running out of victim groups to pander to. Warrren now wants to give back tax refunds to gay people.
And Beta wants to tax anyone who did not go into combat and give the money to vets. He also promised to give immigrants who serve citizenship. Uh Taco boy they already had the perk,
But he was counting on this desperation campaign ploy to make him look all caring .
The only identity groups not getting any promises are Amish and whites.
This from the Head Clown
to Al Race Hustler Sharpton
"I think what’s happening now is, I think that Donald Trump may have reawakened sensibilities in this country to say, “Whoa, maybe we can do this now,” just like our generation was awakened when Dr. King and Bobby Kennedy were assassinated. Our whole generation [said], “I’m back in, man.” These millennials, they get it, Rev. And now they want to get engaged"
Bernie is calling for forgiving all student loans in the United States. Link. He wants to pay for it with a tax on "Wall Street transactions," whatever that means. And of course, it doesn't matter what that means, because nobody will make him answer that question.

Here's what's sad. If he promised to pay for it by levying a tax on universities, I might take it seriously since they're the ones who have profited off the student loan racket.
His wife managed to bankrupt a private college. Bernie wants to make up for that by bankrupting normal people versus colleges.
Bernie is just doing Communists always do, employ the systems within Capitalism in in a way that destroys those systems. Don't like bourgeois education? Make it worthless and expensive with government intervention. When that is accomplished and there is a real problem, completely take over the funding of higher education with the government. Then it is truly public and can be further administered to those who are favored politically. Universities are already under the control of Cultural Marxist ideology and purge anybody no longer agrees.
Castro, who I said previously is dumb as a rock, said tonight that men transvestites should have access to abortion. Uh, how does that work?
Castro, who I said previously is dumb as a rock, said tonight that men transvestites should have access to abortion. Uh, how does that work?

I'm a little confused on something. This was his exact quote.

"Yes it would. I don’t believe only in reproductive freedom, I believe in reproductive justice. And what means is just because a woman, or let’s also not forget someone in the trans community — a trans female — is poor, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t exercise that right to choose. So I absolutely would cover that right to have an abortion."

It has always been hard to follow this, because it's so silly and illogical. However, isn't a "trans-female" a biological male who "identifies" as a female? After years of hearing the goofy terminology, that's what I think to be the case. Well, they have the same equipment I do. It might get removed but never replaced by a functioning uterus and ovaries. Well, I can't get pregnant. At least I've always assumed that I can't. Has that changed? Or is there a new way for me to be "trans-pregnant?"
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so everyone jumped on the LGBTQ bandwagon and the House passed Equality Act which forces schools to allow trannies to participate in female sports use girls locker rooms and bathrooms.
Do they think that gets them more voters than there are parents and others who don't want teen aged males in bathrooms or lockers ( showers?) with teen aged females. Not to mention the disadvantage in real females having to compete with males.
so everyone jumped on the LGBTQ bandwagon and the House passed Equality Act which forces schools to allow trannies to participate in female sports use girls locker rooms and bathrooms.
Do they think that gets them more voters than there are parents and others who don't want teen aged males in bathrooms or lockers ( showers?) with teen aged females. Not to mention the disadvantage in real females having to compete with males.

The means justifies the ends. These biological girls should check their privilege of not dealing with gender identity. Am I doing this right? I’m trying to suspend any consequential thought and logic in the name of social justice.
Did Warren speak American Indian?

However, isn't a "trans-female" a biological male who "identifies" as a female? After years of hearing the goofy terminology, that's what I think to be the case. Well, they have the same equipment I do. It might get removed but never replaced by a functioning uterus and ovaries. Well, I can't get pregnant.
Do they think that gets them more voters than there are parents and others who don't want teen aged males in bathrooms or lockers ( showers?) with teen aged females. Not to mention the disadvantage in real females having to compete with males.

Beating Trump should be the easiest thing in the world. But at times it seems they are trying their hardest not to do so.

Here's what's sad. If he promised to pay for it by levying a tax on universities, I might take it seriously since they're the ones who have profited off the student loan racket.

IMO what happened is that it became an arms race. Tons of jobs require a college degree just because. More and more got them because CEOs and HR people favored them so much, which a) caused more and more people to need/want to get them while also b) devaluing them as they became more and more commonplace. The Universities didn't really cause that part at least, so much as had the opportunity fall in their laps.
IMO what happened is that it became an arms race. Tons of jobs require a college degree just because. More and more got them because CEOs and HR people favored them so much, which a) caused more and more people to need/want to get them while also b) devaluing them as they became more and more commonplace. The Universities didn't really cause that part at least, so much as had the opportunity fall in their laps.

Agree with the sentiment but I think schools contributed to the arms race with their massive infrastructure investments, much of which was spent on superfluous items like fancy dorms, cafeterias and gaudy student activity buildings. I won't even broach athletic department investments or swanky new educational buildings which are all financed. All of these things contributed to a 300% increase in higher education costs since 1990.
Take a look at the number of non teaching bureaucratic positions in colleges. Those areas have exploded too, at a tremendous cost to the poor students who just want to get an edjumakashun.

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