2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Yeah, I should have been more precise. They will pick their horse after the field has been winnowed down to a more manageable size via the early primaries.
Well I guess it had to come to this. The other Dems have promised all the freebies they can think of: free college, free health care, reparations, universal wage, free housing, abortions up until kid enters grade school, etc. etc.

Joe Biden had to one up them, so he promised to CURE CANCER! Now that's a campaign promise!

Joe Biden promises to 'cure cancer' if elected president | Daily Mail Online

I'm going to vote for which ever Dem first claims to know where the Fountain of Youth is located and is going to open it up to the general public.
If Biden is leading Trump by double digits why does he not draw large crowds?
Yesterday in Iowa he drew 200.

I read this in a comment section somewhere
The line to the bathroom at a Trump rally has more than 200 people in it.
If Biden is leading Trump by double digits why does he not draw large crowds?
Yesterday in Iowa he drew 200.

I read this in a comment section somewhere
The line to the bathroom at a Trump rally has more than 200 people in it.
Fake news
If Biden is leading Trump by double digits why does he not draw large crowds?
Yesterday in Iowa he drew 200.

I read this in a comment section somewhere
The line to the bathroom at a Trump rally has more than 200 people in it.

Biden is never going to be the kind of candidate who excites people and turns them out at rallies. His biggest strength is that he isn't Trump, and that's his strategy. In other words, he's sorta rebooting Hillary Clinton's campaign.
Meanwhile, Kamala Harris says that "her" Justice Department will prosecute Trump to the fullest after he is no longer President. Luckily for Trump, she and I have the same chance of winning the Presidency.
.... she and I have the same chance of winning the Presidency.

The compact only becomes effective if they reach 270 votes (which is highly unlikely to happen). Also, it's a BS compact. Most of the states that have signed on are deep blue. If a state had to break the compact to keep a Republican out of the White House, plenty of them would be willing to do it.

It's a unique strategy to avoid a change to the constitution. They are closer than I thought they'd ever get to the magic 270 votes. They'll need to flip a purple state. Arizona is one of the more likely states to go along. Rural states follow along because the current system legally grants them outsized power.
It's a unique strategy to avoid a change to the constitution. They are closer than I thought they'd ever get to the magic 270 votes. They'll need to flip a purple state. Arizona is one of the more likely states to go along. Rural states follow along because the current system legally grants them outsized power.

It is creative, and I think it is constitutional. I just don't think it'll ultimately happen. Too many states would have to be willing to become irrelevant. Furthermore, it's an entirely partisan exercise. That's the only reason why a smaller state would ever go along. Well, since it has a partisan exercise, all it would take is for a Republican to narrowly win the popular vote, and that would bust the compact. It would be the end of it. Not every state would bust it, but enough would. Hell, California isn't going to give its electoral votes to a Republican - certainly not it it would be decisive. Well, if they bust the compact, it's dead.
Biden is never going to be the kind of candidate who excites people and turns them out at rallies. His biggest strength is that he isn't Trump, and that's his strategy. In other words, he's sorta rebooting Hillary Clinton's campaign.

He's Hillary Clinton with a much higher likability (read charisma) factor. Whether he can win the nomination will be determined by the party centrists vs extremists.
It is creative, and I think it is constitutional. I just don't think it'll ultimately happen. Too many states would have to be willing to become irrelevant. Furthermore, it's an entirely partisan exercise. That's the only reason why a smaller state would ever go along. Well, since it has a partisan exercise, all it would take is for a Republican to narrowly win the popular vote, and that would bust the compact. It would be the end of it. Not every state would bust it, but enough would. Hell, California isn't going to give its electoral votes to a Republican - certainly not it it would be decisive. Well, if they bust the compact, it's dead.

Like I said, I wasn't confident this change would have come as fsr as they have. Another vote like the last election where there was a multi-million vote disparity and it just may get pushed across the finish line.
Biden has a higher likeability factor than Hillary, but not than too many other people.

I'll never forget Biden grinning this gigantic, **** eating grin at Paul Ryan the whole time Ryan was speaking during the 2012 VP debate. You'd have thought Biden was listening to Sam Kinison telling dirty jokes or something. It unnerved Ryan and it really creeped me out. His teeth were so shiny they looked radioactive. It was strange.
Joe Biden feels up all kinds of people and you say the "religious right" (whatever the hell that is supposed to mean) has a sexual focus.

And then you wonder why your posts are mocked, derided, dismissed, and pooped upon.
Like I said, I wasn't confident this change would have come as fsr as they have. Another vote like the last election where there was a multi-million vote disparity and it just may get pushed across the finish line.

I doubt it. Right now it has 196 votes, all of which are from states Hillary Clinton carried. And all but a few of those are hardcore partisan Democratic states. I could see it going a little higher, but most of the other states she carried are small and not overly partisan (Nevada, Minnesota, New Hampshire, and Maine). If you're a state legislator in those states, you're pretty much eliminating your state's relevance in presidential elections. That's a hard sell for a short-term partisan move that'll screw your state long term. The point is that I think we're pretty much at the ceiling of support.
Biden has a higher likeability factor than Hillary, but not than too many other people.

I'll never forget Biden grinning this gigantic, **** eating grin at Paul Ryan the whole time Ryan was speaking during the 2012 VP debate. You'd have thought Biden was listening to Sam Kinison telling dirty jokes or something. It unnerved Ryan and it really creeped me out. His teeth were so shiny they looked radioactive. It was strange.

I never thought I'd see Joe Biden and Sam Kinison mentioned in the same sentence.

Trump could win in 2020 easily if he'd just STFU and act like he is President. His latest gaffe about listening to foreign leaders if they had intel on his opponent is like shooting himself in the foot.

The Dems have mastered the art of saying all the right things and then doing whatever the hell they want. Trump, is exactly the opposite, he does the right things but says stupid stuff. Arrrggghhh...
Trump could win in 2020 easily if he'd just STFU and act like he is President. His latest gaffe about listening to foreign leaders if they had intel on his opponent is like shooting himself in the foot.

The Dems have mastered the art of saying all the right things and then doing whatever the hell they want. Trump, is exactly the opposite, he does the right things but says stupid stuff. Arrrggghhh...

Yep. With the economy the way it is (fast growth, low unemployment, and low inflation) and no major foreign conflicts, this shouldn't even be a race. It should look like 1984. But because we have a guy who acts and talks like a jackass, it's going to be a nail biter at best.

Thin ice, LH. Very thin ice. Yes, he's exaggerating and fear-mongering. However, when he took office, the Left was predicting mass economic and global calamity. Think what you will of Trump, and there's plenty to criticize. However, those predictions were stupid at the time they were made and could not have been more wrong.

If Trump loses, will there be some massive crash? Probably not. Will there be a slowdown if a bunch of new regulations and tax hikes go into effect? Maybe. Depends on how onerous they are. If someone like Biden wins, I doubt we'll see a significant economic impact. On economics, I doubt he'd change much of our current economic policy. If Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders win, that's another matter.
Seems like he's at least contemplating running
Not a pun

Maybe he thinks if he can "heal" this rift, the Middle East would be easy?
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