2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Warren is a moron. They talk of all these things they are going to give for free by taxing the rich. Taxing the rich couldn't pay for one of the things they talk about much less all of them.

Here is an alternative idea -- liberals will simply go back in time, seize the money from those dumb backward slobs and bring it back to pay for free chocolate and marshmallows for everyone today. And ponies too!
Here is an alternative idea -- liberals will simply go back in time, seize the money from those dumb backward slobs and bring it back to pay for free chocolate and marshmallows for everyone today. And ponies too!
Didn't an animal run for mayor of Austin at one time? (or am I remembering it wrong?)

I know this is "for real", and I'm supposed to take this sh!t seriously, but I've always had a soft place in my heart for characters like this who make a mockery of politics and politicians.
Apparently, Vermin Supreme ran with that "The Rent is Too Damn High" guy for President in 2016. That platform might actually catch on in absurdly expensive cities like SF, Seattle, LA, NYC, Boston, DC, etc. Said guy has now expanded his message to also include: "College Tuition is Too Damn High."

This isn't one lick more ridiculous than AOC.* While I'm not hearing much in the way of actual workable solutions being proposed, at least he's identified some real pocketbook problems that resonate with millions.

*not a Freudian slip
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President Biden would then pass a law that all Americans (legal and otherwise) must affirmatively purchase a ticket to all Clinton, Clinton & Weinstein Production films, which statute will be constitutional thanks to John Roberts.

Warren is a moron. They talk of all these things they are going to give for free by taxing the rich. Taxing the rich couldn't pay for one of the things they talk about much less all of them.

The only reason any of that resonates is that nobody in the media exposes ideas like Warren's to any real scrutiny. They'll let her and others talk about repealing the Trump tax cut or imposing some very small tax as being adequate to bankroll something huge like single payer healthcare and let that be taken seriously. In reality, it should be taken about as seriously as someone opening a lemonade stand in hopes of being able to buy a Learjet at the end of the summer. However, if nobody tells people how costly something actually is, they'll always be all for it.
She was also a conservative at one point. She didn't flip until the late '90s. An Arianna Huffington with more sanctimony.
And she apparently didn't teach Indian/Native American studies or claim to be a Cherokee either ... (maybe on her application though)
The only reason any of that resonates is that nobody in the media exposes ideas like Warren's to any real scrutiny.
For this reason alone, electing Republicans is always the best choice in terms of maintaining accountability of government officials. The MSM only does their job in challenging Republicans. Liberals know they can get away with a lot more so they push the envelope. I am still disgusted by the amount of corruption that Obama's administration got away with while the MSM looked the other way.
He pretty much just lasers right into her. Strong. He did not raise his voice. He did not change his tone. She looks nervous. I thought at one point she might reflexively reach down to lock her doors.

I would rather he would have confronted her on her statement, "I want to get rid of all this student debt" because what she really means by "get rid of" is to convert it to federal debt.
What is he a jackass about? He sounds really good on economics and willing to change some of the systems we have in the government.
What is he a jackass about? He sounds really good on economics and willing to change some of the systems we have in the government.

He is good on economics and on policy in general. He's a jackass of a human being just based on stuff I've heard from people who have worked with him both in government service and the private sector.
The student debt problem is two fold in my opinion:

1) as the federal government got involved in student loans, tuition skyrocketed as colleges took advantage. I blame the schools and federal government.

2) too often, students are borrowing money that makes little sense. I watched a town hall where a young woman in Pennsylvania was complaining about the $160,000 debt she had and she could not find a job. “The economy is not working for me” was her lament. I’m shocked there are no fashion design jobs available in rural PA.

My daughter is enrolled in three classes this summer that are online. No break in tuition. Nobody can convince me this is not robbery by the school.

The college education has become a scam of epic proportions for those not seeking a professionally licensed career.
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He is good on economics and on policy in general. He's a jackass of a human being just based on stuff I've heard from people who have worked with him both in government service and the private sector.

It seems to me that, these days, you have to be what you call a "jackass" to deal with the negative press and internal pushback you get when you try to change anything that interrupts the establishment. I believe you have used this word to describe Trump on several occasions, so you see my point.
It seems to me that, these days, you have to be what you call a "jackass" to deal with the negative press and internal pushback you get when you try to change anything that interrupts the establishment. I believe you have used this word to describe Trump on several occasions, so you see my point.

He's a different kind of jackass - not the kind you would like. He's a smooth, likable guy in public and generally quick to work with the other side. He's not socially liberal, but he wouldn't dig in on something culturally polarizing like abortion or immigration and go to war on it.

If he's like Trump, it's in his personal life, not his public life.
Deez, now I am really intrigued by Daniels. Not sure I understand how he is a jack ***. But he has been at the center of changing systems for a while now or controlling the government budget. So I can picture him having to be a jackass sometimes just to put up with all the other jackasses who don't want to change anything.
Hey theiioftx, what you are talking about it exactly what Mitch Daniels is reforming at Purdue. I wish him success, because if he is, then the type of payment system they are developing could be translatable to higher education in general, and many more systems we have in our society.
Deez, now I am really intrigued by Daniels. Not sure I understand how he is a jack ***. But he has been at the center of changing systems for a while now or controlling the government budget. So I can picture him having to be a jackass sometimes just to put up with all the other jackasses who don't want to change anything.

He is a jackass in his personal life. He's a competent official. I don't have a problem with his policy agenda.
Mitch Daniels used to work for my company before he left to work in DC.
He was very high up on the company ladder.
One night at a company function party, he asked me if I wanted to play naked beach volleyball with him. (we had played earlier in the day) My friends and I chalked it up to him being drunk.

Next morning, I see him and first thing he says is, "where were you last night? I waited on the court." I was super uncomfortable, and said something stupid about being tired.
He then asked, "what about tonight, then?"
Of course I passed on his offer. But he was also MARRIED at the time.
So, I vote, jack ***. He is, however incredibly smart about most things. He has those eyes that burn at you with intelligence.
If he's going to start being honest, then how long before Joe Biden comes out of the closet against the 1st Amendment, the 2nd Amendment, the 4th Amendment, the 5th Amendment and the electoral college? Indeed any part of the Constitution that restrains the left?

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