2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Meanwhile, Beto live streams himself getting a haircut while answering political questions. And this is the new "rebooted" campaign. You gotta wonder who is giving him advice.

Must be this guy from South Park:


I hear Beto and Towelie have gotten to know each other real well over the years, and still meet up occasionally...
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While he may be a more likable guy than Ted Cruz and plenty of other career politicians, I see Beto as a train that is already in the process of derailing and will soon end up a total train wreck. Nobody's going to want this guy for a VP.
a) I don't find the little twerp likeable at all.
b) He doesn't have anything more to offer than vacuous sloganeering, which admittedly worked for Obama, and almost worked in Texas when he had millions and millions of dollars pouring into his campaign from out of state interests, but won't work when the liberal machine is diluted across 24(?) candidates, all of whom have sloganeering skills of their own.
c) He can get middle aged housewives panties all moist, but again, that appeal is greatly diminished when he isn't getting blown by all of the national media 24/7.

In short, East and West coast libs blew their wad on him in hopes of upsetting a Senator from a state they have no business putting their money into, and his hopes of continuing to ride the money and free publicity gravy train are forlorn at best.
Meanwhile, Beto live streams himself getting a haircut while answering political questions.....

What kind of a barbershop was it?

How long b4 one of them periscopes from the toilet? Its kinda easy to visualize Faucahauntas sitting there trying to be all 'fake-folksy' while going.
Beto = textbook example of all style and no substance.

In this regard, he's almost the diametric opposite of some of the hard core policy wonks with little charisma the Dems used to trot out and unsuccessfully run--think Dukakis, Adlai Stevenson, Gore, Mondale, even Hillary.

Sorry Beto, a good chunk of the youngsters and the housewives may like you, but it takes more than that to compete on the big stage. IMHO, he's a fake Western movie storefront or a hollow manaquin. To put it as kindly as I can, he might not be among the smartest candidates in the field either. He can't or won't do a deep dive into the issues.

So Dem voters sometimes are left with the choice of a no-charisma policy nerd who belongs on a Sunday morning political tv show, or some dipsh!t who happens to look good on camera.
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Although the Democrat party has swung wildly to the left (if you believe what they say), they still don't want Commie Bernie as their candidate. They'd rather put up with Creepy Uncle Joe and all the baggage he has than Bernie. Too bad there doesn't seem to be a viable compromise.
Although the Democrat party has swung wildly to the left (if you believe what they say), they still don't want Commie Bernie as their candidate. They'd rather put up with Creepy Uncle Joe and all the baggage he has than Bernie. Too bad there doesn't seem to be a viable compromise.
The smart ones are staying out since it is a certain loss.

If Trump wins the popular vote (which is a big "if"), then Election Night coverage is going to be absolutely epic. "Trump sweeps electoral votes in New York, California, and NJ." People in those states may actually become suicidal if that happens.

If Trump wins the popular vote (which is a big "if"), then Election Night coverage is going to be absolutely epic. "Trump sweeps electoral votes in New York, California, and NJ." People in those states may actually become suicidal if that happens.

The compact only becomes effective if they reach 270 votes (which is highly unlikely to happen). Also, it's a BS compact. Most of the states that have signed on are deep blue. If a state had to break the compact to keep a Republican out of the White House, plenty of them would be willing to do it.

If Trump wins the popular vote (which is a big "if"), then Election Night coverage is going to be absolutely epic. "Trump sweeps electoral votes in New York, California, and NJ." People in those states may actually become suicidal if that happens.

From the article...
According to the National Popular Vote organization, which oversees efforts to persuade states to join the compact, 14 states and the District of Columbia have agreed to pledge their 189 electors to the winner of the national popular vote — regardless of which candidate won the state.

It becomes abundantly clear that the left has precisely ZERO issue with entirely disenfranchising conservative voters. If I am living in a State where a candidate wins the State but the electoral votes went to someone else, I would be beyond livid.

The one silver lining to this is that the left-tards won't be able to prevail in a civil war because everyone on the right will have been able to go and find the weapons cache that had previously been believed to have sunk to the bottom of a lake.
That sounds insane. Maybe I’m missing something here but sounds as though they are throwing away their votes potentially.
So let's think about this:

In 2016, Nevada went to Hillary Clinton by 539,260 votes to 512,058. In other words, from a pure popular vote standpoint, only 27,202 votes mattered in Nevada. (Not counting the 74,000 votes that went to Gary Johnson and random write-in votes.)That makes up about .9 percent of the vote differential in the national popular vote. Just the DIFFERENTIAL. Every single person in Nevada could stay home and not vote in 2020 and no one would notice.

They get 6 electoral votes out of a possible 531, which is 1.1 percent of the total. However it's 2.2 percent of the necessary 270 votes to win an election. Basically, them gifting their six electoral votes to this movement is the only sense in which Nevada is even remotely relevant to a presidential election, because at least now they KNOW that their electoral votes are going toward a specific outcome, namely to crown the winner of the popular vote.

So... bravo Nevada. You are now slightly less irrelevant to the process. Your best path to usefulness is to farm out your votes, then head over to Red Rock and put some money down on the outcome. Never mind that you've just given an object lesson in why we HAVE an electoral college to begin with...
Maybe the next white Democrat to announce should try a unique approach. He/she should say; "I'm white because my parents were white and I'm proud of myself, my family, and my race".
Warren is a moron. They talk of all these things they are going to give for free by taxing the rich. Taxing the rich couldn't pay for one of the things they talk about much less all of them.

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