2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

What is very surprising in this election was the amount more support President Trump had in Florida compared to 2016, yet, he supposedly lost the 3 Midwest states he won in 2016.

Main reason I was so confident that Trump was going to win the election was the dismal lead that the Democrats had in early voting in Florida. And Trump easily won Florida, by I believe 300k votes compared to 100 k in 2016.

Florida is a very good bellwether for the rest of the country - only time since at least the 70's where the winner there hasn't won it all was in the three way race in 92, when Bush won the state, but lost the election to Clinton.

Prior to election night, or next morning, or today, or however long it takes them to count the votes, if you'd asked a political consultant - Trump wins FLA by 300k - who wins the election, I wager about all of them would have said Trump. Both for the fact that Slow Joe would then need to win about every other swing state, as well as Florida being such a good indicator of the country.

Consider 2000 and 2004. Bush won Florida in 2000 by 537 votes. In 2004 he won it easily, won all the other states from 2000 plus two more (NM and IA), and won 50% of the overall vote.

Hard to believe that a similar increase in Florida votes 16 to 20 for Trump didn't result in a similar better result elsewhere for him.
Good choice Will and I suspected as much a week or so ago. Anyone with any sense of duty to the Country and Constitution, as you appear to have, imo, would not support packing the court along with other extremely radical Socialist positions. It is what is so let’s hope reason prevails.
All these inconsistencies and yet the claims “show me the evidence”. How in the heck do you honestly expect evidence without investigation? For me all those ballots where Biden would have to have been the only vote is enough for me to go hmmmm? I certainly accept that there might be some people who only vote on a Pres, although I find it strange, but thousands, millions? No, not a chance.

Assuming that is accurate is a stretch. @JoeFan has produced enough false claims to at least be skeptical.
Hard to believe Trump won FL, OH, and NC but lose PA. I still think Trump wins GA and AZ.

According to my theory, white professionals stayed with Trump in FL.
The standard plan is:

When Democrat behind - count every vote, every vote counts! Cheer when votes are being counted for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th time. No hurry on things, the integrity of the process is at stake. Process play out for however long it takes

When Republican behind - elections over, move on, nothing to see about 95% turnout in Philly, they just are really interested in politics!
This is a familiar pattern. Did Lindsay Graham and Mitch McConnell write the rules??
Bush had constant sniping during the first term of his administration - "appointed, not elected" was the refrain. It was only after the second election that stopped, then it was BushisHitler!

Don't change the facts and claim that somehow Gore is the model for conceding and acting with class in a close election. He did the opposite.
Good choice Will and I suspected as much a week or so ago. Anyone with any sense of duty to the Country and Constitution, as you appear to have, imo, would not support packing the court along with other extremely radical Socialist positions. It is what is so let’s hope reason prevails.
You are correct sir. I do not believe in packing the courts. I do not believe in socialism either but I do believe in compromise. Not one side of the political spectrum to me is all correct. I am a libertarian but i do lean conservative. I do feel that I look at things in a general perspective and I strongly feel that we will be ok. The run offs in GA in Jan will the telling sign. But in my honest opinion the Rs will keep both seats and we will have a split Congress. Having a split Congress is only good for the country as a whole right now. While many of you here do not like Biden, which is fine but I truly feel that he is not a left leaning socialist. He has always tried to be a centrist. And having a R Senate and a D House is just what Biden needs to govern as a centrist. He knows how to work with both parties. Please don't take this as a ringing endorsement of him. If it turns out that we have a D Congress than that is when Biden could fold to some too far left policies. But if we step back and take a deep breath we will all be ok. Too many people in this country make too much money to cave into socialist policies in the long run. Socialism takes money from all for the collective and rich people or even people like you and me don't want to give up our money for the collective. To me its a scare tactic just as communism was in the 50's-70's.
Mostly agree Will but I also fear that as long as there is a ‘squad’ with the power they seem to enjoy, the danger is real.
I'm not so sure they have "power". They have a mic that spews disinformation. Pelosi doesn't put up with their **** sometimes. They can say all they want about "influencing" the Biden administration. This is a perfect example of the MSM blowing up stories. The Biden administration will not let 1st and 2nd term congresswomen dictate his governance.
Uhh, that doesn't make any sense. Cocaine Mitch doesn't count multiple times for votes in the Senate. Poor analogy.
I meant having one rule for one party and one for another... like on confirming Supreme Court nominees with an election looming. It's also different in that the McConnell/Graham lying and hypocrisy is "real" and well documented ... while the votes counted repeatedly to this point are mere unsubstantiated allegations.
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The so-called "Biden Rule", named after Slow Joe himself, was in regards to when the Senate and Presidency were controlled by different parties, as they were in 1992, when Slow Joe said that a SC nominee would not be confirmed that year. The exact same philosophy was carried out in 2016, when the Presidency and Senate were controlled by different parties.

While this year, the same party controlled both bodies, so confirmation was all but assured, as it would have been say if an opening occurred in 2012.

This is but simple politics - the Senate is not going to confirm someone as important as a SC justice if there's an election next year, and the nominee is from another party. The solution, natch, is to control both bodies, as the Republicans have since 2017, and the Senate itself, since 2015.

These political games, with votes from elected officials on the record, can not be compared to say the Washington governor's race of 2004, where after 3 recounts, the Democrat finally found enough votes to win, and the race was ended. Or the 2008 Minnesota Senate race, where counting continued until a later disgraced Al "Grabby Hands to the Breasts of a Sleeping Veteran" Franken obtained a lead, then counting again, mysteriously, stopped.
...Gore is the model for conceding and acting with class in a close election. He did the opposite..

Oh come on man!
He "didn't even realize it was a Buddhist Temple."
But even if he did, there was "no controlling legal precedent."

Bush governed and he didn't have a fat, bleached blonde self proclaimed billionaire running all over the country trying to deligitimize his governing, like the last elected Democrat (before Biden) did.

Biden said 6 months ago or more he was bringing Beto with him to DC. What do you think his role will be in the administration, assuming the rigged election holds up.
It's ok...

1) Biden will try to raise taxes and millions of Americans will learn that the Democrats lied when they said only rich folk got a tax break. The only thing to stop it is a Republican majority in the Senate.
2) He will mandate masks-on when you leave the house.
3) The assault on the fossil fuel industry will be with a vengeance and you will learn what real lies look like after watching the debates.
4) He will use the executive order option more than any other President to date. And it will be ugly.
5) Kamala will commence the hatred on white people and the police in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...
6) The cancel culture will be emboldened. Think about that. The Democrats have successfully transferred the enforcement of free speech off the books as the Bill of Rights guarantees of freedom of speech pertain only to the government, not private citizens or Big Tech.

The acceptance of raw government power and abusive vile enforcement of the requirement of virtue signaling, sanctimony by private citizens (The Twitter Army) is what the Left considers taking back our country to mean.

It makes me want to vomit.
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Biden said 6 months ago or more he was bringing Beto with him to DC. What do you think his role will be in the administration, assuming the rigged election holds up.

Yes. Biden is a front. The civil, reasonable man. Behind that door which is being taken off the hinges is AOC and the crew, Beto and all the sick obsessives.
Biden said 6 months ago or more he was bringing Beto with him to DC. What do you think his role will be in the administration, assuming the rigged election holds up.

Beta's role will be collecting a government paycheck, making a few public appearances, and not much else. If Democrats had done much better on election day, then he might have had a bigger role. However, as things stand, Democrats will have a very thin majority in the House and won't control the Senate. Even if they take both Georgia seats (very unlikely) and flip the chamber, you won't have an anti-gun majority in either house.

At most, he could be the Van Jones of the Biden Administration - a loud mouth who amps up the base but has little to no real clout. But he's a lot dumber than Jones, so I doubt he will even be that.
Beta's role will be collecting a government paycheck, making a few public appearances, and not much else.....

Before Beto (BB), I didn't even know what a furry is.
Still not sure I do. But at least we have more of that to look forward to.

I wonder if the poor abused dog survived?
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Bush governed and he didn't have a fat, bleached blonde self proclaimed billionaire running all over the country trying to deligitimize his governing, like the last elected Democrat (before Biden) did.

I remember after the death of Reagan how weird it was for all you good people who violently hated Reagan for a decade or more suddenly came out of the woodwork to praise him.
Similarly with Bush now, you guys who spent years trashing everything about W and his family now suddenly think he was a great president.
Your "evolved view" of Trump 10 years from now will be funny then too.
This is the sort of spectacle that will always occur to people who are not grounded by principle. (and, just for the record, hate is not a principle).

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