2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

I take no comfort in Biden; I actually fear he's going to drop a blanket on the whole thing because that's what Liberals do.

As far as asymptomatics go; you're right. Who knows who had it or who didn't.

I have done all the things you have done and wore a mask and social distanced. I saw people ignoring the protocols and it annoyed me.

But Trump never entered my mind. Never.

I'm sorry about your partner/roommate having COPD. I'm sure that's a tough thing to deal with and COVID probably caused many sleepless moments.
I appreciate your comments. Really I do. I have many issues with Trump, but the biggest one is his comments about masks. To me that is totally irresponsible. I believe he has failed us as a leader. I remember back in March he said we were in a war and was the the CinC. But, in reality, he wasn't. I don't want to shut down the economy. I want everyone to wear a mask, practice social distancing, wash your hands, use sanitizer, etc. We should work together as a nation to beat the virus but it has become politized and now we have over 100,000 new cases for the third (or fourth) straight day. To me, watching the Trump rallies where most people did not wear a mask vs. the celebrations today where most people did wear a mask says a lot. We are all Americans and we should all look out for each other. While I do consider myself a Democrat, I am not liberal. I wish AOC had lost. I don't want Pelosi to be the Speaker of the House, I don't want to open the borders, I don't want medicare for all. However, I believe with all my heart and brain, that Trump has been bad for our country. Most of you on this site disagree with that, but that is OK. I hate to admit it, but when Biden was declared the winner today, I cried of happiness. Such a relief. I know most of you don't agree or even understand that, but you saw the celebrations today, so you know I am not the only one that feels that way.
I hate to admit it, but when Biden was declared the winner today, I cried of happiness.
Uh...okay. Are you a female or one who identifies as such?
Such a relief. I know most of you don't agree or even understand that, but you saw the celebrations today, so you know I am not the only one that feels that way.
Not surprising at all. The leftist hatred for Trump has been readily apparent for four years. Blind, all consuming hatred.
Biden did not promise to shut down the US. ..

Joe said a lot of things - no one knows what the hell he ever means about anything, especially him.
He said he would lock it down but that he would not lock it down
That he would ban fracking but not ban fracking
That he was for the Green New Deal but against the Green New Deal
That banning travel from China was racist and xenophobic but that he would have done it sooner
That was for a complete travel ban to fight covid but for Open Borders at all times.
That Jacob Blake should be charged right away but that he should not be.
That he and Obama had authorization for the use of force in Syria but Trump did not.
That he's a practicing Catholic but that he is pro abortion.
That he knew Tara Reid but that he never heard of her.
Uh...okay. Are you a female or one who identifies as such?
Not surprising at all. The leftist hatred for Trump has been readily apparent for four years. Blind, all consuming hatred.
Just like trump you use insults when someone disagrees with you. Pathetic. I hate trump for many reasons and have for a long time. I don't like bullies, liars, racists, etc. I am not leftist and care about someone's character which trump has none. My opinion. Now I am going to get a Popeye's spicy chicken sandwich and then watch the Clemson/ND game. Not as important as a Biden victory, but probably good entertainment. btw, nice win for the horns today.
Just like trump you use insults when someone disagrees with you. Pathetic. I hate trump for many reasons and have for a long time. I don't like bullies, liars, racists, etc. I am not leftist and care about someone's character which trump has none. My opinion. Now I am going to get a Popeye's spicy chicken sandwich and then watch the Clemson/ND game. Not as important as a Biden victory, but probably good entertainment. btw, nice win for the horns today.
You considered that an insult? I thought I was being all woke and such, asking you how you self-identified. If I sought to insult, I would have just called you a, well you know. Enjoy your chicken sandwich. The heartburn from which will probably last longer than old Joe's presidency.
Biden has such great character. The sniffing, kissing, and fondling of women and little girl aside, how about the multiple pokes of the reporter who pissed off Sleepy? What about the fat shaming of a man at a town hall, calling him and others liars, and challenging people to push up contests?

And don't forget this doozy.

Yeah, nothing racist there.

He's a POS and so is anyone who voted for him.
Let me make it clear for everyone:

  • Joe Biden is a jerk, but gets along with all the self-interested grifters in DC.
  • Trump is a jerk, but wants to fire all the self-interested grifters in DC.

Who do you think is welcomed in DC and not be sold out? Why did it take 47 years for the truth about Biden to be published?

How many days before Biden starts selling out the US for personal gain as well as the grifters in DC?
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I LOL every time I hear a Dem spew some feces along the lines of "it's time to heal the country, our opponents are not our enemies". Where has that been for the past four years? Trump has shown a bright light on all the cockroaches in DC, big tech and in the MSM.
Let me make it clear for everyone:

Joe Biden is a jerk, but gets along with all the self-interested grifters in DC.
Trump is a jerk, but wants to fire all the self-interested grifters in DC.

Who do you think is welcomed in DC and not be sold out? Why did it take 47 years for the truth about Biden to be published?

How many days before Biden starts selling out the US for personal gain as well as the grifters in DC?
Yeah. That, and rigging the election....
Will someone please give us any evidence of a rigged election or widespread fraud. Anyone?
I get it...

Another quote, "A man is as faithful as his options."

You mentioned being possibly sucked in by the party on the Clinton thing. I was not offended by his having an affair. Monica was available. That was her allure. She made it easy for him. His marriage was probably not exactly the best (understatement of the day) and not just because it was Hillary. They were both highly ambitious and didn't exactly have time for one another. So he went below the hard deck, there was no danger and he took the shot. (Top Gun).

My feeling was this: He was reckless. He signed up to manage the country. Stop f'ing around. What if Hillary filed for a divorce. The country would have had that circus to deal with.

My other feeling on this was that the Republican's knew he was lying about a lot of things, but he was Slick Willy and confounded them by always landing on his feet. Finally they found something and they pounced on it. They were infuriated by him. Not necessarily the affair but everything else.
I will go further. I think his Willy helped lead to an Al qida build up. He had the right chasing him and had him cornered where any military act by him would lead to "wag the dog" cries. He put our country in harms way.
It smells fishy that mail in votes are overwhelmingly for Biden nationwide. Aren’t there any Republicans who voted mail in? Why doesn’t the mail in vote reflect the in person percentage of Rs and Ds ?
Trump was critical of mail votes and told.his people to vote.in person.
My take is that Kamala was political payback for black support and identity politics.

Pence has the same political philosophy as Trump. He only lacks the intoxicating blunt talk personality.
That's a load of crap. pence was a hat tip to the evangelicals.
I LOL every time I hear a Dem spew some feces along the lines of "it's time to heal the country, our opponents are not our enemies". Where has that been for the past four years? Trump has shown a bright light on all the cockroaches in DC, big tech and in the MSM.
I seem to remember references to **** your feelings and relishing in liberal tears.

So, respectfully, shut up. Fly your truck flag at half mast and keep on calling the VP elect a ho. Jeez.
I seem to remember references to **** your feelings and relishing in liberal tears.

So, respectfully, shut up. Fly your truck flag at half mast and keep on calling the VP elect a ho. Jeez.
References from me? I don't believe so. As such, respectfully, GFY.
Is telling someone here to respectfully shut up okay? Is that like, with all due respect, go **** yourself?

Libtards are back in force all of the sudden around here. Emboldened little douchecanoes.
My guess Biden and Dems quietly accept 80% of Trump’s policies and continue to rag on character to keep their voters brainwashed. As counterpoint, if they signed some sort of deal with China and we lose jobs again, it’s over. They can’t brainwash enough to remove that stain. Thus, they will adopt Trump’s policies without admitting it.
Like Schiff said "it's there for anyone who wants to see it".

I stayed up all election night. Not believable. Facts will come out.
Totally believable....in person vote vs. mail in vote. Different states count one first or the other. On election night it looked good for dems in Ohio and NC b/c they started with mail in votes. Then it all turned rep when election day votes came. Exact opposite happened in Wis, Mich and Penn. Let us know when you find proof of fraud. We are waiting....chirp chirp chirp
I cried of happiness.

My observation of Democrat voters on social media today is that they are guilty of idol worship. They worship Cultural Marxism and believe, just maybe, that they will be absolved for their sins because they participated in removing Trump from office.

In reality, they just followed Deep State sponsored propaganda.

I have read things like now America can get back to being kind. How is America kind if white supremacy is everywhere? Cultural Marxists have been preaching for years that EVERY white person is guilty of white supremacy and must give power over to POCs. We can't even sing the Eyes of Texas without harming nonwhites.

Now Biden waits to become the most powerful white supremacist in the world in January. Everyone who voted for him will just be guilty of putting yet another old white guy in power over POCs. How is this kindness or social justice or whatever?

Or was this all just a lie trying to get the Deep State back in power? Hm.
The brainwashed are going to get red-pilled when they realize the crappy sandwich they just purchased (pun intended). They didn’t think too far past voting out Trump.

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