2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Biden only announced that he would only pick a Black woman as his running mate in July. Only one month before he picked Harris. Not earlier. You can search for this yourself.

Biden says he is considering four Black women to be his running mate - CNNPolitics


Trump also picked Pence in July.

Donald Trump chooses Mike Pence as his running mate

Donald Trump selects Mike Pence as VP - CNNPolitics

I don't see how Trump let his options open longer than Biden. They picked a VP to play to their less centric base in the same time frame.

Biden talked about picking a woman and possibly even a Black woman loooooong before July....... I know for sure he talked about it during the primary debates and he discussed it in interviews even before that.
The same people who voted for Biden because he promised to shut the US down to "stop the virus from spreading" are out on the streets celebrating in the thousands. It's the same people
Biden did not promise to shut down the US. He said he would listen to the experts. At least the people celebrating are mostly wearing masks unlike the Republican rallies. The guidance is use a mask or social distance. You don't have to do both. Especially when you are outside. i heard that from Trump.
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He needed a female person of color. She was most qualified and gave hom the best chance to win. Do you think Pence did anything other than solidify Trump's cred with the White Evangelical base?

I'm saying Kamala represented the extreme; Pence is exactly Trump on policy without the moral failings.
Biden did not promise to shut down the US. He said he would listen to the experts. At least the people celebrating are mostly wearing masks unlike the Republican rallies. The guidance is use a mask or social distance. You don't have to do both.

First of all it is a myth that Biden would have saved more lives. A political myth. And it's easy to say with hindsight knowledge. Second, the guidance to wear a mask and distance has been common knowledge for months. I postponed a trip for my own wedding on March 13th of this year. It was a very difficult thing to do and we were very aware of what was happening and made the right choice. All the information was available. Third, to listen to the experts is to listen to doctors that have no accountability for the destruction of the economy.

The pretense of that Democrats would have done better is the same as their sudden hysteria over Trump's immigration policy when we heard nary a peep when Obama deported over 3 million illegal aliens.

What we do know is that hypocrisy and sanctimony is a sickening reality.
First of all it is a myth that Biden would have saved more lives. A political myth. And it's easy to say with hindsight knowledge. Second, the guidance to wear a mask and distance has been common knowledge for months. I postponed a trip for my own wedding on March 13th of this year. It was a very difficult thing to do and we were very aware of what was happening and made the right choice. All the information was available. Third, to listen to the experts is to listen to doctors that have no accountability for the destruction of the economy.

The pretense of that Democrats would have done better is the same as their sudden hysteria over Trump's immigration policy when we heard nary a peep when Obama deported over 3 million illegal aliens.

What we do know is that hypocrisy and sanctimony is a sickening reality.

The thought that it was unavoidable for the US to lead the world in Covid total deaths (worst ratio among industrialized nations) is why Trump lost. It was a failure in leadership in every sense other than a single February decision. If you think it was unavoidable then you have a much darker vision of the potential of the USA than the left.
Well SH one man’s extreme is another man’s normal, right? I do not view Pence as extreme but murder at any time of pregnancy I do. Open bathrooms, to me is extreme, but to some not so much. It’s a crazy world we live in, but to some even thinking that I’m extreme.
That's your perspective, right? I think Pence is pretty extreme in his anti-LGBQ and women's choice stances. Regardless, he solidified Trump's RIGHT for the base.

You equate grabbing a woman by the p*ussy to the belief that that homosexuality is a sin? You do realize that quite a few Biden voters (and virtually all the illegal alien males that the Left loves so much) are homophobes right?

The black church was EXTREMELY uncomfortable with Obama's outreach to the LGBQ community. If you don't know that you should look it up because the church is huge in the black community. But racism puts them on the side of the Left.

Pence is a good man. He is not an extremist. Kamala is a hater.
The thought that it was unavoidable for the US to lead the world in Covid total deaths (worst ratio among industrialized nations) is why Trump lost. It was a failure in leadership in every sense other than a single February decision. If you think it was unavoidable then you have a much darker vision of the potential of the USA than the left.
Yes, the covid disaster in our country is completely Trump's fault. The Woodward interview was 2/07/20 where he admitted how dangerous covid was. You have all heard that line. All he had to do was ask makers of PPE, ventilators, sanitizers, etc to ramp up production. Once experts realized that many people that were asymptomatic could stop the spread by wearing a mask, he rejected that. He caused our current unbelievable outbreak of cases. All on Trump and the republicans that have allowed him to do and say what he wants with no checks and balances. A disgrace to this country. Good riddance to Trump.
The thought that it was unavoidable for the US to lead the world in Covid total deaths (worst ratio among industrialized nations) is why Trump lost. It was a failure in leadership in every sense other than a single February decision. If you think it was unavoidable then you have a much darker vision of the potential of the USA than the left.

That's simply untrue. I live in the same country as you and made very hard decisions about this. I never got it. My kids never got it. My entire wife's family never got it. We're normal people. We don't live politically and go on boards pretending the liar from the left would have saved us. I don't know why you do.

I would rather that the states and local communities make the decisions. And they did. El Paso and Laredo had curfews and the like. You know why they still have problems? IT'S BECAUSE OF THEIR CULTURE. Those counties voted for Biden in the majority. I know what they did; they continued to behave as they always do, pandemic or no pandemic. There is nothing Trump said or did that affected them because why? Those people don't care. That's who they are.
Well SH one man’s extreme is another man’s normal, right? I do not view Pence as extreme but murder at any time of pregnancy I do. Open bathrooms, to me is extreme, but to some not so much. It’s a crazy world we live in, but to some even thinking that I’m extreme.

I agree 100%. That's my point. @bystander didn't consider Pence extreme because he shares his views.

Addressing the point that Pence's politics matched Trump. That's not true unless you believe that Trump did 180's on abortion, religion and other social issues. Of course he claimed a shift because he was a running as a Reblican. It was the addition of Pence that gave him credibility. Remember, this was a guy in 2016 that couldn't say his favorite bible verse or even favorite book. Remember Two Corinthians? He doesn't have a religious bone in his body thus needed someone who has strong religious convictions.

Pence joining Trump was no different than Kamala joining Biden.
The thought that it was unavoidable for the US to lead the world in Covid total deaths (worst ratio among industrialized nations) is why Trump lost. It was a failure in leadership in every sense other than a single February decision. If you think it was unavoidable then you have a much darker vision of the potential of the USA than the left.
IMO this is nothing more than a Dem talking point. Is Covid over? If not, then as the virus runs its course, it's quite likely the rest of the world will equal or surpass the US in mortality ratio. The response methodology of intermittent lock down is doing nothing but kicking the can down the road, of course with the added impact of economic destruction.
Yes, the covid disaster in our country is completely Trump's fault. The Woodward interview was 2/07/20 where he admitted how dangerous covid was. You have all heard that line. All he had to do was ask makers of PPE, ventilators, sanitizers, etc to ramp up production. Once experts realized that many people that were asymptomatic could stop the spread by wearing a mask, he rejected that. He caused our current unbelievable outbreak of cases. All on Trump and the republicans that have allowed him to do and say what he wants with no checks and balances. A disgrace to this country. Good riddance to Trump.

This is hysterical to me. The private sector responds to shortages. People make millions on stock when they see the demand coming. Everyone knew what we needed. The idea that nobody produced more of the things you listed because Trump didn't ask them to is a politically driven thought process.

Fact check: Does New York have a stockpile of unneeded ventilators?

"On Friday, President Donald Trump tweeted, “Thousand of Federal Government (delivered) Ventilators found in New York storage. N.Y. must distribute NOW!”

Gov. Andrew Cuomo responded to the claim that day, saying, “Yes, they’re in a stockpile because that’s where the supposed to be because we don’t need them yet. We need them for the apex.”

This article was written April 7th. Can you make the connection to what you're trying to say?
That's simply untrue. I live in the same country as you and made very hard decisions about this. I never got it. My kids never got it. My entire wife's family never got it. We're normal people. We don't live politically and go on boards pretending the liar from the left would have saved us. I don't know why you do.

I would rather that the states and local communities make the decisions. And they did. El Paso and Laredo had curfews and the like. You know why they still have problems? IT'S BECAUSE OF THEIR CULTURE. Those counties voted for Biden in the majority. I know what they did; they continued to behave as they always do, pandemic or no pandemic. There is nothing Trump said or did that affected them because why? Those people don't care. That's who they are.

You don't think Trump has any influence over his base? You go to great lengths to whitewash his behavior.

If this is 100% based on American culture than we have a toxic one. I'll look forward to a better model in the White House come 1/20/21. You have to start somewhere.
I agree 100%. That's my point. @bystander didn't consider Pence extreme because he shares his views.

Addressing the point that Pence's politics matched Trump. That's not true unless you believe that Trump did 180's on abortion, religion and other social issues. Of course he claimed a shift because he was a running as a Reblican. It was the addition of Pence that gave him credibility. Remember, this was a guy in 2016 that couldn't say his favorite bible verse or even favorite book. Remember Two Corinthians? He doesn't have a religious bone in his body thus needed someone who has strong religious convictions.

Pence joining Trump was no different than Kamala joining Biden.

You're wrong about my views. I'm fully supportive of gay rights. COMPLETELY. That's why I'm a Democrat. I've stated that many times. But I hate Liberal extremists. Seriously. I do. And Pence shares the same views as hundreds of thousands of black and latino Democrats. If you don't know that then you need to move on from this conversation because you're dead wrong about Pence and homophobia being a right-wing problem.

You just have no idea.
That's simply untrue. I live in the same country as you and made very hard decisions about this. I never got it. My kids never got it. My entire wife's family never got it. We're normal people. We don't live politically and go on boards pretending the liar from the left would have saved us. I don't know why you do.

I would rather that the states and local communities make the decisions. And they did. El Paso and Laredo had curfews and the like. You know why they still have problems? IT'S BECAUSE OF THEIR CULTURE. Those counties voted for Biden in the majority. I know what they did; they continued to behave as they always do, pandemic or no pandemic. There is nothing Trump said or did that affected them because why? Those people don't care. That's who they are.
You can't say that you or your family never had covid as you could be one of the many people with no symptoms. I don't think I have it, but who knows. I don't live in a cocoon, I go to work, go to HEB, go to Specs, go to Sams, Home Depot, etc. But I wear a mask, wash my hands, have sanitizer in the car and will not go to a restaurant or bar. I live with a person with COPD, so I can't get the virus. The fact that we will have a President that realizes the dangers of Covid and will do everything in his power to help us is a great relief.
You don't think Trump has any influence over his base? You go to great lengths to whitewash his behavior.

You think I'm part of his base. His comments meant nothing to me. From Feb until today I've spent my time in Austin, Port Aransas, Matagorda, South Padre Island, San Marco, San Antonio and Laredo. ALL of them had the power to save their own people. All of them publicized their protocols constantly.

Only an idiot on the right would blame Trump. Only a Liberal would blame Trump.

You take what politicians say at face value which is amazing to me because I think you're way smarter than that. You actually believe in Biden. It's stunning to me.
You're wrong about my views. I'm fully supportive of gay rights. COMPLETELY. That's why I'm a Democrat. I've stated that many times. But I hate Liberal extremists. Seriously. I do. And Pence shares the same views as hundreds of thousands of black and latino Democrats. If you don't know that then you need to move on from this conversation because you're dead wrong about Pence and homophobia being a right-wing problem.

You just have no idea.

You and Pence share the same views on homosexualty? Is that the claim? Careful here because he has a long and documented Anti-LGBQ history as a Senator and Governor. I'm not sure you want to wear that yoke.
You can't say that you or your family never had covid as you could be one of the many people with no symptoms. I don't think I have it, but who knows. I don't live in a cocoon, I go to work, go to HEB, go to Specs, go to Sams, Home Depot, etc. But I wear a mask, wash my hands, have sanitizer in the car and will not go to a restaurant or bar. I live with a person with COPD, so I can't get the virus. The fact that we will have a President that realizes the dangers of Covid and will do everything in his power to help us is a great relief.

I take no comfort in Biden; I actually fear he's going to drop a blanket on the whole thing because that's what Liberals do.

As far as asymptomatics go; you're right. Who knows who had it or who didn't.

I have done all the things you have done and wore a mask and social distanced. I saw people ignoring the protocols and it annoyed me.

But Trump never entered my mind. Never.

I'm sorry about your partner/roommate having COPD. I'm sure that's a tough thing to deal with and COVID probably caused many sleepless moments.
You and Pence share the same views on homosexualty? Is that the claim?

Ha... you really don't get what I'm saying.

No. I do not share his views. I'm a Democrat. I'm saying the black and latino community have a big dark political secret: homophobia is rampant. But you are displaying a stubborn blind spot. And because of what I'm saying, Pence is more mainstream about homosexuality than you realize.

I know for a fact that Black Christians believe in the Bible just as Catholic Latino's do.

I'm dealing in very real reality. You are thinking politically.
I take no comfort in Biden; I actually fear he's going to drop a blanket on the whole thing because that's what Liberals do.

As far as asymptomatics go; you're right. Who knows who had it or who didn't.

I have done all the things you have done and wore a mask and social distanced. I saw people ignoring the protocols and it annoyed me.

But Trump never entered my mind. Never.

I'm sorry about your partner/roommate having COPD. I'm sure that's a tough thing to deal with and COVID probably caused many sleepless moments.

So a POTUS' statements and decisions are inconsequential? They have no influence on behavior? Reagan's "shining city on the hill" meant nothing nor had any influence on the mood/behavior of Americans?
Ha... you really don't get what I'm saying.

No. I do not share his views. I'm a Democrat. I'm saying the black and latino community have a big dark political secret: homophobia is rampant. But you are displaying a stubborn blind spot. And because of what I'm saying, Pence is more mainstream about homosexuality than you realize.

I know for a fact that Black Christians believe in the Bible just as Catholic Latino's do.

I'm dealing in very real reality. You are thinking politically.

So you don't consider it extreme which is debatable. Do you think Trump shares those views? I'd wager my life savings that he could care less about homosexuals and likely sees gay males as a positive because it increases the pool of women to prey on.
This is a fact based forum so no one gives a **** what you think. By the way, could care less means Trump cares greatly.

Edit: "You" here is the general "you". As in, no one here cares what other people think It was established that West Mall is for facts backed up by evidence only.
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If it wasn't for the governors' incompetence in the northeast(particularly NY) our Covid numbers would have been much lower. Our strains in the US (except the West Coast) come from NY because they didn't take it seriously. On top of that many of the governors there started putting Covid patients in nursing homes. Leftist stupidity in the NE had more to do with Covid than anybody else. Despite their incompetence our Covid deaths per million is comparable to many of the nations in Europe. To blame this on Trump makes you look foolish.

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