OK, let's talk about what to watch for tomorrow, with the given the the media is going to be crooked as usual, and unlike in 16, they know Trump can win.
Maine and NH are good indicators early. Trump won the upstate district last time, and needs to do so again, both as a sign that his rural base is powering the vote, and in case it gets to a squeaker election where that 1 EV may make the difference.
He doesn't need NH, and probably won't win it, but it should be competitive. It was very close in 16 (2k votes), and was close in 04 as well. A blowout here brings less confidence in other areas.
PA of course, but it won't be called for Trump except in a huge, huge blowout, and probably not even then. Wasn't called until midnight or so last time, and there's all the vote by mail fraud aspect this time.
Which brings up another point - expect early calls for Slow Joe, and never calls for Trump, in an attempt to depress Trump turnout in other areas. Even Twitter and Facebook posts will be censored, from those actually crunching numbers, as they will not be considered among the anointed experts, blessed by the media. They may have to use code words, like in any other 3rd world dictatorship, to get the word out. "Florida lives in a red house", so to speak.
FLA should come in quick, and it's not corrupt like PA or MI, and it should be a crushing defeat for Slow Joe. The media will try to avoid calling it, but unless there's dramatic support for Slow Joe by registered R's, it's going to be a 3-4 point win for President Trump.
Now conversely, if there's honest data about FLA being close, or a Biden lead, it's bad news for Trump - he doesn't mathematically need FLA EV's, but it's a great indicator of the country, and hard to see the Midwest states going Trump if Florida does not.
In the scenario that Florida is called, expect some dry throats among the media swine - there's an awesome clip when Andrea Mitchel had to report Florida going to Trump in 16. But they'll all get the order in their earpiece to stop crying and put on a happy face, suddenly discounting Florida (it's his home state, was always a stretch for Biden, not needed, etc).
GA should come next - various leftist fantasies have it going for Slow Joe. Hard to see that when it didn't for Obama, but then Obama didn't have the 15 point lead that the fixed polls claim Biden has. Should be an easy win for Trump - as in Florida if it's really not (and based on right leaning analysts, not some talking head looking at early returns and making a guess), then it does mean that a large amount of R's have turned against Trump, despite no evidence of that.
Then the Midwest. Those states will be close, and I don't mean Ohio and Iowa which should be easy wins. I mean PA - MI - WI - and MN. Lots of vote by mail fraud aspects here, ballots can come in about 3-1/2 years after the election, etc. so these won't be called by the media for days. The contest then will shift to if the Democrats can fabricate enough votes in that period to overcome Trump's lead. They can't cheat if it's not close, as is said, so the lead at the end of election night will be key.
A Biden win would be called in about 1.2 seconds after random chicken bones predict it - a Trump win will take days if not weeks to be called.
Best thing to do is to vote, get others to vote if they have a brain too, then not watch anything for a few days. It'll all be dis-information ops to make it look like Slow Joe has a chance via mail fraud ballots.