2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Correction. He railed on Fox News, but saying he likes her is akin to posts on message boards that begin with, "With all due respect" or the like. In other words, you are full of crap, but I will make it sound really nice when I tell you so.

I really like Harris. She's extremely fair but I'm not surprised about the Fox News polling.
This is true and I have stated it before. Biden can lose at +4 nationally. I think the national vote will be close only because Trump has enthusiastic supporters in CA and NY.

Democrats attacked the office of fellow Democrat Connor Lamb in PA

Hard to believe TX and IA are that close.
Easier to understand when you think of how much of the State outside of Bexar, Dallas, Harris, Tarrant and Travis probably never gets polled...or, more appropriately, never answers the unknown numbers those idiots like to call from.
Apparently the Nevada update did not go as well as hoped
But this is Ralston (Dem guy) on the rural vote

"First, Republicans are up in the rurals by 30,000 ballots and nearly 28 percentage points with about half the vote in. Trump won rural Nevada by nearly 58,000 votes in 2016. I have said it could be as much as 70,000 this cycle. I may have underestimated it."

But I dont know if there is enough here to overcome Clark County where they seem to be finding votes
The unknown with Clark County is all the people who Sisolak displaced with the shutdowns. Many of those casino and bar employees have left the area...where they went is a subject of many discussions.
She usually is, but she didn't overrule the cutting off of Gingrich recently when he spoke facts of George Soros. Overall, I agree, however.

That's true. Even on Fox they don't always go as far as they should. None of them except maybe Tucker has even acknowledged the child porn allegations on his hard drive.
The Bloomberg side of the Dem Party (the storm troopers) have been spending money on "focus groups" about how to handle a Trump win. One of the things they are doing is testing newspaper headlines and bylines to get readers to not believe the results. They are actually writing the headlines now for use later in the week.
If the vote count at the end if the night is so huge in Trump's favor can Dems manufacture enough votes to overcome a really big lead?
That may be wishful thinking on my part.
It will let them know just how large of a suicide drive Clinton needs to orchestrate in the States where the dead still vote early and often.
Easier to understand when you think of how much of the State outside of Bexar, Dallas, Harris, Tarrant and Travis probably never gets polled...or, more appropriately, never answers the unknown numbers those idiots like to call from.
The upper limit is 14 pts (57-43) and the lower limit is likely 7 points (53-46). Again, it appears most polling this year is off by 7 points. So, Trump ahead by 1-2 points in Texas as seen in the polls makes sense.
Agree. People in here make fun of the rappers and other black celebs who say something positive about Trump. But it makes a difference. It's giving folks cover to cross over. And this is just the beginning. It will be up to whomever comes after Trump to follow through and make these fissures permanent cracks.

One more thing on the Bus Tragedy. Secret Service were there. If this was really putting those clowns on the bus, the Dems, not the Secret Service, they would have taken action.

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