2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

This entire election will primarily come down to R-voter turnout on election day
It becomes a math equation
Actual numbers have to match projected numbers
If they do, then Trump wins.
But if a big chunk of them already early voted, then it will be an issue.

IMO, the other interesting areas to watch will be --
(a) The cross-overs. How many registered Dems voted for Trump. How much inroad did Trump actually make into the black and hispanic communities. Right now, all models assume less than 10% cross-over. But it's going to be higher than that. By how much? If Trump gets 15-20% of the black vote, this will be huge. Was this a permanent change? Can future Rs hold onto the opportunity Trump has created?
(b) The NPAs. Where did the non-affiliated vote go? All election prediction models assume this vote breaks 50/50. But that's not going to be correct this election either.
(c) What will the much talked about youth vote turn out to be? I am willing to bet they underperform expectations this election. No waves of college kids herded in groups across campus and forced to vote at the main building. Plus, I just find it close to impossible that Joe Biden could excite young people.
This state is actually within reach for Trump
The youth vote is underperforming
The black vote is underperforming + Trump is getting a % of that turnout
The rural white vote is overperforming, especially the non-college, white, 50+ years demographic
Add it all up and Trump is within range
Why would the BLM try to stop black people from voting?...

BC people like Clyburn and Waters are desperate over election day turnout. They got a bunch of worried phone calls. "Do something!", "That's what we are paying you for!"
But what could they do? This is the best their brainstorming could come up with
IMO, the other interesting areas to watch will be --
(a) The cross-overs. How many registered Dems voted for Trump. How much inroad did Trump actually make into the black and hispanic communities. Right now, all models assume less than 10% cross-over. But it's going to be higher than that. By how much? If Trump gets 15-20% of the black vote, this will be huge. Was this a permanent change? Can future Rs hold onto the opportunity Trump has created?....

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I find the whole voter suppression discussion silly and a subversion of the republic. I’m amazed how many people are helpless to get an ID, register or get to the polls. It is just a Democrat talking point to explain why they lose versus running respectable candidates.
I find the whole voter suppression discussion silly and a subversion of the republic. I’m amazed how many people are helpless to get an ID, register or get to the polls. It is just a Democrat talking point to explain why they lose versus running respectable candidates.

No matter your politics, this speech is damn amazing... I think I queued it up to the point:

Bothering to register and bothering to vote.

Rocks just laying around.

Let's be honest. Everybody is sweating. You don't let on, but your taint is sweating so much you can't walk straight.
Not really. Repeat of 2016 plus or minus 3 states. Trump has to lose 3 states to lose reelection. We’ll have a good idea in 12 hours.
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Let's be honest. Everybody is sweating. You don't let on, but your taint is sweating so much you can't walk straight.
This is exactly where I thought we would be at this point. What i didn’t expect was the media to cover it up until the last weekend. Trump should have been portrayed as competitive based on polling since Labor Day.
This state is actually within reach for Trump
The youth vote is underperforming
The black vote is underperforming + Trump is getting a % of that turnout
The rural white vote is overperforming, especially the non-college, white, 50+ years demographic
Add it all up and Trump is within range
Likely 1-2% short in my opinion but would be very embarrassing for Dems to lose VA.
I find the whole voter suppression discussion silly and a subversion of the republic. I’m amazed how many people are helpless to get an ID, register or get to the polls. It is just a Democrat talking point to explain why they lose versus running respectable candidates.
The myth will die today when Trump wins states that have high turnout, like Texas.
Rs +17 in Palm Beach
Rs -4 in Broward (which is a victory of sorts)
R EV in Pinellas Co is up almost 3-to-1 (Obama carried this county in 2012)

Here is a great county by county map Florida early voting statistics

Overall, the D lead going in was ~100k and is now closer to 20k

edit - now ~5k
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Apparently FL and AZ have real time accounting of voting by registration. If this is very positive before 6 pm CDT, watch Dems meltdown. If Trump wins FL and AZ, then Trump likely wins GA, NC, OH, etc and be 1 state away from reelection
I voted today in the sleepy town of Nolanville and it usually takes 5-10 minutes to vote on election day there. It took me an hour this time with a huge line. I asked one of the volunteers if she ever saw it this way before. She says she hasn't and said it's going to be a great day for this country. What a cool lady. :thumbup:
Most interesting thing to me in this whole shebang: liberals dumping scorn on Trump’s base of white males without college degrees. That used to be the Democratic Party’s base and reason for existence

now how do you explain that turnabout?
BC people like Clyburn and Waters are desperate over election day turnout. They got a bunch of worried phone calls. "Do something!", "That's what we are paying you for!"
But what could they do? This is the best their brainstorming could come up with

They going all out in PA

There are reasons two people can be in a voting booth but they have to be ok'd by the election judge on site.
Each polling place can have poll watchers of both parties. It looks like Philly has already denied GOP authorized watchers. I hope they complained and followed through
Most interesting thing to me in this whole shebang: liberals dumping scorn on Trump’s base of white males without college degrees. That used to be the Democratic Party’s base and reason for existence

now how do you explain that turnabout?

They've been replaced by white males with college degrees and man-buns.
Most interesting thing to me in this whole shebang: liberals dumping scorn on Trump’s base of white males without college degrees. That used to be the Democratic Party’s base and reason for existence

now how do you explain that turnabout?

It's part of the re-alignment of politics in the western world, as I've mentioned before.

Left wing parties used to focus on the low to middle class, while right wing parties were the upper middle to upper class.

Sometime, 2000's maybe, the left wing drifted away from working class polices, to its three-legged stool of people on welfare / government workers / upper class and rich.

I think it was a matter of the rich took the party over, and decided that they'd be better off without the middle class. People on welfare could provide the votes needed to win elections, combined with money from the rich for TV ads, and labor could either be outsourced to foreign counties, or in-sourced via illegal immigration.

The Republican party, being traditionally the party of the rich and big business, went along with most of these polices, as chumps like Paul Ryan and John Bonner never met a big business they didn't kiss up to, even the ones who were run by leftists who hated both Republican ideas, and especially, their voters.

Hence, the door was wide open for a populist like Trump to come in, and assume the mantle of champion of the working class. He's an imperfect vehicle for it, but who else are the working class going to support? Bush III?

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