2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Picture of voting place in Philly. How is this legal?
Oddly enough that is legal in Penn.
Where though is the GOP who can place signs too4
Election signs are not allowed in the same building where the election ballot is taking place. Pennsylvania also requires specific advertising disclaimers, like the following: "If a corporation or unincorporated association makes an independent expenditure for a general public political advertisement that expressly advocates the election or defeat of a candidate or ballot question, the advertisement must contain a disclaimer that clearly states who financed the expenditure for the communication. See § 1638(a)(2)."

Read more about Pennsylvania's election and political sign regulations here.
Interesting. In Nashville they have been strict on even wearing anything related to a candidate while voting. One thing I think needs to happen is all states should follow same basic rules regarding early voting, vote by mail and absentee voting.
Most interesting thing to me in this whole shebang: liberals dumping scorn on Trump’s base of white males without college degrees. That used to be the Democratic Party’s base and reason for existence

now how do you explain that turnabout?
Politics and virtue signaling is the new religion of coastal elites. They would rather be pure than win elections.
In Texas signs must not be within 100 ft of Door to polling place

When my wife, step son and I went to vote this morning there was a gentleman running for the school board who was politely asking for our consideration in voting for him. He was staying more or less 100 feet away but people were still complaining and telling him to go away.

I really didn't have an issue with it and thought the people telling him to leave were jerkish in their behavior. I like when candidates are visible and active as long as they aren't harassing anyone, which he wasn't.
These are supposed to be the Biden numbers for what Trumps needs today --

-59% of E-Day vote in PA to win
-56% of E-Day vote in FL to win
-52% of E-Day vote in OH to win
-49% of E-Day vote in TX to win
-62% of E-Day vote in NC to win
-62% of E-Day vote in MI to win
-61% of E-Day vote in WISC to win.
-60% of E-Day vote in AZ to win
-57% of E-Day vote in GA to win

My guess is he gets them all, comfortably (noting he already taken the lead in FL, before noon). Plus I dont buy that he needs 60% in AZ
Perhaps the exception might be PA with the voting issues we already see in Philly?
These are supposed to be the Biden numbers for what Trumps needs today --

-59% of E-Day vote in PA to win
-56% of E-Day vote in FL to win
-52% of E-Day vote in OH to win
-49% of E-Day vote in TX to win
-62% of E-Day vote in NC to win
-62% of E-Day vote in MI to win
-61% of E-Day vote in WISC to win.
-60% of E-Day vote in AZ to win
-57% of E-Day vote in GA to win

My guess is he gets them all, comfortably (noting he already taken the lead in FL, before noon). Plus I dont buy that he needs 60% in AZ
Perhaps the exception might be PA with the voting issues we already see in Philly?
Trump is getting 75%.
There are reasons two people can be in a voting booth but they have to be ok'd by the election judge on site.
Each polling place can have poll watchers of both parties. It looks like Philly has already denied GOP authorized watchers. I hope they complained and followed through

I have seen that in person many times. Always made me uncomfortable. Old folks bussed in as a group directly from church or the community center. Younger person in there with them "helping" with their choices.
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That doesn't even make sense. Kunta Kinte was one of the heroes of Roots. Olberman did probably like the whipping of him, breaking him to the will of the Democrat party.

They are unraveling before our eyes
Nate Sliver and Darren Rovell got into a twatter fight this am
(they are on same side)
Rovell pointed out how bad Nate's 2016 call was
Nate no likey
And boy, does Nate have a crap ton of sycophants

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