Duck Dodgers
1,000+ Posts
I'll be a skeptic. Can we trust polls at all? Refer to all of the polls in '16 that said that Clinton was going to roll. I love reading the Pew Research Center but I even have to take a step back sometimes and question the writing.
And has anyone ever taken part in any polling??
No you can't trust the polls.
First, national polls are worthless, as there is no national election, it's a state by state one. Any national poll is going to be highly skewed by the vote spread in California, New York, and other places that won't factor in as to the final result, as they are already baked in.
Who's doing most of these polls? Media organizations and universities. What group has 100% control of those groups - the Democrats. Not hard to figure out what result they get out of them. The ability of weak willed people on our side to convince themselves that a poll done by an organization that desperately wants the Republicans to lose, is somehow an unbiased source of information, continues to amaze me. Somehow they say "Well yes NBC is a wholly aligned component of the Democrat Media Complex, but to say they fix the polls in their favor, why that's just too much!".
Since 2016, polls have been wrong on the following large races - 2016 Brexit. 2016 Presidential race, and many of the senate races that year too. 2018 Florida governor and senator race, Georgia governor, Ohio governor, Indiana senator. 2019 Australia parliament race, 2019 UK parliament race.
Now note that in all those cases, the polls were wrong in that they predicted a conservative loss or bare tie for the UK race, while in actuality, the conservatives won all those races. If there's been a case where polls predicted a conservative win and the leftist won in a big race, not some House seat, I've not seen it. That should tell you something about what side polls are on.
Trump was down, allegedly, in all the major polls in 2016 too, yet won the biggest electoral victory since Bush in 88. Have any of those polls changed their methods - doubtful. Like the media, they spent 2 days wondering what they got wrong, then went back to blaming everything on Trump.
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