2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

New WI poll shows 46-41 Biden. This means Trump is winning. Biden may get 48% max. Trump got 70-90% of the undecided vote last time (shy voters).

As long as Biden doesn't hit the 50% threshold, there's a decent-to-strong chance for Trump

You probably do this, but if one looks at the details of polling they'll find the samples are very small. Like 800 sampled would be on the high side. Hard to be accurate with a sample size that small. OTOH, several samples equals something of a decent snapshot (but again, that snapshot is taken over a period of time that ranges in weeks, not the critical immediate timeframe

The one hope i have in this election is I'm hearing repubs are registering (as new) at a far higher rate than dems are. Those might not be polled as "likely voters" and are ready to roll at the ballot next month
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Do you see any difference in the situation between Garland and Barrett?

Two differences. First, Garland's nomination came much earlier in the year. That makes Garland's case stronger than Barrett's.

Second, Republicans control the Senate, giving them the power to control a vote. More on that below.

Come on, man. Packing the Court isn't just wrong. It's destructive. It's returning a punch in the face with setting off a bomb in the building.

Refusing to confirm Garland might have been just "a punch in the face". But confirming Barrett would be very much more than that. It would amount to stealing a seat on the Supreme Court, which is a huge deal.

Increasing the Court to 11 and appointing 2 liberals would do nothing more than take back the seat that was stolen in the Garland/Barrett switcheroo. This would certainly be a damaging escalation, but not nearly as big of an escalation as you suggest.

I have also heard some talk of increasing the Court by 4. That would be huge, indefensible escalation.

And long term, it will hurt Democrats every bit as much as it hurts Republicans. They'll regret it much more than they regret dumping the judicial filibuster.

You are probably right. But it is also possible that Republicans will come to regret stealing a seat on the Court. If the newly emboldened right wing of the Court overturns Roe v. Wade and Obergefell and upends the ACA, who knows what impact that would have on future elections. Predicting long-term public reaction to political events is a hazardous art.

And no, I don't expect Democrats to "accept" anything. When they come to power, I expect them to be hypocritical as the GOP has been. They can force through nominations in election years and deny the same courtesy to Republican presidents. But no, they don't get to just ruin the federal court system in a temper tantrum, and if they do, they'll be in the wrong and wildly so.

The next time Democrats control the Senate but not the Presidency will be in the distant future, much too late to remedy the theft of a seat on the Supreme Court. If they are going to right that wrong, packing the Court could be the only option.

It's definitely not comparable to denying Garland. He had no right to be confirmed. That wasn't the source of the unfairness or the hypocrisy. The hypocrisy was denying him a hearing and a vote.

What they should have done is give Garland a hearing and then vote him down. And just be honest about. We didn't want him rejected because it was an election year or because of his party. We wanted him rejected, because he wouldn't have been willing to respect the written law on crucial issues that the public cares about.

Fair point. But the Senate's advice-and-consent power was not created to make the president and the Senate co-equals in the appointment process. It was designed to prevent the appointment of radicals, and to force the President to appoint candidates that are more acceptable to all. That's what Democrats did in rejecting Bork, leading to the appointment of Kennedy (during an election year, btw).

The fact that Republicans had the votes in both 2016 and 2020 doesn't justify stealing the seat, just like the Democrats hypothetically having the votes to pack the Court in 2021 wouldn't justify them doing that. Both acts are Constitutionally appropriate, but damaging to the nation and its legal system.

One last thing -- I want to make sure you guys don't misread this to say that I support Court packing. I don't. If the opportunity arises, I hope Democrats will refrain from taking advantage of it. Someone has to be the bigger person before everything goes to crap.

That said, while I don't support Court packing (did I mention that I'm opposed to Court packing???), I do understand why at least some Democrats want to head in that direction. And I can't really fault them all that much. It's just another incremental escalation in a context where both sides have been escalating for a long time.
So, now people are saying McConnell and the Republicans should have wasted everyone's time in 2016 with fake hearings and a vote they knew would deny a conformation?
As long as Biden doesn't hit the 50% threshold, there's a decent-to-strong chance for Trump

You probably do this, but if one looks at the details of polling they'll find the samples are very small. Like 800 sampled would be on the high side. Hard to be accurate with a sample size that small. OTOH, several samples equals something of a decent snapshot (but again, that snapshot is taken over a period of time that ranges in weeks, not the critical immediate timeframe

The one hope i have in this election is I'm hearing repubs are registering (as new) at a far higher rate than dems are. Those might not be polled as "likely voters" and are ready to roll at the ballot next month
I have a good friend in NC who’s voting for Trump. Hasn’t voted for President in decades. We got Mr Deez voting for Trump. We got Black men and Hispanics secretly voting for Trump. Yes, there is some attrition on the Trump side, but the point is that I doubt the polls are picking this up. Hell, they didn’t pick it up in 2016 either.
Stealing the seat?
Joe Biden said that “the American people deserve a fully-staffed court of nine.”

"“Historically, this has not been viewed as a question. There’s no unwritten law that says that it can only be done on off-years. That’s not in the constitutional text.
I’m amused when I hear people who claim to be strict interpreters of the Constitution suddenly reading into it a whole series of provisions that are not there,”


In 2016, Ruth Bader Ginsburg said senators refusing to vote on a nominee to the Supreme Court should 'recognize that a president is elected for four years not three'
"The president is elected for four years not three years, so the power he has in year three continues into year four."

“Maybe members of the Senate will wake up and appreciate that that’s how it should be," she added."

Your remark on stealing is laughable. That is really weak.

I don’t think anyone knows what’s going to happen. I was on a drive today and heard both sides. The Dems seem more confident while the republicans are uneasy.

I think there is not much enthusiasm for Joe. Trump will pull more Hispanics and Blacks than 2016. Trump will get more legitimate votes, but the dead will bring Joe a victory.
Mr D
You said Trump did not let Biden speak.
FYI Trump spoke 39 mins. Biden 38 mins
Biden interrupted Trump as often as Trump did Biden
But if you listened to Wallace or the DMC you would think that Trump was the only one.
Stealing the seat?
Joe Biden said that “the American people deserve a fully-staffed court of nine.”

"“Historically, this has not been viewed as a question. There’s no unwritten law that says that it can only be done on off-years. That’s not in the constitutional text.
I’m amused when I hear people who claim to be strict interpreters of the Constitution suddenly reading into it a whole series of provisions that are not there,”


In 2016, Ruth Bader Ginsburg said senators refusing to vote on a nominee to the Supreme Court should 'recognize that a president is elected for four years not three'
"The president is elected for four years not three years, so the power he has in year three continues into year four."

“Maybe members of the Senate will wake up and appreciate that that’s how it should be," she added."

Your remark on stealing is laughable. That is really weak.

Rejecting Garland can be defended In isolation. Confirming Barrett can be defended In isolation.. But those two decisions cannot be reconciled, and doing both would be stealing a seat.

Suppose an umpire squeezes the strike zone early in a game, and the pitching team complains. Nobody would take the ridiculous position that the team has to continue advocating for a wider strike zone even when they are batting. Having lost that argument the first time around, they have every right to expect consistency.

That ridiculous position is what you are advocating now. The Democrats lost the Garland debate. They have every reason to expect balls and strikes to be called the same in the next inning,
Note media rushed out polls that covered the time Trump was at Walter Reed. Obviously it cost him a few points at least. So dishonest. Now watch the polls disappear for 7 days or more after Pence trounced Harris.
Putin --

The Russian leader even argued that the values of the Democrats were similar to those of the Soviet Communist Party, of which he said he’d been a member for 18 years. The Soviet regime’s longtime ties with the Black community in the U.S. could also be a basis for links to the Democrats, he said.​

I've been saying this for several years now. The Soviets sent anyone who disagreed within to gulags. This is what modern Dems want to do with you. The current version (anyone who disagrees with them is a fascist, Nazi, KKK) is just prologue.

Putin Praises Trump Ties and Says Biden May Not Be Bad Too
Latest AZ poll by Reuters is 48-46 Biden. Does anyone else see the result as 52-48 Trump based on what happened in 2016? I just don’t know how people can be so ignorant of their bias. Yes, I recognize that I could be the one biased, but the media and twitter folks just seem delusional - just like the folks who thought Harris was going to kick Pence’s *** in the debate.
Refusing to confirm Garland might have been just "a punch in the face". But confirming Barrett would be very much more than that. It would amount to stealing a seat on the Supreme Court, which is a huge deal.

You actually said that the other seat was stolen too.

And don't count on the Supreme Court to save us, because I don't think the Democrats would hesitate to expand the Court to 11 to offset the seat stolen from them in 2016.

Increasing the Court to 11 and appointing 2 liberals would do nothing more than take back the seat that was stolen in the Garland/Barrett switcheroo. This would certainly be a damaging escalation, but not nearly as big of an escalation as you suggest.

You're throwing around the theft/stealing verbiage a lot and using it as a justifiable basis to pack the Court. Can we specify what we mean by "steal?" If I hot-wire your car and drive off with it, I've stolen something, because I've seized possession of something that legally belongs to you and denied possession of that thing to you, it's lawful owner. How exactly have either of these seats been stolen? From whom? Who was the lawful owner, and what is the basis for that ownership? If you can't answer those questions, then you should drop that kind of rhetoric. It's inflammatory and false, and you're better than that.

Nothing got stolen. The GOP had some good luck, and they're exploiting it. They had control of the Senate at advantageous times (mainly because the Democrats decided they didn't give a crap about anybody who doesn't live a big coastal city), RBG decided to hang on until she died, and the Democrats chose its worst nominee in 200 years in 2016. Is it hypocritical? Yep. Is it theft? No. It also isn't particularly outrageous. If you look at the history of election year vacancies, they're not doing anything out of the ordinary. They're behaving like run-of-the-mill politicians. Do you honestly believe that if the roles were reversed that Democrats wouldn't do the same thing? Of course they would.

If the newly emboldened right wing of the Court overturns Roe v. Wade and Obergefell and upends the ACA, who knows what impact that would have on future elections. P

They won't overturn Obergefell. They might overturn Roe, and if they do, leftist activists will freak out, but the freakout will dissipate. Why? Because that would only mean that the issue would go to the states where it belongs. Feminist women in New Jersey will still be able to get abortions. They just won't get to dictate what happens in other states, which isn't their business.

As for overturning the ACA, I'm totally apathetic. If that costs Republicans, I couldn't care less. They picked that fight and pretended to have an alternative to the ACA when they didn't. If they get burned, so be it. Besides, the job of a judge is to apply the law as it's written, not to be concerned with political outcomes.

Fair point. But the Senate's advice-and-consent power was not created to make the president and the Senate co-equals in the appointment process. It was designed to prevent the appointment of radicals, and to force the President to appoint candidates that are more acceptable to all.

It was designed to put a check on presidential power in selecting judges, and nobody is entitled to confirmation. It is a veto power, as they used it on Bork. To be co-equal, the Senate would have to somehow be able to substitute their own pick for the President's.

If the opportunity arises, I hope Democrats will refrain from taking advantage of it. Someone has to be the bigger person before everything goes to crap.

You aren't sanctimonious, but that talking point is. If Democrats don't pack the Court, that wouldn't make them bigger. It would make them non-arsonists of the federal court system. It's like calling someone generous for not robbing a convenience store.

My hope is that we have a reckoning on the role of the Court. Nominations aren't supposed to be this high stakes. They became so, because the Court decided it wanted to be the final arbiter of the biggest social and cultural issues in the country regardless of what the law actually says. It was never meant to be that, and the founding fathers would be horrified at it. Undo that, and nominations will be much, much simpler and nicer.
Latest AZ poll by Reuters is 48-46 Biden. Does anyone else see the result as 52-48 Trump based on what happened in 2016? I just don’t know how people can be so ignorant of their bias. Yes, I recognize that I could be the one biased, but the media and twitter folks just seem delusional - just like the folks who thought Harris was going to kick Pence’s *** in the debate.

No, because the western states have more of a +blue silent group than the Rust Belt, which clearly has a +red silent group. The last 4 major polls have an average of +5 for Biden in AZ. Plus, the movement to kick out McSally is going to affect the ballot for the other representative seats as well, including Pres.
Stunning that anyone still gives credence to "polls". Really discredits any other opinions.

It's what we've got. State-by-state data is relatively clear and close. Some national data, like from IBD/TIPP and Marist, were spot-on for 2016, but not in the ways that Republicans would have you believe the election turned out.
Yea one of the posters who claimed that doesn't post here much anymore and another is continually beclowning himself
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Mr D
You said Trump did not let Biden speak.
FYI Trump spoke 39 mins. Biden 38 mins
Biden interrupted Trump as often as Trump did Biden
But if you listened to Wallace or the DMC you would think that Trump was the only one.

It wasn't about how much time he spoke. It was how much he spoke over Biden and Wallace. He was terrible. Pence is is doing a dramatically better job.

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