2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Yes, we know the system is rigged. Congress is bought and paid for. Again, the question is this: was Trump's tax liability legal or not? Where is the fraud? There is no allegation or proof. Only the outrage that his deductions sheltered everything. It's a clear classism card being played.
And, too, the outrage ought to be that this man's private tax returns in the custody of the Federal agency charged with keeping them private, were leaked.
Yes, we know the system is rigged. Congress is bought and paid for. Again, the question is this: was Trump's tax liability legal or not? Where is the fraud? There is no allegation or proof. Only the outrage that his deductions sheltered everything. It's a clear classism card being played.
To me it is a non story really. He did nothing illegal. So who cares.
And, too, the outrage ought to be that this man's private tax returns in the custody of the Federal agency charged with keeping them private, were leaked.

That's how they will run the country. Laws are merely guidelines. Privacy is a joke. You will be cancelled if you don't aggressively signal your agreement with their virtue signaling. You will pay your "fair share," calculated by what is politically expedient or needed to prove the misdeeds of your ancestors have been adequately avenged, and if you are white with any kind of success beyond paycheck to paycheck it will be game over.
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And, too, the outrage ought to be that this man's private tax returns in the custody of the Federal agency charged with keeping them private, were leaked.
It is the NYT. Are we really sure that they are Trumps taxes or did the make them up? They are the most discredited "newspaper" in the country. I don't believe the comics they print.....
It is the NYT. Are we really sure that they are Trumps taxes or did the make them up? They are the most discredited "newspaper" in the country. I don't believe the comics they print.....
Well, they are Fake News. I know everyone laughs at Trump when he says these things are made up and they never apologize when they are proven to be made up. So, yes, you are likely correct. They are just making it up.
I realized I did not know what the Libertarian Candidate Jo Jorgensen actually stood for so went to her website
Here from her website: with Trump's positions in ()
  • Over $26 trillion in debt, trillion-dollar deficits, plus trillions more in unfunded liabilities* We All agree this is a problem. Trump does talk about it but and has made some cuts but not enough)

  • Non-Stop Involvement in expensive and deadly foreign war(Trump long railed against needless wars has been bringing troops home since he took office and is bringing more home)

  • Skyrocketing health care costs( Trump tried to do away with obamacare and had lowered drug costs and will unveil his health care plan in detail)
  • The highest imprisonment rate in the world; even higher among racial minorities and the poor( Trump has released black prisoners unfairly sentenced and got the prison reform bill passed and signed into law. a bill that has and is benefitting minorities)

  • A broken retirement system unable to pay promised benefits( not sure what that means? gov't pension funds?)

  • Tariffs that are destroying markets for American farmers and raising consumer prices( What Trump has done here is concrete and working)

  • Energy policies driven by special interests ( among other things Trump proposed ending federal funds for the Energy Star program and put the costs back on the companies)
Seems like nearly all this 3rd party candidate is for Trump has already done.
I realized I did not know what the Libertarian Candidate Jo Jorgensen actually stood for so went to her website
Here from her website: with Trump's positions in ()
  • Over $26 trillion in debt, trillion-dollar deficits, plus trillions more in unfunded liabilities* We All agree this is a problem. Trump does talk about it but and has made some cuts but not enough)

  • Non-Stop Involvement in expensive and deadly foreign war(Trump long railed against needless wars has been bringing troops home since he took office and is bringing more home)

  • Skyrocketing health care costs( Trump tried to do away with obamacare and had lowered drug costs and will unveil his health care plan in detail)
  • The highest imprisonment rate in the world; even higher among racial minorities and the poor( Trump has released black prisoners unfairly sentenced and got the prison reform bill passed and signed into law. a bill that has and is benefitting minorities)

  • A broken retirement system unable to pay promised benefits( not sure what that means? gov't pension funds?)

  • Tariffs that are destroying markets for American farmers and raising consumer prices( What Trump has done here is concrete and working)

  • Energy policies driven by special interests ( among other things Trump proposed ending federal funds for the Energy Star program and put the costs back on the companies)
Seems like nearly all this 3rd party candidate is for Trump has already done.
I am glad to see you researching other parties!! Just to inform you a little more Libertarians (most) are conservative leaning.

And before you start asking, cause you always do :smile1:, No I will not be voting for Trump.
This was a close race for US senate in NC. This could be the difference between a Republican and Dem senate.

This was a close race for US senate in NC. This could be the difference between a Republican and Dem senate.

Still up in the air....its ok to do that if your a Dem. All he has to do is apologize and they will all forgive him. :rolleyes1:

Look at how much **** this toolbag got away with
I am glad to see you researching other parties!! Just to inform you a little more Libertarians (most) are conservative leaning.

And before you start asking, cause you always do :smile1:, No I will not be voting for Trump.
You could vote for Pee Wee Herman and your vote would be just as relevant.
This was a close race for US senate in NC. This could be the difference between a Republican and Dem senate.

You would think this bozo would be so focused on campaigning at this time that he wouldn't have time for this garbage. I suppose he thought the press wouldn't report it since he's on their team. Pathetic.
This only airs in Australia, of course

60 Minutes in the US is instead doing something on a section of the Border Wall near some soil erosion, which followed them asking McMaster negative, leading questions about the President

R Grenell is a great guy, and hopefully has a big job in Trump's second term, but there's zero chance that Hawaii goes to Trump. It's a wholly owned and machine controlled subsidiary of the Democrat Party, though 15 years ago they used to mix in a R governor every once in awhile, sort of like Mass. But no longer even for that.

So, conversely, don't get wound up if you see something like "Tennesseean for Biden", or such. A few crowds either way don't mean a whole lot.

That said, the fact that Slow Joe has about 8 participants at any of his "rallies", and actual normal people are outnumber by his staff and media (same group) has to be concerning to the Democrats.

Yes there is a large Trump / Not Trump aspect to this election, but you need someone to beat someone. While the hate of Trump burns with the heat of 1000 suns in the over-educated whitey, white collar class (think harpies and balding college professors), it's hard to say how much of that translates down to the lower economic class that the Democrat party relies on for votes, after deciding they they hate the middle class and want them dead or at least replaced.
And other polls suggest something wildly different. Link. Do you buy the one that suggests he's winning or the many that suggest he's losing?
I'll be a skeptic. Can we trust polls at all? Refer to all of the polls in '16 that said that Clinton was going to roll. I love reading the Pew Research Center but I even have to take a step back sometimes and question the writing.
And has anyone ever taken part in any polling??
I'll be a skeptic. Can we trust polls at all? Refer to all of the polls in '16 that said that Clinton was going to roll. I love reading the Pew Research Center but I even have to take a step back sometimes and question the writing.
And has anyone ever taken part in any polling??
I never have, and I don't know anyone who has.
And other polls suggest something wildly different. Link. Do you buy the one that suggests he's winning or the many that suggest he's losing?
In 2016, in certain areas (mostly battleground states), polls showing highest Trump support were the most accurate. Wasn’t true everywhere but 100% true in states like NC, PA, WI, etc.

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