Just for a quick little tangent on the upcoming Presidential election - Maybe we should pay some attention to the Party platforms instead of focusing solely on the personalities of the candidates. For example, here's the Democratic Party platform from their website -
Party Platform - Democrats. It's a rather lengthy document, so it will take a while to read through it. Just to save some time, here are the key highlights (or, stated correctly, the "lowlights"):
*Universal healthcare and Medicaid for all Americans and illegal aliens.
*$15 minimum wage
*Immediate citizenship for illegals
*Free college tuition
*Forgiveness of student loans
*Eliminate border walls and Immigration Enforcement
*Make Washington D.C. the 51st State
*Abortion for all women & girls
*$70 trillion Green New Deal, where the USA would be net-zero greenhouse gas by 2050. But CLOSE all coal & natural gas power plants by 2035. By 2030 all new construction in the USA must be net-zero greenhouses.
*Create a U.S. Agency for Global Media to ensure that only accurate information is reported in the news or on the internet.
*Rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement.
*Create a new federal agency of 100,000 people to trace every American.
*Immediately restore voting rights for convicted felons.
*Provide funding to facilitate vote-from-home and mail-in-voting.
*Create a new Federal Credit Bureau (to replace Equafax, et al), and require banks to use this new credit reporting service that will be set up to assist low-income people in buying houses and cars.
*Make gun manufacturers responsible and liable for how their guns are used. (Destroy gun manufacturing)
*Declare and treat drug use as a mental illness instead of an illegal activity.
*Declare the support for the Rights of BLM, Multi-gender, and preferential treatment for gays wanting to immigrate to America.
*And, by the way, some pretty substantial tax increases to help pay for all this. But that's okay - they just want everyone to pay his "fair share."
If someone is voting for Biden as a means of voting
against Trump, he should carefully study the Democratic platform to understand what he's really voting
for with his "protest" vote.