Yeah but they can't, anymore than a leopard can get rid of his spots.
1. The Democrat party is entirely based around race baiting. It's why they so easily went from race hustling white voters from 1877 to 1965, to race hustling black voters since then. Same message "You'd be rich but those (blacks 1877-1965) (whites 1965-present) are stealing your money and keeping you down".
2. They can't disavow the riots, when their base is both doing the rioting and fully supports it.
3. Trump has never talked about cutting SS or Medicare. So unlike walking chumps like Paul Ryan, he's not vulnerable to "you want to kill granny". Now the debt has exploded in the last 3 years, but it always would have. There are 8 people in the whole country who care about the debt - me, Mr. Deeze, and 6 others. Not a winning electoral strategy.
4. Biden can't go out in public and meet and greet like any other, non-senile person running for office. Like a lot of people with dementia, he can't be trusted not to become upset or angry at the drop of a hat. You saw that with Slow Joe during the primary, when he got angry with the auto worker in Michigan who asked him about guns, or the woman in New Hampshire, or the guy in Iowa. He immediate went to insults - calling the Iowa guy fat and changeling him to a push up contest, calling the woman in NH a lying dog earned pony solider, and just being nasty to the guy in Michigan.
Thankfully for him, the media played their loyal role as Democrat suck asses, and said "Yeah!!! That'll show you stupid voter! Don't mess with Joe!". But Slow Joe at this point can't be trusted to interact with anyone who's not part of the show.
5. Will be interesting to see about the debate. I had thought they just wouldn't schedule them at all - come up with a list of demands too terrible for Trump to accept, or just say that it's beneath Slow Joe's dignity to debate. But the first one in in about 2 weeks.
Either they felt they had to, and are hoping for the best, or think they can dope him up enough for him to make it through the debate, then have the media hit the send button on the email they wrote (after allowing the Biden campaign to edit it, review, and make changes) that afternoon, saying how wonderful Biden looked and sounded.