2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

It’s all a smokescreen to take air out of the attacks on Biden by Trump campaign. Biden is trying to run out the clock. They would readily discuss how they got the story wrong if it helps them suck airtime.
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Mr D
Use some common sense on this one. The DOD budget is 704.5 Billion. Do you have any idea how many pages that would be? How many pages the entire budge would be?

As a matter of fact, I do have an idea. Back in 1997, I was on 4-person team (3 staff members and one state representative) who did a line-by-line study of the state budget to come up with amendments to eliminate hidden, wasteful spending programs. Obviously the federal budget and Defense Department appropriations bill are much larger, but I can do the math. By the way, I saved you about $50M - not bad for 20-year-old dork who was only making $875 per month. You're welcome.

Anyway, my point is that the size of the move in money isn't what would determine Trump's involvement. It's the shift in policy that would. For example, there are procurement contracts that involve billions that Trump probably never hears about. However, did he know about the tranny move that probably involved very little money? Absolutely.

The Comptroller And Esper announced in mid Feb they were not including money for the SS in the 2021 budget. Those funds are 35% of SS operating costs.
Do you sincerely think something that was 0.000022% of budget is something Trump would have known about?
In February, the Pentagon released a $705.4 billion fiscal year 2021 budget that included a proposed cut to funding for Stars and Stripes. Esper told reporters that the money would be used for “higher-priority issues,” like purchasing modern weapons.

“We have essentially decided coming into the modern age that newspaper is probably not the best way we communicate any longer,” Elaine McCusker, the Pentagon’s acting comptroller, said at the time.

You do know that the SECDEF works for Trump, right?

By the way, if you think this is just "TDS" on my part, I don't buy the other story. It is far more questionable.
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Thank you for saving me money. Is the check in the mail?:smile1:

Yes I know SecDef Espar works For Trump which actually is my point, If you own a company or business you hire people to whom you give authority to make decisions since you can't make every one. This was a piss ant decision .
Why does media and why do you think he even knew about it? Has there been an outcry from the people who actually read SS? I haven't seen one but I have seen the media make this headline news.
Nothing in the way Trump has treated the military his entire professional life including as POTUS suggests he has nothing but respect for our military. Remember when NYC didn't have money for the Vietnam Memorial to honor the New Yorkers who died in VN Trump spear headed the effort to get the money including writing a million check of his own.
The media is using this and the France thing to drive away military who are now casting their absentee votes. His actions speak louder than the media lies
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This says current congress picks president in case of no majority. Regardless, more GOP states than Democratic unless there is no quorum.

They will do anything to get power from Trump....many plans in the works and hoping one will stick. We have certainly reached a tipping point in the history of our Republic...

Exposé Reveals Liberal Establishment Planning Political Coup for November - America Daily

You don't need articles like these. Just follow the sound bites leaked out by the msm. They telegraph their moves to set up the gullible public with the angle they want for what they have in store. Just like this year....they have much in store for us.
Latest polls: tied in FL and Biden +2 in PA. If Trump wins these two states, it’s >90% chance (if not 99%) that he wins.
I am thankful brave men like you have protected our rights to be stupid and not vote. Or even vote for a candidate with absolutely no chance of winning. Just write in theiioftx. He is sure to win.
This was a piss ant decision .
Why does media and why do you think he even knew about it?

Because it isn't a pissant decision.

Has there been an outcry from the people who actually read SS? I haven't seen one but I have seen the media make this headline news.

Obviously an outcry is in the eye of the beholder. However, I've seen a lot of military personnel criticize it very harshly. They definitely don't like the move.

Nothing in the way Trump has treated the military his entire professional life including as POTUS suggests he has nothing but respect for our military.

I don't think he did it out of disrespect for the military. Frankly, you're illustrating part of the problem with modern politics. You reject the media narrative, which is fine. However, you're trying to decide what the facts are based on your rejection of the narrative. You think he had nothing to do with the order because you think he respects the military. It is possible for Trump to have been supportive of shutting down S and S and still respect the military.

The media is using this and the France thing to drive away military who are now casting their absentee votes.

Yes, I know they are. The media are agenda-driven partisan hacks and laughably unprofessional. That has nothing to do with this
They will do anything to get power from Trump....many plans in the works and hoping one will stick. We have certainly reached a tipping point in the history of our Republic...

Exposé Reveals Liberal Establishment Planning Political Coup for November - America Daily

You don't need articles like these. Just follow the sound bites leaked out by the msm. They telegraph their moves to set up the gullible public with the angle they want for what they have in store. Just like this year....they have much in store for us.
I may not be a fan of Trump but I have a larger distain for liberals. And they have nothing on him. The impeachment is the perfect example. Adam Schiff and Nancy "hairdo" Pelosi should be in jail for corruption.
I may not be a fan of Trump but I have a larger distain for liberals. And they have nothing on him. The impeachment is the perfect example. Adam Schiff and Nancy "hairdo" Pelosi should be in jail for corruption.
As well as the Biden's, Schumer and a whole lot more, yet you'll give them the chance to destroy the foundations this country was created and built upon. It's scary as *&^% to think about what this country will become if Biden wins.

I agree you'll never find Trump and tact in the same sentence, but the alternative should scare the hell out of anyone who believes in free enterprise and individual rights.
Joe Biden’s former White House stenographer said the Democratic presidential nominee has “lost a step” and isn’t as mentally sharp as he was four years ago.

“It is a complete difference from what he was in 2017,” Mike McCormick, who worked with the former vice president from 2011 to 2017, told the Washington Free Beacon. “He’s lost a step and he doesn’t seem to have the same mental acuity as he did four years ago.”


Duh, you think? According to a local conservative pundit, Biden hid out in his basement Tuesday and didn't talk to anyone, including the media. Speculation was that after the weekend's poor performances he was getting medical treatment or perhaps medication adjustment.
Did not vote for anybody for president in 2016, 2012 or 2008.
You're making a mistake and must not fully grasp what is happening and what is at stake. You surely must care or you wouldnt be here...
Can you dig deep and see...the crossroads we are at?
Pretty simple...one side wants to keep some semblance of who we have been as a people and a country and one wants to destroy it and replace it with something that has never and will never provide anything for 95% of the population other than misery. It is a vile, disgusting, deceptive, corrupt, and evil proposal and to not vote against is to vote for.
Actually no Huis Rain's description could Not fit both sides The dems are open about how the want to transform our country.
Yes Trump is rude arrogant obnoxious and egotistical
But huis is there anything he has done that you like ?
It's amazing, since none of us will be hanging out with the President, that a big factor in who to vote for is personality. Holy crap, what about results? Anyone who looks at what Trump has done vs Biden's "record" and can't decide has serious mental flaws.
Actually no Huis Rain's description could Not fit both sides The dems are open about how the want to transform our country.
Yes Trump is rude arrogant obnoxious and egotistical
But huis is there anything he has done that you like ?

I like the tax cut and the extras for the military and I like the way he talks about limiting immigration even though he has not done what is easy to do and more effective than the big beautiful wall the Mexicans will pay for---namely, enforcing the immigration laws by jailing a few hundred employers of said illegals. Take the food away and the critters will quit coming.

But if you look at it like I do, as a race between Mussolini and Chance the Gardner, there is nothing to pick from between two repulsive candidates. Hence, me no votee.

And in response to a prior question, the only time I voted for a presidential candidate since Bush Sr. (my only vote for a Republican---I hated Clinton from the gitgo) was for W's second opponent---because W started an unnecessary war that got and continues to get a lot of people killed in a part of the world that is not worth the bones of a single Marine.

Everybody thinks their baby is beautiful so I understand why both sides are keen on their candidates. I think they are both ugly and krap in their diapers.

I do vote in the down ballot races where my vote might actually make some difference and I still endorse candidates and give money to them for their campaigns.
At a minimum, simply the choice of nominees to the SCOTUS and other federal appointments would encourage someone to vote. And the choice between the two is a huge difference regardless of your political preference.
As we get closer to the election, remember this with polling - it will slant against the conservative.

Australia had an election about a year and change ago. The conservative was supposed to be way behind in the polls, and the entire media-entertainment complex thought the leftist (Labor) party was going to win. Then were shocked with the conservative won.

Last winter, the UK had its election, which was either supposed to be a tie or a very close Tory win. The Tory's won by a huge margin and crushed the leftists.

I think you will see the same thing here. Polls will say either Slow Joe has a lead to the end, and clueless Nate Sliver will say Biden has a 103% chance of winning (with the CYA aspect of on page 203 of his report he'll say it's technically possible for President Trump to win). Then Trump wins bigly, even beyond the margin of mail order vote fraud.

Why are polls so bad? Bias. All polling groups are part of the media-entertainment complex, which is entirely leftist controlled. So, to the extent they just aren't cooking the books in an attempt to drive what actually happens (which is a large amount of it), they fall into group think. No one they work with is voting for Trump, so how can anyone else, and their works shows that bias.
Duck that’s true, I also think the polls want people to think that there is no way Trump will win wanting his voters to stay home and not vote. Good luck with that. Depending on the poll I move it ten points to the conservative side.
It backfired on the media in 2016 and yet they employ the same strategy of trying to get us to think there is no hope in voting for Trump. Morons. I love it.
How sane can you be if you give 18 on the record interviews to Bob Woodward?

one candidate is senile and one is insane

gee, which one do I want?

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