2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Beta announced he raised 6.1 million in first 24 hours.
Amazing there are so many enamoured of such shallowness but not sure he will survive the other candidate's attacks .
Well if you think all the positive things Trump has done for people ( from record employment among blacks, hispanics,asians, women, disabled), rising wages, eased regulations which has unleashed economic growth, got NATO allies to contribute more , created a new trade agreement with Canada and Mexico etc etc etc) is populism

Please SH post Beta's plans to improve Americans lives.
Well if you think all the positive things Trump has done for people ( from record employment among blacks, hispanics,asians, women, disabled), rising wages, eased regulations which has unleashed economic growth, got NATO allies to contribute more , created a new trade agreement with Canada and Mexico etc etc etc) is populism

Please SH post Beta's plans to improve Americans lives.
Beta wants America to be more fair - and that is reason enough!
CNN Poll: Seven in 10 say economy in good shape - CNNPolitics
WASHINGTON (CNN)Americans give the nation's economy glowing reviews in a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS, and Donald Trump's approval rating may be reaping the benefits.

Overall, 71% say the nation's economy is in good shape, the highest share to say so since February 2001, and the best rating during Trump's presidency by two points."

It must have killed CNN to put this out there.:lmao:
Let’s sum up the DNC:
Change economic policy that 70% approve of
Open border
Abolish ICE
Get rid of electoral college
Free money without working
Eliminate fossils fuels
Allow felons and 16 year olds voting rights
Free healthcare for all
Free college for all
And yet I just talked with a reasonably educated professional in another state
and he said he liked what he was hearing from Beta:rolleyes1:
I said but the beta never says anything specific just that we all need to get along and everything would be great.
He said well that is a first step, to get along and then to compromise.
He is also in favor of universal health care.
He has a daughter who is a druggie and can't keep a full time job. She works 3 part time jobs and makes too much for medicaid but not enough to buy health insurance.
So because this daughter has made bad choices all her life ( she is 40) and has not been able to keep a good job we should pay for her health care?
I can see his viewpoint but when does personal responsibility outweigh our( taxpayer) responsibility to take care of someone?
Horn 67 I have a Brother-in-law very similar to your friend. His daughter has issues that tunnel vision him in the same direction. She needs help so anything that promises that help, he favors; Beto, etc. In fact he loves Rachel Maddow, something that try though I might, I cannot get me head around.
I don't see why people are so upset. We haven't had a President who is both sane and competent since Eisenhower. Get used to the dregs and enjoy circling the drain
So because this daughter has made bad choices all her life ( she is 40) and has not been able to keep a good job we should pay for her health care?

People like this were pleading for Obamacare for the same reasons and they won.
I am going to have to say we forgive him for this one
Jonesing for tacos cannot be a crime
Although thinking they make decent tacos in New Hampshire might reveal poor reasoning

I am going to have to say we forgive him for this one
Jonesing for tacos cannot be a crime
Although thinking they make decent tacos in New Hampshire might reveal poor reasoning

This is real? Im quickly losing the ability to distinguish reality from satire these days.
Heres a real question. What are all the Dems going to go after eachother for during the debates?

They are almost all focused on sensitivity and diversity and being as progressive as possible. They cant be too aggressive on any kind of attacks without looking like hypocrites.

I expect the debates to be nothing but 20 people on stage agreeing with eachother for an hour.
Give Beta a pass?
Unless he was alone in the van( which is highly unlikely )he should have had whoever was with him jump in the driver's seat and move it.
No excuse for his sense of entitlement.

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