2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Heres a real question. What are all the Dems going to go after eachother for during the debates?
They are almost all focused on sensitivity and diversity and being as progressive as possible. They cant be too aggressive on any kind of attacks without looking like hypocrites.

I expect the debates to be nothing but 20 people on stage agreeing with eachother for an hour.

It is going to be all about intersectionality and who has the highest level of victimhood status. All of these people are post-modern SJWs. They separate themselves into evermore specific identity groups. Just like every leftist revolution they will eat themselves. It is going to be sick and maybe hilarious.
Give Beta a pass?
Unless he was alone in the van( which is highly unlikely )he should have had whoever was with him jump in the driver's seat and move it.
No excuse for his sense of entitlement.

It's possible that the other guy also ditched for tacos. It's also possible that Beta was being an entitled douche like you're suggesting. However, I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to tacos. If a guy needs a taco, he needs a taco.
Not about the presidential election, but Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM) won't seek reelection in 2020. Link. Not sure why he's quitting. He would have been easily reelected.

Not a likely GOP pick up either way unless NM Democrats nominate a freak.
I am not sure who Davis is but I did find out he was one of the first to report that it was a US Stinger missile the Taliban used to take down one of our Chinooks in 2012. He was proven right.

I would not discount him as a whacko.
This poor woman has no chance as a Democrat
Her primary flaw is that she can sometimes be quite rational
Something that is not allowed

Any Dem who is preaching reconciliation and moving forward only means to keep this thing from coming back around the real colluders - the Obamas and the Clintons.
I hate that Creepy Joe and Pocahontas are being knocked out so early

I actually give her a pass on this one. My memory from studying this (way back when) is that the movement towards this amendment began while FDR was president and was started with him specifically in mind. He just happened to die before they finally pushed it over the finish line. I am just going off memory for this, and am sure one of the friendly stalkers will pounce if my memory is faulty.

I actually give her a pass on this one. My memory from studying this (way back when) is that the movement towards this amendment began while FDR was president and was started with him specifically in mind. He just happened to die before they finally pushed it over the finish line. I am just going off memory for this, and am sure one of the friendly stalkers will pounce if my memory is faulty.

Well, going off my memory only, the "issue" began after Washington served his second term and purposely established the precedent that presidents would only serve two terms, writing the famous letter to that effect. That was followed for 140 years until FDR presumed he was more important than Washington. Yes, then, realizing that mere 140 years of precedent was not enough to curb an individual's lust for power, there was a very strong movement to prevent that in the future. So, to that extent, it was an overwhelming belief that this should be made into a constitutional limitation, with FDR "in mind," to that extent.
The point being, that the Republicans did not suddenly introduce a change attempting to limit the Democrats' power. Indeed, the amendment does not limit how many terms a Democrat can be in power--it could be 100 years.
So all of this Joe Biden grouping stuff is not new.
"Journalists" and "reporters" have all known about this for a long time.
So why are they pretending it is suddenly an issue?
Obviously, there are other reasons
Namely, whoever it is that tells them what to say each day told them it is OK now to push this out there

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