2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Good Grief Beta was a sick dude. Many people in their teens write things to shock but this is really sick.
A 15-year-old Beto O’Rourke once wrote a "murder fantasy" short story about running over two children with a car, according to a new report that also revealed the now-presidential candidate was a member of a famous hacking group.

The details were uncovered in a Reuters report on the “Cult of the Dead Cow,” a famous group of hackers credited with inventing the term “hacktivism.” Reuters revealed that O'Rourke, who joined the Democratic presidential primary race on Thursday, was a member, while reporting, "there is no indication that O’Rourke ever engaged in the edgiest sorts of hacking activity, such as breaking into computers."

But the report also revealed that teenage Beto, in connection with the group, wrote stories under the name “Psychedelic Warlord” -- writings that remain online.

Here is the disturbing story
Then one day, as I was driving home from work, I noticed two children crossing the street. They were happy, happy to be free from their troubles. I knew, however, that this happiness and sense of freedom were much too overwhelming for them.
“This happiness was mine by right. I had earned it in my dreams. As I neared the young ones, I put all my weight on my right foot, keeping the accelerator pedal on the floor until I heard the crashing of the two children on the hood, and then the sharp cry of pain from one of the two. I was so fascinated for a moment, that when after I had stopped my vehicle, I just sat in a daze, sweet visions filling my head.

“My dream was abruptly ended when I heard a loud banging on the front window. It was an old man, who was using his cane to awaken me. He might have been a witness to my act of love. I was not sure, nor did I care. It was simply ecstasy. As I drove home, I envisioned myself committing more of these 'acts of love,' and after a while, I had no trouble carrying them out. The more people I killed, the longer my dreams were. ... I had killed nearly 38 people by the time of my twenty-third birthday, and each one was more fulfilling than the last.”

Beta quit being part of the group at 18.
I'm not going to give that any weight, just as I don't give any to other teenage indiscretions that politicians of all stripes may have committed at one time.
....A 15-year-old Beto O’Rourke once wrote a "murder fantasy" short story about running over two children with a car, according to a new report that also revealed the now-presidential candidate was a member of a famous hacking group.....

But wait, there's more

I just wish everyone would stop calling him Beto. The boys name is Francis.

The only Spanish nicknames he would have truly been given by Mexicans are pinche, joto, puta, gringo or guero. Anything else is a fantasy.
Of course many if not most teens say and do and even write things to shock.
If you read Beta's words they are pretty chilling. If you think of the writings of the Columbine killers and other teen murders the similarity is chilling.
Of course this could just be 15 y o angst to rebel.
But for me I do not think I want a Potus who dreamed of killing 38 people by age 23.
Of course many if not most teens say and do and even write things to shock.
If you read Beta's words they are pretty chilling. If you think of the writings of the Columbine killers and other teen murders the similarity is chilling.
Of course this could just be 15 y o angst to rebel.
But for me I do not think I want a Potus who dreamed of killing 38 people by age 23.

Yep. At 15 all of us are pretty dumb. However, I'm willing to bet most 15 year olds don't write about killing others.
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Yep. At 15 all of us are pretty dumb. However, I'm willing to bet most 15 year olds don't write about killing others.

When I was in 6th grade, I wrote an essay in which I said that if I could vote in the 1988 election, I would vote for Jesse Jackson. I wouldn't want that held against me now, so I'm afraid I have to give Beta a pass for writing stupid stuff when he was a kid. I don't give him a pass for being a throbbing tool with a terrible policy agenda in 2019, but I do give a pass for writing stupid stuff when he was a kid.
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When I was in 6th grade, I wrote an essay in which I said that if I could vote in the 1988 election, I would vote for Jesse Jackson. I wouldn't want that held against me now, so I'm afraid I have to give Beta a pass for writing stupid stuff when he was a kid. I don't give him a pass for being an throbbing with a terrible policy agenda in 2019, but I do give a pass for writing stupid stuff when he was a kid.

I refuse to admit to my first vote - it is so embarrassing
Of course many if not most teens say and do and even write things to shock.
If you read Beta's words they are pretty chilling. If you think of the writings of the Columbine killers and other teen murders the similarity is chilling.
Of course this could just be 15 y o angst to rebel.
But for me I do not think I want a Potus who dreamed of killing 38 people by age 23.

The media role in all of this is pretty interesting
The article I first saw on Beto fantasizing about killing children was by Reuters yesterday.
But isnt it weird that in over a year running for the Senate in Texas, none of this came out?
The sad reality is that our rotten media shields Democrats from issues to help them against Republicans.
It is only now, when their Dem friends want the story to be told, do they.
I refuse to admit to my first vote - it is so embarrassing

I'm not too ashamed of that. My first vote was for W over Ann Richards in 1994.

My Jackson support in 1988 is an illustration of why "listening to the children" is a stupid-*** idea. It's not that my rationale was that bad. I based it largely on Jackson's social conservatism. The problem is that I was naive and ignorant. Jackson wasn't a social conservative. He just talked like one.
With his hollow yet passionate appeals to goodness, light and possibility, the candidate exploits the naiveté of the mob. Will it work in 2020?
With his hollow yet passionate appeals to hope and change, the candidate exploits the naiveté of the mob. It certainly worked in 2008.
Shallowness is the new ant-Beta talking point from the radical intersectional Left. Did anybody bring this up in 2018? They really don't like him now.
Uh oh
If I understand the rules liberals have previously established for this "hand signal," this means Beto is a closet Nazi



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Reuters reporter Joseph Menn exclusively revealed on Friday that Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke belonged to one of the best-known groups of computer hackers as a teenager.
Members of the group, which calls itself Cult of the Dead Cow, protected O’Rourke’s secret for decades, reluctant to compromise the former Texas Congressman’s political career.

After more than a year of reporting, Menn persuaded O’Rourke to talk on the record. In an interview in late 2017, O’Rourke acknowledged that he was a member of the group, on the understanding that the information would not be made public until after his Senate race against Ted Cruz in November 2018."

No media is not biased. I wonder who they do want as the Dem candidate since it isn't Beta.
No media is not biased. I wonder who they do want as the Dem candidate since it isn't Beta.

I think they view Trump as extremely beatable, and I think they want to take full advantage of that (assuming it's true). They probably believe that Beta is a hack, not a principled liberal. They fear that if he wins, he'll serve his own interests, even if it means playing ball with Republicans and throwing the hard Left under the bus like Bill Clinton did. And hell, they're probably right. He's a Democrat because he has to be in order to win in El Paso, not because he's a raging liberal. That's why his record is so scattered.

If they have a chance to beat Trump, they want a staunch leftist. They're split on who that would be. The economic leftists want Bernie or Liz Warren. The crackpot intersectional leftists want Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, or somebody who isn't a white guy.
Mr D
I wonder if enough of the electorate is interested enough to understand what went on when Beta was running in Texas and got protected by media then
but now is no longer the darling. He didn't change, he spouts the same feel good inanities that had people fainting when Obama ran.

What will they do to Bernie if he continues to stay on top in the polls.
Well, Im glad the left is turning on Beto. He is their best general election candidate by far IMO. Biden is second. The rest are pure trash.
I wonder if enough of the electorate is interested enough to understand what went on when Beta was running in Texas and got protected by media then
but now is no longer the darling. He didn't change, he spouts the same feel good inanities that had people fainting when Obama ran.

That's what's so goofy about this. Nothing has changed, and nothing is new. He's the same guy running the same kind of race. He's not any better or worse than he was six months ago. However, back then, the media was kissing his *** nonstop, and now large numbers of them are rolling their eyes about him.

What will they do to Bernie if he continues to stay on top in the polls.

They'll back him all the way.
Seems to me like it's Bernie Sanders' nomination to lose. He is the only candidate who returns with organization intact from 4 years ago, his people are passionate, he has name ID, and now, with the, as you say, "crackpots" even further left than he is, he starts to look like a compromise candidate for them.
If Bernie wins the nomination, play the video of him praising the USSR over and over again. Anybody older than 30 years old won't be able to escape the association. Then play all the improvement in minority wages and unemployment. It will be a landslide.
If he says this in 2018, Cruz wins by 20 points. Y'all were saying he is left center. This dude is a straight up tyrant. "You get to keep your AR15". Puta gringa chinga tu madre.

If Bernie wins the nomination, play the video of him praising the USSR over and over again. Anybody older than 30 years old won't be able to escape the association.

He may not escape the association, but it won't be considered a negative for people that young. A 30 year old in 2020 was born in 1990. He has never really heard much negative about the USSR. Even when I was in high school in the early '90s, the USSR wasn't spun as good guys, but they weren't spun as full blown villains the way (for example) Nazi Germany was and still is. The Cold War was spun as a product of kneejerk "mistrust" and "misunderstanding" between the US and USSR. And the fall of the USSR was spun entirely as the product of good deeds by Gorbachev. Your average 1990er was probably given an even more favorable view of the USSR.

I'd put the age mark at more like 45. If you're over 45, you'll probably think his eulogy of the Soviet Union was a bad thing.
I was a good example of why 18y olds should not be voting

I am proud to say my first vote for POTUS was cast in 1980 and I voted Reagan. My dad was a staunch Democrat, owing to his long-time union membership, but that did not deter me. I knew very well what the Democrat party was all about, even then.