2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

The wife of Chuck Todd (NBC's Meet the Press) is a Democrat activist who has given more than $18,500 to Democrat candidates--including Sen. Amy Klobuchar, who is running for president.

Is this enough to conflict him out of any Presidential Debate?

Here is the happy couple at the Playboy Mansion
Actually I hope the RNC only excludes CNN based on their reporters behavior during the 2016 primary debates. This was a really bad move by the DNC. There are lots of independents and Republicans that do not like Trump that watch Fox News. The DNC is breaking hard left and going to cost themselves a lot of voters.
"Socialism will have no leaders or ruling class at all."
What a blindingly ignorant statement.
Sounds like something AOC would spout.
Or Bernie, from the top floor of one of his residences.
Biden is leading in Iowa and he hasn't entered the race. Perhaps he's leading because moderate Dems are looking for a non-radical, non-socialist candidate and he's about as close to it as they got. If he gets in, the radical left wing of the party will skin him alive.
At this point I think name recognition more than anything affected the poll.
Plus how many stuff loving socialists are there in Iowa?
People are looking at the Dem candidates’ favorability before the primary. Wait till they look like after all the cat-fighting, and Trump starts to dump on the nominee. The answer: not good.
At this point I think name recognition more than anything affected the poll.
Plus how many stuff loving socialists are there in Iowa?

It's a state that's heavily reliant on farm and ethanol subsidies. They aren't hardcore ideological socialists, but they do like free stuff.
Good point MrD
and the 2 at the top of that poll, even Bernie, will for sure not cut them off. They with good cause are not sure of the other socialists on that poll.
Elizabeth Warren also came out against Facebook's censorship policy and called for there to be more viable options in social media.

Wow. I agree with her on 2 things consecutively.
This is kind of embarrassing, Beto grovels about being a white man...

“The government at all levels is overly represented by white men,” he said. “That’s part of the problem, and I’m a white man. So if I were to run, I think it’s just so important that those who would comprise my team looked like this country. If I were to run, if I were to win, that my administration looks like this country. It’s the only way I know to meet that challenge.”

“I totally understand people who will make a decision based on the fact that almost every single one of our presidents has been a white man, and they want something different for this country,” he continued. “I think that’s a very legitimate basis upon which to make a decision. Especially in the fact that there are some really great candidates out there right now.”

Beto O’Rourke’s burden: Dem says he’s ‘born’ for politics, yet ‘part of the problem’ as a white man

Wonder what Beto tells his three children about being evil white folks by birth.
Again, I called it. The political media is now off Beto's jock. Link.

What's funny is that everything negative or "concerning" about Beta was just as true in 2018, but the partisan hackery of the press dictated that none of it be discussed.
It's a state that's heavily reliant on farm and ethanol subsidies. They aren't hardcore ideological socialists, but they do like free stuff.

They like lots of free stuff but would never admit it, like most receiving Social Security/Medicare benefits. The average person takes hundreds of thousands more in benefits than they ever paid into the system.
That article tried hard to be positive about Beta but it turned out hard to do.
There were several LOL quotes for him but this to me was one of the funniest.
Talking about visa overstays, Beta's solution? "he was still just thinking aloud: “a first step could be text message reminders,” he offered by parenthetical in the bullet point on visa overstay."

I think he got excited by the 5% in the Iowa poll.
He really is a kum by yah candidate.

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