2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

She keeps making sense and the Dems and their lapdog media absolutely hate her for it. I bet they try and keep her out of the debates

This just in: The Democrat party has decided that all its primary debates will be moderated by 12-year-olds.

Check out @pdabrosca’s Tweet:

Frankly, it must be pretty off-putting to be an 85 year old getting a bunch of argumentative back talk from a gaggle of brainless (albeit well-indoctrinated) kids. I'm sure she was thinking, "when I was your age, kids got spanked when they talked to adults like that."

I wouldn't have said, "you didn't vote for me." That looks bad, but I'm glad that she put them in their place. She handled it pretty well. After all, she just got elected to what will almost surely be her last term since she'll be over 90 when it's over. She could have walked out as soon as they started arguing with her and ripped a big fart on the way out, and it wouldn't have mattered.
She keeps making sense and the Dems and their lapdog media absolutely hate her for it. I bet they try and keep her out of the debates

I'm sure they don't want her in the debates, but her poll numbers will be low enough to ensure that. However, I think her past social conservatism will sink her more than foreign policy will. Plenty of Democrats have been all over the map on foreign policy, and that issue doesn't motivate them that much.

Social issues are different. It's where the Left gets its righteousness and claims its moral authority. Democrats have claimed socially conservative positions at times in the past, but they weren't activist about it. Furthermore, most knew those positions were insincere at the time. For example, nobody really thought Obama opposed gay marriage in 2008. It's just something he had to say to neutralize the issue.

Gabbard was a vocal activist. She was undoubtedly sincere. Her conversion is what looks phony.
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Kamala Harris has come out in favor of reparations

But of course conveniently omitting any mention the history of slave-ownership in her own family in Jamaica
If there are reparations, the governments of West Africa should all pitch in since they you know were the ones who enslaved those families and sold them to Europeans.

I am for sure NO DiFi fan but I heard on the radio that the vid in play was edited to make her look really bad.
Apparently she offered one of the students an internship and it all was not as confrontational as it might seem.
Beta likely to enter the presidential race. Link. I still say his chances of winning the nomination are weak. He won't get anywhere near the positive media coverage.
Talk about Russian collusion! Bernie would have won the nomination in 2016 if it hadn’t been rigged! If he’d have won the nomination, I wonder if the MSM would have made a big deal out of his Russian connections?
Beta likely to enter the presidential race. Link. I still say his chances of winning the nomination are weak. He won't get anywhere near the positive media coverage.

He might be VP material except that he's a good enough speaker that someone like Harris would never allow him on the ticket. He'd upstage her too much.
Beta likely to enter the presidential race. Link. I still say his chances of winning the nomination are weak. He won't get anywhere near the positive media coverage.
It will be interesting to watch. I have a feeling that the Dems may realize that he is their best bet (outside of Biden) in the general election. Only a fool would nominate Harris, but then again the Dems did put up HRC.
They would both be tough opponents.

Not a fan of Inslee. He's a Democrat version of Donald Trump in that he's just not very smart but plays it off as a "man of the people". Inslee is also at his term limit so I suspect he's simply trying to raise his profile for his next gig.
Not a fan of Inslee. He's a Democrat version of Donald Trump in that he's just not very smart but plays it off as a "man of the people". Inslee is also at his term limit so I suspect he's simply trying to raise his profile for his next gig.

That's interesting. My recollection of him was as a congressman, and though he was well to my left, he seemed pretty sensible.

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