2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

I think we should formally change the name of the Dem Presidential Primary to the The Oppression Olympics

Apparently the DNC is REQUIRING candidates run as democrat and not as independent. Will Bernie have a spine and run independent, or will he cave to the people that screwed him over last time? And once again, thank you Donald Trump for blowing up the establishment parties!
And the hits keep on coming for Kamala... her father rips her a new one...

Kamala Harris’s dad: Our family wants to ‘dissociate ourselves from this travesty’

I mentor a young black man (his family is from Jamaica, he lived in Canada and is now a proud US citizen) at work and we talked about this article. He burst out laughing and said that what Kamala's Dad said was exactly what his Dad would say. He said Jaimacan's are VERY sensitive about the whole ganja rep.
In the "I'll give away more stuff than you" race to buy the Democratic nomination, Corey raises the bar by promising to give up to $50,000 to 18-year-olds in the lowest income bracket.

Booker Wants To Give HOW MUCH To Poor 18-Year-Olds?

Why doesn't Corey just promise those 18-year-olds what they really want; "I'll make a new law that makes it mandatory that you get laid by your 18th birthday".

Meanwhile Kamala Harris says she'd support reparations.


Man, that $20 trillion dollar national debt will be a quadrillion in no time, if these clowns get their way.
In the "I'll give away more stuff than you" race to buy the Democratic nomination, Corey raises the bar by promising to give up to $50,000 to 18-year-olds in the lowest income bracket.

Booker Wants To Give HOW MUCH To Poor 18-Year-Olds?

Why doesn't Corey just promise those 18-year-olds what they really want; "I'll make a new law that makes it mandatory that you get laid by your 18th birthday".

Meanwhile Kamala Harris says she'd support reparations.


Man, that $20 trillion dollar national debt will be a quadrillion in no time, if these clowns get their way.
How do you reparate the descendants of the Northern states that abolished slavery soon after the revolutionary war? Why would the US be culpable for them?
How do you reparate the descendants of the Northern states that abolished slavery soon after the revolutionary war? Why would the US be culpable for them?
Skip the whole reparations component...they believe they are descended from people who were improperly relocated, so the BEST solution is to take the descendants and return them to their homeland. Problem solved.
I think we should formally change the name of the Dem Presidential Primary to the The Oppression Olympics


There it is right there. I mean it's sick. We were hearing noises about white privilege and Beto. But he reset the clock back to the good old days with his protest against the wall in El Paso. So he's useful as far as that goes. There comes a point in life when you have to start saying, "I don't give a F*ck." These obsessives can never be pleased. They track every person's past and you can't win. You just have to pick your values and who you think is a real leader. Bernie is far superior to Warren. That's my opinion. Talking sex or race is not voting with your head; it's voting with your emotions and if you do that then you are impaired.
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Why would the US be culpable for them?

It would be impossible to know whose ancestors were held as slaves and whose weren't. But, I don't think they stop at that criteria. They include anybody whose ancestors were oppressed by the Jim Crow laws or oppressed for any reason.

They'd just have to dole out the dough to anybody who claimed African heritage. I bet there'd be a lot of people going full Elizabeth Warren.

You know everybody's DNA can be traced back to a common ancestor (Eve if you will) who lived 200,000 years ago. She was African, so I think we all had black relatives if you go back far enough. So, gimme my money Kamala!
It would be impossible to know whose ancestors were held as slaves and whose weren't. But, I don't think they stop at that criteria. They include anybody whose ancestors were oppressed by the Jim Crow laws or oppressed for any reason.

They'd just have to dole out the dough to anybody who claimed African heritage. I bet there'd be a lot of people going full Elizabeth Warren.

You know everybody's DNA can be traced back to a common ancestor (Eve if you will) who lived 200,000 years ago. She was African, so I think we all had black relatives if you go back far enough. So, gimme my money Kamala!
There is new research saying the first human was from East Asia. Google it if you care.
There is new research saying the first human was from East Asia. Google it if you care.

Eve wasn't the first human. It's just that her lineage survived while all the others didn't .

If you trace back the DNA in the maternally inherited mitochondria within our cells, all humans have a theoretical common ancestor. This woman, known as “mitochondrial Eve”, lived between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago in southern Africa. She was not the first human, but every other female lineage eventually had no female offspring, failing to pass on their mitochondrial DNA. As a result, all humans today can trace their mitochondrial DNA back to her

Found: closest link to Eve, our universal ancestor
She was not the first human, but every other female lineage eventually had no female offspring, failing to pass on their mitochondrial DNA.

It is claims like this that make me skeptical of scientists. That is coming from a scientist too.

Where is the data? That is a statement of speculation not a conclusion based on data.
I've wondered why candidates like Amy Klobuchar (who's well-liked by Republicans and generally likable except to her staff) and Sherrod Brown (who's a bit like Jerry Brown - used to be considered very liberal but has been overtaken by large parts of his party and now looks moderate because he isn't quite Che Guevara even if he's as liberal as he ever was) would jump into the presidential race. This piece explains why they would do it.

Fifty-four percent of Democratic and Dem-leaning voters actually want the party leadership to move in a moderate direction. Only 40 percent want the party leadership moving left. If that's true it explains why a candidate who is less liberal and less of ****-flinger might jump in. That also tells me that a lot of the "excitement" over the full scale wing nuts like AOC and the two Muslim chicks is media-driven rather than true support from their party.

Do I think the party is going to nominate a moderate or even moderate-seeming candidate? Probably not. The ****-flingers may be a minority of party voters, but they show up to vote in primary elections and caucuses and almost surely in greater numbers than moderate Democrats do. However, a moderate could essentially win the nomination like Trump won the GOP nomination but in reverse. If there is a mess of ****-flingers in the race (which looks like a real possibility) competing for the liberal voters but only one moderate (or less than full blown lunatic) Democrat, he or she could win a lot of states with pluralities.
Do I think the party is going to nominate a moderate or even moderate-seeming candidate? Probably not. The ****-flingers may be a minority of party voters, but they show up to vote in primary elections and caucuses and almost surely in greater numbers than moderate Democrats do. However, a moderate could essentially win the nomination like Trump won the GOP nomination but in reverse. If there is a mess of ****-flingers in the race (which looks like a real possibility) competing for the liberal voters but only one moderate (or less than full blown lunatic) Democrat, he or she could win a lot of states with pluralities.

The party leaders are likely pushed by the media just like everyone else. they may be convinced that their party really does want to move left.

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