2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

sorta ... where is the line drawn on the decision to send combat forces?

Is only WTC towers falling sufficient justification?

Sometimes you gotta accept that (excessive) profit will be made from misery in the exercise of doing the right thing overall. I'm not defending that, just noting it's easy to pop-off with those remarks ... lets have some examples of where combat forces were deployed/engaged which didn't defend material interests of These United States.
I feel like that's an indictment on the quality of ribs you're getting. :D

The best ribs I've had in Europe were at a TGI Fridays in Budapest. That should tell you something about the state of barbecue over here. It's not good.

Having said that, I ate pretty good stuff in Texas, and though the ribs were moist, they weren't dripping with grease. I could get by.
We all know US media sucks, but it is still amazing none of them have ever forced the Open Borders crowd to answer why. Shouldnt this be the first question? -- "How and why would Open Borders would be good for the United States?"
My second question would be "What are we supposed to do with all these uneducated people when automation/robotics takes their low skill jobs? Which, as we are regularly told, is right around the corner. What are they going to do with them then?
There is probably no Democrat alive who will give a truthful answer but they still should be asked. The fact that our media never asks them is embarrassing.

Beto was honest back in 2015
Kamala Harris claims to have smoked pot in college while listening to Tupac and Snoop.
Tupac's first album came out in 1991.
Snoop's first album came out in 1993.
Kamala Harris graduated college in 1986.

Ironically enough, at the same time Harris was listening to rap albums 7 years before they were ever produced, Hillary was dodging sniper fire in Bosnia. The more you know

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We all know US media sucks, but it is still amazing none of them have ever forced the Open Borders crowd to answer why. Shouldnt this be the first question? -- "How and why would Open Borders would be good for the United States?"
My second question would be "What are we supposed to do with all these uneducated people when automation/robotics takes their low skill jobs? Which, as we are regularly told, is right around the corner. What are they going to do with them then?
There is probably no Democrat alive who will give a truthful answer but they still should be asked. The fact that our media never asks them is embarrassing.

Beto was honest back in 2015

Nancy Pelosi gave their answers: Morality.

They will hold a child up to you and tell you that's the answer. They don't care about the cost; ONLY THE COST OF THE WALL.

What we are supposed to believe is that Beto et al are moral holy people and all others are deplorable. That is the answer.

However, I heard this morning on 590 AM that the Dems are offering $1.5 Billion or thereabouts for a wall as long as it's not solid concrete. Sooooo.... I'm confused...
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Nancy Pelosi gave their answers: Morality.
They will hold a child up to you and tell you that's the answer. They don't care about the cost; ONLY THE COST OF THE WALL.
What we are supposed to believe is that Beto et al are moral holy people and all others are deplorable. That is the answer.
However, I heard this morning on 590 AM that the Dems are offering $1.5 Billion or thereabouts for a wall as long as it's not solid concrete. Sooooo.... I'm confused...

That does not answer the question. Maybe it's true that it lets Democrats feel good emotionally at what they perceive as moral superiority. But the question is - how does it benefit the country they are sworn to serve?
That does not answer the question. Maybe it's true that it lets Democrats feel good emotionally at what they perceive as moral superiority. But the question is - how does it benefit the country they are sworn to serve?

I hear you. I'm just saying they feel they have answered the question. They are avoiding the question of perpetual poverty and the effect on existing US citizens. I think they roll that into racism; you can't question the people coming over on any level. You can't judge them and their ability to contribute to our nation. And if they are all asylum seekers (coming from sh*thole countries which we are not allowed to use as a description of said countries) as defined by Democrats then cost is moot.
I hear you. I'm just saying they feel they have answered the question. They are avoiding the question of poverty. I think they roll that into racism; you can't question the people coming over on any level. You can't judge them and their ability to contribute to our nation. And if they are all asylum seekers (coming from sh*thole countries which we are not allowed to use as a description of said countries) as defined by Democrats then cost is moot.

I see that as media failure.
I see that as media failure.

Yes. The country needs a basic primer on the basis of our immigration laws. It is my understanding that we did turn back Europeans at Ellis Island for more than one reason (illness, likelihood of being a ward of the state). This is nothing new. The Democrats seemed to argue that we (Obama) do vet middle eastern emigrees and the "Muslim ban" was unnecessary. But what do we vet them for? And why are we not applying this vetting standard, that is apparently such a fine filter than no terrorist would ever come through, for those coming in from south of the Rio Grande?
There's something I've been thinking about. It's not exactly on point but there is a loose connection. It is my understanding that Trump's "Muslim Ban" (using the Left's term) was rejected by the courts in part due to his campaign rhetoric. Kamala and AOC have come out with aggressive positions (eliminating private insurance and people getting paid by taxpayers even if they refuse to work). It appears they have retreated from these positions (Nancy probably told them, "You see, this is why I'm in charge."). So using the logic the courts cited with Trump, it would appear we need to remember that Kamala and AOC told us how they really feel. They are now being rehabilitated by Nancy. We know who they are and we know their intent.

Will this have a legal effect later? We'll see.
Yes. The country needs a basic primer on the basis of our immigration laws. It is my understanding that we did turn back Europeans at Ellis Island for more than one reason (illness, likelihood of being a ward of the state). This is nothing new. The Democrats seemed to argue that we (Obama) do vet middle eastern emigrees and the "Muslim ban" was unnecessary. But what do we vet them for? And why are we not applying this vetting standard, that is apparently such a fine filter than no terrorist would ever come through, for those coming in from south of the Rio Grande?

We more or less shut down ALL immigration from the 1920s through the 1960s
I don't know much about Kamala. So far I've learned that she had a adulterous affair to advance her political career and she smokes dope. Also, she's impulsive. She endorsed AOC's GND before the ink was dry.

The real campaigning has even begun. This should be fun.
So Liz Warren has come out lecturing us that “the system is rigged to benefit the rich.” This is the root of her platform

This from a woman who lives in a $5.4M mansion
Who claimed “Native American” status to score a Harvard gig paying $350,000 a year to teach one class.
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So Liz Warren has come out lecturing us that “the system is rigged to benefit the rich.” This is the root of her platform

This from a woman who lives in a $5.4M mansion
And claimed “Native American” status to score a Harvard gig paying $350,000 a year to teach one class.
And won't be challenged on her lecturing by any so-called journalists.
Big news -- Stacey Abrams has galloped into 5th place
Abrams/O'Rourke 2020
Could we be this lucky?
If so, its proof there is a God

Big news -- Stacey Abrams has galloped into 5th place
Abrams/O'Rourke 2020
Could we be this lucky?
If so, its proof there is a God


It's always a battle for the moderates at this point. Those who are hard-core Liberal or Conservative would apparently vote for a cat as long as SCOTUS is filled to their liking.

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