2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

I predicted Beto would get ripped to shreds by the rest of the Dems once he got serious. Kamala Harris has a little protection due to her identity status, but I suspect you're going to see stories designed to chip away at here on a pretty regular basis "leaked" through media sources (such as the whole Willie Brown story.) I think you'll start to see who's in the Kamala Harris corner (CNN) and who's not based on the stories they'll be running in the next six months or so.
LOL -- Dems aint nominating an old white guy
No way, no how. Give it up fellas, save the money and emotional distress

I see Spartacus, Corey Booker, threw his hat in the ring yesterday. It should be entertaining watching this.

It'll be a race to see who can offer the most free stuff. Free health care, college, and a "living wage" are old stuff. Everybody's offering that.

Is free transportation a constitutional right? if so, I like a new car and free gasoline. Oh, and maybe we should have single payer car insurance too.
Bloomberg is a centrist?

Compared to Warren, Harris, Booker, an Sanders, he is. He's socially liberal and would probably push for open borders. However, he'd probably be less of a fiscal crackpot. I could see him backing a tax hike but not a major one. He has also been critical of single payer, and I doubt he'd push for a major expansion of entitlements (free college, etc.). I think he'd be a fiscal conservative in the literal sense - a deficit hawk but not a tax cutter. I also think he'd be more subdued on the Muslim fetish - wouldn't be an Israel-hater and wouldn't associate with antisemites.
Will be interesting to see how this plays out. The Dems have gone completely off the left-wing deep end. I just don't see their extreme positions playing well with independents and moderate Democrats. My dad has been a life-long democrat and we have had a lot political discussions over several decades. He is a senior who is dependent on Medicare and the crazy Medicare expansion programs pushed by the leftists are scaring the crap out of him. He has finally had enough of the Dems and now considers himself an independent. If Kamala or some other socialist wins the nomination then I could even see him voting for Trump out of pure fear.

What does this graph tell us about the 2020 election?

It shows Schultz and Bloomberg have no chance. The quadrant they are appealing to is the lower right: socially liberal, fiscally conservative.

It also shows that the people in play are the populists in the top left, those are who and socially conservative on immigration, LGBT, Political Correctness, etc fiscally liberal.

It tells me the US is mostly national socialists and communists. We really like government spending and interfering in the economy. It explains much.
the republicans cannot nominate anybody who is not stupid or nuts or both and the democrats can't nominate anybody the rest of us can vote for. So I guess I get to bug out on the 7th presidential race in a row.

You guys have fun throwing mud at the offerings of the party you think is inferior to the pack of idiots your own bunch throws up. Throws up. Nice metaphor for what they nominate and what I want to do when I listen to any of them
It tells me the US is mostly national socialists and communists. We really like government spending and interfering in the economy. It explains much.

I think that's a little exaggerated, because it assumes all those issues you talked about are all lumped together as a package deal. There's plenty of variance in that quadrant, I suspect, and any time I see "more liberal" or "more conservative" I immediately ask "What do you mean by liberal and conservative? And what did they mean when they answered? Were you all using the same definition? What if someone doesn't care about the deficit but they're for closing the borders? Where do they fit on that scale?

I think your basic point is pretty on target - there just aren't any fiscally conservative social liberals anymore, and I suspect part of that is that liberalism always seems to cost money. If I'm socially liberal, that usually means that I'm going to put social issues as a priority over fiscal issues. I remember a coworker basically saying that "I think you really just have to get those social issues right. The economic side of it will take care of itself."

The social conservative/fiscal liberal tag is a little muddy too. What do you want to spend the money on? Who out there is in favor of greater spending for things that aren't ultimately geared toward socially liberal policy? I tend to think that upper left quadrant is a little confused and conflicted about what it wants, but it's not about spending money to spend money. I would argue that it's probable in many cases that those are actually people who just can't decide where they should be on that grid, so they end up floating around and approving of spending based on how it makes them feel about themselves and about the country. The more I think about it, in fact, the more I'm struggling to think of examples of fiscally liberal social conservatives. They're not for socialized medicine or opposed to fixing entitlements just because they like big government or because they just want to spend money. Maybe it's more about the idea of wanting things taken off their plate, making it easier on them (Government handles my insurance, makes sure everything's working, keeps the markets in line, etc...). So maybe those are just the people who don't really care that much about policy per se, they just want things to be done for them. So I guess maybe that's what economic liberalism comes down to for a lot of that group.

You guys have fun throwing mud at the offerings of the party you think is inferior to the pack of idiots your own bunch throws up. Throws up. Nice metaphor for what they nominate and what I want to do when I listen to any of them

Your virtue-signaling self-righteousness is noted.
Prodigal, I agree I think the upper left quadrant on fiscal issues just doesn't want there Medicare or Social Security taken away. However, they also are for the tariffs and government regulation. But I do think they are more passive about that kind of stuff.

JH, Tulsi is right about what she said in the tweet. Broken clock but still right.
The Dems have gone completely off the left-wing deep end. I just don't see their extreme positions playing well with independents and moderate Democrats.
Excellent point, UTChE96. The more the Dems move left, the more they will alienate the centrists (moderates) of all persuasions - Dem, GOP, and Independent. If the Dems nominate one of these avowed Socialists, it could pretty much guarantee the reelection of Donald Trump. If I see the choice between Trump and Harris/Warren/Sanders, I'll vote Trump - not happily, but the lesser of the evils by a significant margin.
Since there's no other thread I could think of to add this to, and I'm not sure it should get its own thread, I'm just going to say that I'm only voting for candidates who are capable of taking down apex predators with their bare hands. So go find this guy so I can vote for him.

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This invites an interesting question. Is Liz Warren worse than Ralph Northam? Just consider the circumstances. Northam faked being black as a joke when he was in his mid-20s and basically showed no evidence of being anti-black for the next 35 years. Warren faked being American Indian for real, exploited it for her personal and political benefit (and quite possibly to the detriment of real American Indians), and continues to do so.

I don't defend either one. However, I think the case can be made that Warren is worse.
This invites an interesting question. Is Liz Warren worse than Ralph Northam? Just consider the circumstances. Northam faked being black as a joke when he was in his mid-20s and basically showed no evidence of being anti-black for the next 35 years. Warren faked being American Indian for real, exploited it for her personal and political benefit (and quite possibly to the detriment of real American Indians), and continues to do so.

I don't defend either one. However, I think the case can be made that Warren is worse.
She also lied and put “F” for the question asking the applicant’s Sex.
So will men vote for Tulsi because she is cute?

Tulsi is hot, but to be honest, I've never voted for someone and have never known a man who voted for someone based on a her looks. Hot women have gotten most of us to piss lots of money away, but I don't think they can get us to vote for them based on their looks. As hot as she is, Tulsi could never tempt me to vote for her.
Tulsi is hot, but to be honest, I've never voted for someone and have never known a man who voted for someone based on a her looks

Men only favor hot women when they think it will further their interest, mainly that it will put them in a position where the woman will notice them.

I have no doubt there are men in Hawaii who have joined her campaign, worked with her and tried to support her personally because she's hot. But until she starts getting notifications of men voting for her and an agreement to meet them in person for drinks, it's not happening.
Poor Beto
He seems to have disappeared.
Maybe he need an event / attack like that gay Empire actor.
They attackers can disparage him with anti Hispanic slurs.

Oh wait

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