SH, you know the inner workings of the Athletic Dept much better than I do ("I know NOTHING" in the best Schultz accent).
David took Tceh from s#¡+ to shinola in 1 season (including a win against UT). He looked like a legit HC. Turns out looks can be deceiving.
Freddie may have been a friend of yours & a fun person to be around, but I was embarrased by the behavior of his players. I lived in Lubbuttock when he brought a gang to town. Back then folks still deplaned on the tarmac & walked to the terminal. The tceh spirit squad, the Saddle Tramps, traditionally rolled out a red carpet between plane & tarmac for opposing teams. Upon arrival, Freddie's group walked around the carpet & spat Skoal/Copenhagen juice on the carpet. They followed that up with an embarasing game fully of late, blindside, cheap shot hits against the home boys, then layed down & quit in the 4th quarter, resulting in a humiliating loss that I had shoved in my face for years by the Lubbuttockites. Vertually every Freddie coached game I watched was repleat with cheap shot bad sportsmanship that cougar high would have been proud of. For that, I am no fan of Freddie. He did not get fired because of his record. Just my guess, but I think he rubbed too many people (like me) the wrong way. I don't wish him ill, I'm just glad he's no longer our HC. Next time you see Freddie, pls tell him I said "Hi".