Trouble in Paradise?

Great find, LHC. Absolute proof that the BOMC controls EVERYTHING. I've known aggy up close & personal for over 50 years, still, the depths of their delusional mind f**k still baffles me. I believe it would take a theoretical physicist with a quantum computer to decipher the black hole that is aggy thinking.
Aggie being selected by a group of judges from other cow colleges. What could possibly go wrong?
No doubt aggy would have won Grand Champion (delete the word "Reserve") had it not been for the devious perverted behind-the-scene antics of the BOMC...ever working to thwart the true greatness that IS aggy.
“I don't whine...and I NEVER LOSE to anyone. OUTSCORED, and I will correct anyone coming at me with "’You lost, losers’”

But later

“Win and I'm glad we got outta there with a win ...LOSE and it's a LOSS that affects me for a while”

I ddon't understand🤷????? probably don't qualify you the "funny farm."

They will need to get them quickly as it is about time for their "let's tear this place down and rebuild it better" act. (It will still look like a tacklebox.)
Whatever they come up with - LEDs, drones, female cheerleaders….though it will (again) be a catch-up move to the rest of the SEC/big programs . But - they’ll claim they invented it, it’s one of their traditions, they’ll try to trademark it, etc. gotta address the imposter syndrome, Part 94.