Trouble in Paradise?

Watch the Aggies sign a purchase order and pay in advance for a huge number of LED lights, made in China, and then have Trump put an embargo, so the Aggies are lighting Kyle Field by asking attendees to turn the lights on their phones on during the game.

If that happens, John Sharp will still keep his job.
Watch the Aggies sign a purchase order and pay in advance for a huge number of LED lights, made in China, and then have Trump put an embargo, so the Aggies are lighting Kyle Field by asking attendees to turn the lights on their phones on during the game.

If that happens, John Sharp will still keep his job.
We can only hope/pray. Or pay another $100M in LED light import tariffs. Just add it to the Jimbo Budget.

It’s the Winter “FURK” edition.
Interesting story. I was admitted to the hospital yesterday for a bout with A-fib. This afternoon, as I was being transferred from ICU to Telemetry, my nurse made some comment about being aggy. I immediately looked over my shoulder, smiled & flashed her Hook 'Em. Her response, "Well you guys lost last nite." I asked how aggy did in the CFP to which she threw (figuratively) a can full of aggy trash on me ending with the statement, "I'm Horns down to the day I die." Told her that Horns down means nothing to us any more. I then told her, "You guys hate Texas more than you love aggy." To my surprise she affirmed with "That's right."
I'm really glad the conversation happened as she was transferring me off of her floor. I like to think that even aggy can/will behave professionally, but I'm not sure but what my quality of care would have taken a nose-dive had this conversation happened while I was still on her floor. She was noticeablly less friendly after our little talk between floors.
You are a brave Horn. Glad you did that and really glad you did it as you were being transferred.
but Wow to think there is that much hatred from even a professional aggy.
There will be many prayers coming your way from all of us.:hookem:
You are a brave Horn. Glad you did that and really glad you did it as you were being transferred.
but Wow to think there is that much hatred from even a professional aggy.
There will be many prayers coming your way from all of us.:hookem:
Thanks, 6721
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1sa, they put you on Xarelta? They did me after I had a bout with it. I refused to be admitted once they got it under control I self checked out. Having had my heart surgery a year before I wasn't about to spend any more hospital time if I could avoid it. Haven't had any issues since, that I know of, but have been much more judicious in keeping drinking to a minimum and regular with my daily walk. I check frequently with my apple watch to be aware of anything. Good luck with your health - the heart can be troublesome no doubt.
Interesting story. I was admitted to the hospital yesterday for a bout with A-fib. This afternoon, as I was being transferred from ICU to Telemetry, my nurse made some comment about being aggy. I immediately looked over my shoulder, smiled & flashed her Hook 'Em. Her response, "Well you guys lost last nite." I asked how aggy did in the CFP to which she threw (figuratively) a can full of aggy trash on me ending with the statement, "I'm Horns down to the day I die." Told her that Horns down means nothing to us any more. I then told her, "You guys hate Texas more than you love aggy." To my surprise she affirmed with "That's right."
I'm really glad the conversation happened as she was transferring me off of her floor. I like to think that even aggy can/will behave professionally, but I'm not sure but what my quality of care would have taken a nose-dive had this conversation happened while I was still on her floor. She was noticeablly less friendly after our little talk between floors.
Poor aggy. They’re so cute when they get all riled up about their lil ol school. All those chants and traditions & such. They get their cute lil super serious faces on - all squnched up and stuff, and spew out those memorized responses they all know so well from 4 years of big boy/girl schooling’. So dang cute….you just wanna pat them on the head and run em out the back door to go play army man some more til it’s time for supper. “Now you play nice and don’t get those whites all messed up. The big uns need to focus on CFP stuff some more”.

Bless their lil ol hearts. Just wanna hug em to death.
I asked how aggy did in the CFP to which she threw (figuratively) a can full of aggy trash on me ending with the statement, "I'm Horns down to the day I die." Told her that Horns down means nothing to us any more.
So true. 30 years ago that would make my blood pressure rise. Now it just means to me we’re getting under everyone’s skin, and I kind of like that.
I love Horns down:

1. We are in your brain housing group. You think about us. All. The. Time.

2. When Bevo goes Horns down, you better make a hole , cuz the Big Fella is comin’ at you and snot’s gonna be flyin’. Ask Uga.

3. Horns Up? Horns Down? “It don’t make a ****….we’re gonna kick your asses.”
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Interesting story. I was admitted to the hospital yesterday for a bout with A-fib. This afternoon, as I was being transferred from ICU to Telemetry, my nurse made some comment about being aggy. I immediately looked over my shoulder, smiled & flashed her Hook 'Em. Her response, "Well you guys lost last nite." I asked how aggy did in the CFP to which she threw (figuratively) a can full of aggy trash on me ending with the statement, "I'm Horns down to the day I die." Told her that Horns down means nothing to us any more. I then told her, "You guys hate Texas more than you love aggy." To my surprise she affirmed with "That's right."
I'm really glad the conversation happened as she was transferring me off of her floor. I like to think that even aggy can/will behave professionally, but I'm not sure but what my quality of care would have taken a nose-dive had this conversation happened while I was still on her floor. She was noticeablly less friendly after our little talk between floors.
🙏 For your recovery and excellent care until you get home.:hookem:
I love Horns down:

1. We are in your brain housing group. You think about us. All. The. Time.

2. When Bevo goes Horns down, you better make a hole , cuz the Big Fella is comin’ at you and snot’s gonna be flyin’. Ask Uga.

3. Horns Up? Horns Down? “It don’t make a ****….we’re gonna kick your asses.”
I’m unidirectional about it.
1SAhorn - you get well and get out of the hospital! Do what your Doc says and leave the cute nurses alone while you are there! I trust you will ignore aggy nurses....
Thanks, Woo. This particular nurse wasn't one of the cute ones [5.5 - 6 on the MPS (Male Pig Scale)]. Don't worry, I'm not going to allow anything aggy says eff with my serenity.
Poor aggy. They’re so cute when they get all riled up about their lil ol school. All those chants and traditions & such. They get their cute lil super serious faces on - all squnched up and stuff, and spew out those memorized responses they all know so well from 4 years of big boy/girl schooling’. So dang cute….you just wanna pat them on the head and run em out the back door to go play army man some more til it’s time for supper. “Now you play nice and don’t get those whites all messed up. The big uns need to focus on CFP stuff some more”.

Bless their lil ol hearts. Just wanna hug em to death.
I failed to mention the other nurse involved. Nurse aggy enlisted help as I had a cart full of stuff & nurse aggy didn't want me pushing my own wheelchair (said it would make her "look bad.") Nurse #2 chimed in on my/UT's side. I'm not sure if she is an Ex or T-shirt fan, regardless she was matching nurse aggy tit-for-tat. Not sure, I may have unintentionally caused a War of the Nurses on the CVICU. 😃
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Interesting story. I was admitted to the hospital yesterday for a bout with A-fib. This afternoon, as I was being transferred from ICU to Telemetry, my nurse made some comment about being aggy. I immediately looked over my shoulder, smiled & flashed her Hook 'Em. Her response, "Well you guys lost last nite." I asked how aggy did in the CFP to which she threw (figuratively) a can full of aggy trash on me ending with the statement, "I'm Horns down to the day I die." Told her that Horns down means nothing to us any more. I then told her, "You guys hate Texas more than you love aggy." To my surprise she affirmed with "That's right."
I'm really glad the conversation happened as she was transferring me off of her floor. I like to think that even aggy can/will behave professionally, but I'm not sure but what my quality of care would have taken a nose-dive had this conversation happened while I was still on her floor. She was noticeablly less friendly after our little talk between floors.
I had a similar afib experience roughly 2 years ago, minus the unprofessional nurse.
It slowly went away and prayers to you the same thing happens.
I bought one of those Kardia devices and check it occasionally

I'll have to do a PM to keep from getting sued, but two things:

When you replied "Woo", my first thought was Willie Woo and his magical fingers. He may be retired by now. He was really good though.

Remind me to tell you about Red shutting down the Aggie EVP of Methodist Hospital in SA. That guy will hate me to his grave for that conversation we had with Red.

I'll have to do a PM to keep from getting sued, but two things:

When you replied "Woo", my first thought was Willie Woo and his magical fingers. He may be retired by now. He was really good though.

Remind me to tell you about Red shutting down the Aggie EVP of Methodist Hospital in SA. That guy will hate me to his grave for that conversation we had with Red.
Just call me the King of Curious. I eagerly await your PM. Don't want to get you sued.
By the way, by Woo I meant in what everyone in DKR (then simply known as Texas Memorial) used to say when Woster carried the ball. Sorry if I confused the issue.
This is something peculiar to aggy grads.
Most schools have their ignorant t-shirt fans who act like fools.
Fans who I know that are grads, even Sooner grads, seem to keep the rivalry in perspective.
Not aggy grads. They act like by going to A&M they joined a rebellion against an evil empire.
1SAhorn - you get well and get out of the hospital! Do what your Doc says and leave the cute nurses alone while you are there! I trust you will ignore aggy nurses....
Got home from hospital 'bout an hour ago. Had bit of an O2 panick attack when we got here, but all's well now. Thanks to all. Appreciate the prayers (God knows I need all those I can get). Kinda pissed off @ Hospitalist "care", but I survived it far.
Be it ever so humble .......!!!!!!!!
Got home from hospital 'bout an hour ago. Had bit of an O2 panick attack when we got here, but all's well now. Thanks to all. Appreciate the prayers (God knows I need all those I can get). Kinda pissed off @ Hospitalist "care", but I survived it far.
Be it ever so humble .......!!!!!!!!

Pleased you are OK brother Horn and grateful it worked out for you. You, me, us, should be grateful and blessed everyday when we wakeup and have another day. Keep us updated on your return to being here and posting obnoxiously again!!

Hook 'Em!! 🤘🤘
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Pleased you are OK brother Horn and grateful it worked out for you. You, me, us, should be grateful and blessed everyday when we wakeup and have another day.
Hook 'Em!! 🤘🤘
Woke up on the right side of dirt again this morning...wasn't looking at roots when my eyes opened. And I am indeed grateful to be granted another day on God's Blue Gem.

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