Interesting story. I was admitted to the hospital yesterday for a bout with A-fib. This afternoon, as I was being transferred from ICU to Telemetry, my nurse made some comment about being aggy. I immediately looked over my shoulder, smiled & flashed her Hook 'Em. Her response, "Well you guys lost last nite." I asked how aggy did in the CFP to which she threw (figuratively) a can full of aggy trash on me ending with the statement, "I'm Horns down to the day I die." Told her that Horns down means nothing to us any more. I then told her, "You guys hate Texas more than you love aggy." To my surprise she affirmed with "That's right."
I'm really glad the conversation happened as she was transferring me off of her floor. I like to think that even aggy can/will behave professionally, but I'm not sure but what my quality of care would have taken a nose-dive had this conversation happened while I was still on her floor. She was noticeablly less friendly after our little talk between floors.