
Honestly, it makes no difference to me. Mrs. Deez has made peace with the vaccine, has gotten her first Moderna shot, and will have her second one in time. However, this shenanigan of hiding the ball on the exemptions while having a hard deadline to get vaccinated is about as slimy as it gets purely from a procedural standpoint. I'm generally not a fan of government employee unions, but if one wanted to make itself useful for something . . .

My private employer is doing the same thing within the federal contractor guidelines. They also broadly define contractor to be anyone in a building with people who work on an actual contract.
My private employer is doing the same thing within the federal contractor guidelines. They also broadly define contractor to be anyone in a building with people who work on an actual contract.
Pretty soon, it will be 'you need a shot if your sister's cousin's mom's next door neighbor's aunt's brother's girlfriend KNOWS a contract employee.'
Just saw a video of a news cast from the 70's talking about the 40+ million people who got the "mandated" swine flu shot then 4,000+ people sued for billions because of the side effects and death. I suppose the government learned one lesson and implemented no liability for side effects. Government in general sucks.

Trending #1 Globally on Twitter!
Oh and I have two Beagles. They're family to me. So the NIH is torturing beloved Dog's and releasing bioweapons on us. Time to start hearings, we need justice here!
Remember when I said America is Germany 1935-1936!
They get into things, but they are loving Dogs who would take a bullet for their owner. To torture and kill them in a lab, with sand flies! Why?
The sudden emergence of Conservative PETA members was nowhere on my BINGO sheet.
What you choose to overlook is the fact that those doing the testing KNEW the experience was going to be painful, otherwise they would not have clipped the vocal cords.

Testing on animals serves a purpose, but when you have to modify the animal's basic physiological response to pain, it is beyond the pale.

People don't want to know how the sausage is made, but once it got squeezed out of the casing, good luck putting it back in. But good to know you support a procedure that amounts to torture...somehow it does not surprise me.
What you choose to overlook is the fact that those doing the testing KNEW the experience was going to be painful, otherwise they would not have clipped the vocal cords.

Testing on animals serves a purpose, but when you have to modify the animal's basic physiological response to pain, it is beyond the pale.

People don't want to know how the sausage is made, but once it got squeezed out of the casing, good luck putting it back in. But good to know you support a procedure that amounts to torture...somehow it does not surprise me.

What you choose to overlook is the fact that this type of testing has been going on for decades, if not centuries. PETA has been trying to publicize animal cruelty for decades only to be mocked by the same conservatives now showing empathy.

Why now? Because they've chosen a target (Fauci) to use the information to feign they care about animal testing now. It's pure political Pablum that suddenly conservatives care about animal testing. It's so transparent.
The sudden emergence of Conservative PETA members was nowhere on my BINGO sheet.

I had a long post in reply to this, I'll just say you are clueless if you don't understand people of all political views love dogs. This is despicable... 3 things under my roof mean the world to me. One is my pup. To see an animal go through that is disgusting
Did we get more detail on “eaten alive by sand fleas”? Was that literal or an expression like my wife says when she is on the beach on a windless day?
People don't want to know how the sausage is made, but once it got squeezed out of the casing, good luck putting it back in. But good to know you support a procedure that amounts to torture...somehow it does not surprise me.
l am old enough to remember how the liberals howled because Proctor and Gamble was testing shampoo harshness by putting it into the eyes of some cute little bunnies.

Now, for the sole reason that Fauci is a leftist kook himself, they defend the far more foul and cruel methods being used on cute little puppies.

Typical. Circle the wagons and protect their fellow leftists no matter the cost.
Why now? Because they've chosen a target (Fauci) to use the information to feign they care about animal testing now. It's pure political Pablum that suddenly conservatives care about animal testing. It's so transparent.

No, what is transparent is that people like you and your ilk are just now realizing that conservatives have decried the issue in the past. You simply chose not to pay attention because those that spoke out were not socializing in your circles.

That does not make conservatives a group that suddenly became card-carrying PETA members. But people like you believe that it is an all or nothing polar opposite without recognizing that MOST rational people have no qualms with animal testing provided it is done as humanely as possible...and clipping vocal cords so you don't have to hear the yelps of pain during testing is NOT humane.
No, what is transparent is that people like you and your ilk are just now realizing that conservatives have decried the issue in the past. You simply chose not to pay attention because those that spoke out were not socializing in your circles.

That does not make conservatives a group that suddenly became card-carrying PETA members. But people like you believe that it is an all or nothing polar opposite without recognizing that MOST rational people have no qualms with animal testing provided it is done as humanely as possible...and clipping vocal cords so you don't have to hear the yelps of pain during testing is NOT humane.

I'll wait for you to quote yourself decrying animal testing. You know, a time before some internet persona took cliche strategy of tying Fauci to hating puppies. Waiting....
Only important when politics are at play? Sounds like you and I agree on the timing and subsequent reaction.

There are a lot of serious subjects that haven't come up here before. Bestiality for instance. Are you against that because I've never heard you go against it before? What's that? It's never been mentioned here or come up? I see.
Fauci is fraud, a failure, and sends out both horrid animal testing and gain of function virus research to third world countries to avoid restrictions on it in the USA. Someone doesn't need a resume of dozens of posts about testing to correctly say he needs to be fired and run out of town on a rail.

I don't get why leftists feel the need to defend this fraud, besides brain dead tribalism. At best, he's done:

A terrible job to protect the US from viral diseases - hence the shortages of protective gear at the onset of the Wuhan virus (correct name of it before China hired the media to classify it as racialist).

A terrible job of dealing with it once it broke out in the USA. The country's has done everything that fraud has wanted, and we still list 600 grand in deaths. He's done squat beside lie to the public over and over, then hop on the vaccine bandwagon that private companies came up with.

At worst, and most likely, he funded making the coronavirus more contagious to humans in a ****** third world country lab, as it was (correctly) against the law to do such insanity here in the US.

And yet, leftists still gas huff his butt like he's the second coming of Robert Muller (remember those prayer candles the left had for St. Muller - till he had to show up in public for a Congressional hearing and was shockingly senile?).

If we'd stuffed this fool into a high school locker at the start of the Wuhan last year, and kept him there since then, the country would have been better off.
Y'all have Fauci all wrong. On another forum I'm on, someone pointed out that he has served every president since 1984 AND was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Any of you yippee yi yos able to say the same?

Didn't think so.
I'll wait for you to quote yourself decrying animal testing. You know, a time before some internet persona took cliche strategy of tying Fauci to hating puppies. Waiting....
I don't recall the subject of animal testing having come up before on this site...or at least not in the time that I have been active.

Tell you what...go find somewhere that saw me or any other conservative on this site clamoring for the torture of an animal by clipping vocal cords so that other testing could take place. We won't be holding our breath though...
Please quote the letter which proves "gain of function".

If not, no matter how much spinning around like a top and pointing elsewhere proves that what Dowling said is accurate. You can't read between the line and offer some obtuse translations that says up is down to justify what you believed before the letter was issued.

And this is the same garbage that Facui is trying to push - getting into arcane discussion as to what the NIH itself considers gain of function, so that their St. Fauci can't be nailed for lying to Congress about it. It's the same trick Clinton pulled when he lied under oath about - depends on what your definition of is is.

And totally coincidently, the NIH scrubbed their website for what gain of function meant, and substituted a new definition of it. We've always been at war with Wuhan!

Good write up here of how Fauci is adding in extra wording to gain of function, creating the brand new phrase "gain of function of concern", which means that it's a designed bioweapon. So as long as it can be plausibly denied that China made a bioweapon, instead of just making a new virus that's much more letha to humans, he's in the clear.

The slippery semantics of Anthony Fauci - The Spectator World

The facts are clear - Fauci funded research that made the coronavirus more contagious by combining the virus with human aspects so the virus could more readily infect human cells. He and his gas huffers will spend a week or so trying to say that's not what happened - then will more evidence comes out, they'll pull out the "we didn't know the Wuhan lab was doing that - they lied to us and we're a victim as much as anyone (besides the 600k Americans that died from it)."

Here's a good summary of how stupid you'd have to be to still believe the Wuhan started when someone ate a bat:

COVID-19 Natural Spillover Theory: How Many Coincidences Does It Require? | National Review
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