2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

I voted today in Nashville. Overwhelmingly liberal crowd that took 1.5 hours to complete. A few observations:

1) out of probably 300 people in the line, only 2 black voters
2) while they tried to socially distance, nobody was 6 feet apart. Was I part of a super spreader event?
3) I voted for Trump and Bill Haggerty for Senate. He will replace Lamar Alexander’s RINO Seat. Although I did not vote for him in the primary, he had Trump’s endorsement.
4) Liberal district with two democrats running unopposed. I wrote in Turd Ferguson on one ballot and Outlaw Josey Wales on the other.
5) Outside the 100 foot area, a table was set up for signing a petition to recall the liberal mayor who continues to shut down the city while increasing property taxes 34%. These idiots In line were cursing the two old guys for trying to recall the mayor. I proudly went over and signed the petition.

I think Trump carriers Tennessee and the two senate seats remain republican. I’m hopeful black turnout for Joe is low and Trump makes gains from 2016 on black and Latino vote.
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I remember back in 2016 I noticed even when the polls showed Trump behind his supporters were upbeat and optimistic. The Dems who thought they were going to win were so bitter and angry.
Again in2020 the people who support Trump seemed happy and optimistic about our country and you, even Bubba and Husker etc know the Dems are bitter angry and posting that they hope Trump supporters including children will die.
that is pretty sick
Hunter apparently contacted a 14 year old while naked and smoking crack. Unless he did more than this, or have photos with naked chinese girls, I still don’t see how this hurts Biden except for those who think the Biden family are saints.
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Hunter apparently contacted a 14 year old while naked and smoking crack. Unless he did more than this, or have photos with naked chinese girls, I still don’t see how this hurts Biden except for those who think the Biden’s are saints.
Because it's a Dem. Certainly if a Trump child was involved with 1/10 of what Hunter has been it would have been news 24/7.
There is an email with Hunter talking about walking around facetiming with his niece. The email is to Joe who apparently did nothing.
Then there are the emails from Hunter's former partner,the one in prison, supposedly speaking of a direct line to Obama admin.

How funny is it that 50 Former people from intelligence community sign a letter saying all this is likely Russian interfernce.
Trump has one chance to nail Biden on the foreign influence peddling at the debate. After that, the media will squash the stories. I hope Trump opens another attack line on Biden next week heading to Election Day.

Although many of the studies being posted such as this Pew one are encouraging I’m still very concerned that the mindset of this election could be much like the attitudes that are affecting corporate America this day and time. It seems like how a person “feels” is becoming more important that actual job performance.

As an example, you’re a Manager using all the “One Minute Manager” and likewise techniques to get a low performing unmotivated “snowflake” to perform the manager continues to become more and more aggressive until said manager is “bullying” the low performer. The next thing you know he/she is in an office with HR and divisional VP being disciplined for being mean and a bully. The actual performance of the low performing employee is completely irrelevant and they never receive any type of discipline.

From what I’m seeing/reading about in the news, I’m seeing the same type of attitude in suburban women and other “snowflakes.” The actual platform, policies and accomplishments of the candidate are completely irrelevant. The only thing that matters is Trump is a mean bully and that upsets me. Probably the most ironic thing though is that if they actually spent time with both candidates they would probably come to the exact opposite opinion. I do believe deep down Trump truly cares, but you simply won’t see that on the surface because of his personality.
Although many of the studies being posted such as this Pew one are encouraging I’m still very concerned that the mindset of this election could be much like the attitudes that are affecting corporate America this day and time. It seems like how a person “feels” is becoming more important that actual job performance.

As an example, you’re a Manager using all the “One Minute Manager” and likewise techniques to get a low performing unmotivated “snowflake” to perform the manager continues to become more and more aggressive until said manager is “bullying” the low performer. The next thing you know he/she is in an office with HR and divisional VP being disciplined for being mean and a bully. The actual performance of the low performing employee is completely irrelevant and they never receive any type of discipline.

From what I’m seeing/reading about in the news, I’m seeing the same type of attitude in suburban women and other “snowflakes.” The actual platform, policies and accomplishments of the candidate are completely irrelevant. The only thing that matters is Trump is a mean bully and that upsets me. Probably the most ironic thing though is that if they actually spent time with both candidates they would probably come to the exact opposite opinion. I do believe deep down Trump truly cares, but you simply won’t see that on the surface because of his personality.
My sense is you're right--the feeling of Trump being a bully trumps* other considerations for those who vote with their feelings.
*pun fully intended.

If electing a nice guy/non-bully/non-tough guy/non-meanie was what mattered the most, we'd have a lot more national leaders like this:





Nothing but warm fuzzies, good feelings, and good government all around.
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