Riots in Minneapolis

Minnesota is super Progressive but they are also avid hunters. I know hundreds of Minnesotans. They all go up North to hunt and camp. They own guns.

Their politics are messed up, but they will protect themselves when push comes to shove. It is a small state with a small population, they have a strong sense of community. This mess won't go too far there. It is Seattle and Portland that has to worry about a Communist take over.

Even the pansy mayor had to balls to tell a crowd of thousands that he would't get rid of the police. Of course he knows he will still be reelected. The people protesting/rioting won't be enough.
Minnesota is super Progressive but they are also avid hunters. I know hundreds of Minnesotans. They all go up North to hunt and camp. They own guns.

Their politics are messed up, but they will protect themselves when push comes to shove. It is a small state with a small population, they have a strong sense of community. This mess won't go too far there. It is Seattle and Portland that has to worry about a Communist take over.

Even the pansy mayor had to balls to tell a crowd of thousands that he would't get rid of the police. Of course he knows he will still be reelected. The people protesting/rioting won't be enough.

Yet city council voted unanimously to de-fund the police and over night 18% of the home owners put their houses up for sale in that city.

I lived there for 3 years up in Coon Rapids/Blaine area and I can tell you, the people in the twin cities are as liberal retards as I've ever met. but outside the twin cities they are as conservative as me. And I'm pretty freaking conservative.

Where my allegiance is first with Texas theirs is 100% with the United States, of course if they were Texans they would understand.

Minnesota is what scares me about Texas, they are dominated by the liberalism of the idiots in the cities and that is the way Texas is going. I'm hoping these riots will cure some people of the sickness of liberalism.
Time will tell. But 18% immediately leaving gives a decent gauge. There are probably many more who are just waiting to see how it goes.

Of course most of the people I know are from St. Paul, a bit more conservative or at least more common sense, and South and East of The Cities.
Yet city council voted unanimously to de-fund the police and over night 18% of the home owners put their houses up for sale in that city.

I lived there for 3 years up in Coon Rapids/Blaine area and I can tell you, the people in the twin cities are as liberal retards as I've ever met. but outside the twin cities they are as conservative as me. And I'm pretty freaking conservative.

Where my allegiance is first with Texas theirs is 100% with the United States, of course if they were Texans they would understand.

Minnesota is what scares me about Texas, they are dominated by the liberalism of the idiots in the cities and that is the way Texas is going. I'm hoping these riots will cure some people of the sickness of liberalism.
Minneapolis—look at Detroit. This could be you in a few years.
The police officer in Atlanta is charged with murder. This after being physically attacked, his taser stolen and pointed at him while chasing the subject.

This fits the current false narrative being echoed by the media, athletes, celebrities and liberals. If this guy had not been passed out in the drive through at Wendy’s, attacked and fought two officers then ran while pointing a weapon at the officers, he would be alive today. A little self responsibility to follow the law would prevent 99.99% of these deaths.
I'm getting the idea that a trope is any fact that runs counter to a political argument.

When one side believes it's cause is so noble that error is not only ignored, but aggressively justified, then there is no room for understanding. When you insult those who you are comparing to Bull Connor, when all you have is to say they are using dog whistles to communicate, is to create an enemy. To say that a demand is inerrant as written and not subject to negotiation or even question is to say that you are no longer a partner.

You are trying to take over.
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LOL, sniper scopes? Nice attempt at adding a little sinister flavor to the recap of events. Pulled that one from a CNN headline, yeah?
I watched it on the news. You surely did as well. Look at the picture. I honestly don't know if dude had a "scope" but if some card carrying antifa nazi puncher had this draw down on a federal agent to keep them from doing their job of rounding up the scofflaw's free range pot smokers you'd want them prosecuted.

Progressive Charlestown: Anti-public lands extremist put in charge of legal matters regarding public lands, Of course.
The police officer in Atlanta is charged with murder. This after being physically attacked, his taser stolen and pointed at him while chasing the subject.

This fits the current false narrative being echoed by the media, athletes, celebrities and liberals. If this guy had not been passed out in the drive through at Wendy’s, attacked and fought two officers then ran while pointing a weapon at the officers, he would be alive today. A little self responsibility to follow the law would prevent 99.99% of these deaths.
Holy hell, we agree on something. I can't see that as a murder. Once he pointed and shot that tazer at the cop it was over. Ideally, the two of the cops could have neutralized him but "ideally" does not often happen in the heat of the moment. Dude passed out in the drive thru.
Holy hell, we agree on something. I can't see that as a murder. Once he pointed and shot that tazer at the cop it was over. Ideally, the two of the cops could have neutralized him but "ideally" does not often happen in the heat of the moment. Dude passed out in the drive thru.
Hell hath frozen over.
Well, well - OUBubba nailed it. The perp assaulted a police officer, overpowered him, and took his taser - luckily, because he possibly could have taken his sidearm. He was resisting a lawful arrest, then threatened the officer with his stolen taser. Appears to me that the officer did his job - I can't believe that a murder charge will hold up.

Phil Castile
Breonna Taylor
Justine Damond
Botham Jean

And this is just shot and killed ... plenty more have been assaulted, raped, molested, shot but didn't die, etc, despite not doing any of those things either. And yeah, that's still a vast minority of encounters. But in most cases, the offender got off scot-free and/or was rewarded with free vacation, because they were officers. The guys who pulled Brock Turner off the woman were heroes - if instead of Turner it had been cops claiming "searching for drugs", those guys would have been lucky to survive and would have almost certainly been charged with a crime.
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He passed out in a drive through not a trailer. And don’t start discriminating against the Methicans. We have enough issues to deal with.

He can get his pay out of the evidence lockers. I'm sure there is enough pay to go around.

This situation is going to breed cops that are only there for the score, they will be part of organized crime. They will be criminals, why protect a law and a system that wants to destroy you for protecting yourself and doing the right thing.

We have entered the looking glass, what comes next will be very bad for everyone.
I almost can't imagine a less sympathetic shooting "victim" than Rayshard Brooks. Lots of ****-ups - drove not just a little buzzed but slobbering, piss drunk, assaulted the officers, reached for the cop's weapon, and ran from the cops. All very stupid things for which I have zero sympathy, and frankly they would have been justified in blowing the dude away the second he even tried to get the taser. However, he didn't do that.

It at least appears that the cop shot him while he was running away and not threatening them. Might the jury let him off because of the horrific prior conduct? Maybe, but if they're truly just looking at if the cop reasonably feared for his life at the time he pulled the trigger, I think the cop has a tough argument to make.
In the new America, the police will just let them run. What benefit is chasing them while they point weapons at you? Death or a murder charge.

That is if we have police. Who the hell would take that job? God bless police officers.
In the new America, the police will just let them run. What benefit is chasing them while they point weapons at you? Death or a murder charge.

That is if we have police. Who the hell would take that job? God bless police officers.

I agree. Even if I question this shooting, the people freaking out would be freaking out even if the cop had handled this perfectly.

Long term, I think it's going to get hard and very expensive to recruit officers to work in urban areas. The criminals are going to get very bold, and the idiots who live in the city are going to side with the criminal if he's black. If I was a cop in a big city, I'd be looking to get out.
Mr D
Look at the vid again. Brooks turns around aims the device at the cop closest to him.
The cop furthest away shoots him. We do not know if the shooter cop knew it was the taser instead of a gun. Split second

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