
As predicted

This strategy never made sense to me, because they have no leverage at all. Cocaine Mitch doesn't need the articles, because he doesn't have to hold a trial at all. Furthermore, I think delaying the process weakened the Democrats' momentum, because as other things come up (like Iran), people move on from impeachment.
This strategy never made sense to me, because they have no leverage at all. Cocaine Mitch doesn't need the articles, because he doesn't have to hold a trial at all. Furthermore, I think delaying the process weakened the Democrats' momentum, because as other things come up (like Iran), people move on from impeachment.
Impeachment during dem primary season is a great idea /sarc.
Impeachment during dem primary season is a great idea /sarc.

Actually I think they sorta hoped it would unify the party during the primary. Perhaps it could have, but McConnell has absolutely no reason to back down at all. He can just sit and wait. Meanwhile, the party and its candidates have moved on to attacking each other on other things. I think it'll be hard to refocus when Pelosi eventually realizes she doesn't run the Senate and has to capitulate. If I were McConnell, I wouldn't give an inch.
The left always point at Trump being divisive. Here is a perfect example of divisiveness. We kill the biggest Terrorist on the planet who has over 600 US citizens blood on his hands and look at the reactions from the left. We should be united and celebrating this death. But instead because it was President Trump that made the call they are against it because “it will cause WW3”. No other reason but that orange man bad. This is the kind of thing the left has done everyday that Trump has been in office. Then they cry when President Trump counter punches.
Vid is circulating showing Pelosi cheering and saying Obama did not need congressional ok to bomb Libya.
How can Dems and media keep pretending such outrage when evidence like that is right in front of them? The hatred is so obvious.
This strategy never made sense to me, because they have no leverage at all. Cocaine Mitch doesn't need the articles, because he doesn't have to hold a trial at all. Furthermore, I think delaying the process weakened the Democrats' momentum, because as other things come up (like Iran), people move on from impeachment.

I think that there is one more thing here too -- and that is some natural tension between the two bodies. Even from the same side of the aisle. The House is the "junior circuit." There is always some envy/disdain there.
Impeachment during dem primary season is a great idea /sarc.

It has been a complete boon for fundraising. Well, on one side at least. Their are R-candidates who might not even like Trump that much who are benefitting. Hopefully those folks learn from this and start rowing as a team.
here it is
""The longer it goes on the less urgent it becomes," Feinstein said,
according to Politico. "So if it’s serious and urgent, send them over. If it isn’t, don’t send it over."


Feinstein has some history of stepping out of line
I will always rmbr her back in the 1990s, when she pointed out the only consistent policy position was to be in favor of both legal abortion and the death penalty, or to be against both. At the time, almost everyone was split the other way. The pro-abortion side was against the death penalty while the pro-death penalty side was against abortion. She was the first elected politician to make this point publicly about consistency. You could pick at her logic as 'false equivalents' and her idea didnt stick, but the point is she went off the reservation to say it. Not many modern Dems do that.
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Word is that the articles will be sent over next week. Both schedule and McConnell forced the issue.
The left always point at Trump being divisive. Here is a perfect example of divisiveness. We kill the biggest Terrorist on the planet who has over 600 US citizens blood on his hands and look at the reactions from the left. We should be united and celebrating this death. But instead because it was President Trump that made the call they are against it because “it will cause WW3”. No other reason but that orange man bad. This is the kind of thing the left has done everyday that Trump has been in office. Then they cry when President Trump counter punches.
Don't know that I would go so far as to say we should be 'celebrating' the death, but certainly it should be recognized as something that was good for the interests of civilized society.

And yes, had Obummer stepped up during his term and done the same thing, which SHOULD have been done a decade ago, then the left would have been applauding as a good thing...
which SHOULD have been done a decade ago, then the left would have been applauding as a good thing...
I'm realizing

all in good time. Obama represents virtually everything I oppose politically. But I also recognize, that in as much as a decade ago to start these final days ... it wasn't time to start the final decade.
The left always point at Trump being divisive. Here is a perfect example of divisiveness. We kill the biggest Terrorist on the planet who has over 600 US citizens blood on his hands and look at the reactions from the left. We should be united and celebrating this death. But instead because it was President Trump that made the call they are against it because “it will cause WW3”. No other reason but that orange man bad. This is the kind of thing the left has done everyday that Trump has been in office. Then they cry when President Trump counter punches.
Here is some history for you.
Recall back to 9-11-2001. Once the shock of events wore off and the swamp got back to being the swamp, can you remember what primary criticism the Democrats had of Bush's administration? They didn't exactly blame him for 9-11, but they faulted him for not connecting the dots. They claimed we had the intelligence (which we did, but at the time the various agencies were prevented from sharing their intelligence across agency lines) and had the Bush administration acted proactively on that intelligence we may have been able to avoid 9-11 altogether.

Fast forward to today, and what the Democrats are mewling about. Now they are claiming Trump may have committed war crimes because he did act proactively on the intelligence available to him.

As usual with the left, they don't argue anything based on principle. It is nothing more than using whatever argument is likely to score some political points. You see the same thing with the impeachment arguments when they said one thing about impeaching Slick Willie, and took the exact opposite stance when it came to impeaching Trump. No principles, just pure partisan hackery. Keep it up Dems. More and more people have been awakened to your tactics, and more and more of them are repulsed.
Here is some history for you.
Recall back to 9-11-2001. Once the shock of events wore off and the swamp got back to being the swamp, can you remember what primary criticism the Democrats had of Bush's administration? They didn't exactly blame him for 9-11, but they faulted him for not connecting the dots. They claimed we had the intelligence (which we did, but at the time the various agencies were prevented from sharing their intelligence across agency lines) and had the Bush administration acted proactively on that intelligence we may have been able to avoid 9-11 altogether.

Fast forward to today, and what the Democrats are mewling about. Now they are claiming Trump may have committed war crimes because he did act proactively on the intelligence available to him.

As usual with the left, they don't argue anything based on principle. It is nothing more than using whatever argument is likely to score some political points. You see the same thing with the impeachment arguments when they said one thing about impeaching Slick Willie, and took the exact opposite stance when it came to impeaching Trump. No principles, just pure partisan hackery. Keep it up Dems. More and more people have been awakened to your tactics, and more and more of them are repulsed.

You are absolute right about them always looking for political points. I believe they miscalculate more now what gets them political points because of how crazed they get about Trump. Or they make decisions what will help them with a small group but don’t weigh that they will lose a larger group during the process. Example is the border wall. I knew the Dems were in big trouble 2016 when they lost my 77 year old dad’s vote who was a life time democrat.

Don't know that I would go so far as to say we should be 'celebrating' the death, but certainly it should be recognized as something that was good for the interests of civilized society.

And yes, had Obummer stepped up during his term and done the same thing, which SHOULD have been done a decade ago, then the left would have been applauding as a good thing...

Well we celebrated Sadaam and Bin Laden’s death and this guy Soleimani was in their category. So I’m good with celebrating the death of evil that took many American lives.

It seems like Trump makes decision on what he thinks he should do without caring how it is politically. So he’s playing an entirely different ball game compared to his opponents who pretty much put politics first every time and it’s very revealing. But in the process of fighting one comes across as genuine and the other comes across as playing games with our country. Example the whole impeachment circus.
My original post 130 pages ago:

What is this Ukraine thing all about? Didn’t Hillary tried to get campaign info against Trump from Ukrainians? Didn’t Biden pressure Ukraine to stop an investigation due to alleged corruption? Forwarding to today, if Trump presses Ukraine about corruption, that is impeachable? I don’t get it. Or is this a fake issue to get Dems to impeach Trump, something they want to do anyway. If latter is true, doesn’t that signal they don’t think Warren or Biden can win?
Or they make decisions what will help them with a small group but don’t weigh that they will lose a larger group during the process.

They have painted themselves into a corner. Their viewership numbers overall are down and they have mostly lost the moderates, so they gotta keep their crazy "base" happy because it's all they have left.
They have painted themselves into a corner. Their viewership numbers overall are down and they have mostly lost the moderates, so they gotta keep their crazy "base" happy because it's all they have left.
If they were smart, they would tell the crazy left base to **** off and angle back to the middle. What are the crazies going to do? Vote Republican instead? Of course not, but spurned moderates and independents will.
If they were smart, they would tell the crazy left base to **** off and angle back to the middle. What are the crazies going to do? Vote Republican instead? Of course not, but spurned moderates and independents will.

That's hard to do. There are fewer and fewer moderates, and moderates have never voted as consistently as base voters do. Accordingly, they'll never tell the crackpot Left to **** off. There are too many of them to make that a smart move.

However, after the primary season ends, the Democratic nominee will change his (and it will be a guy) tune to try to win back Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania without any kind of substantive movement that would bother the crackpots. For example, you'll hear him talk less about free healthcare for illegal aliens (which sound like lunacy) and more about border security and "comprehensive immigration reform" (which sound moderate). Talk of repealing the Hyde Amendment (which is lunacy) will end, and the media won't ask about it. Of course, a Democratic Supreme Court Justice would judicially eliminate the Hyde Amendment, so it doesn't matter much. If the nominee is Biden or Buttigieg, the anti-Christian bigotry will be talked about less, and the nominee's "deep but personal" religious beliefs will be emphasized.
However, after the primary season ends, the Democratic nominee will change his (and it will be a guy) tune to try to win back Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania without any kind of substantive movement that would bother the crackpots.

That’s what normally happens. But also what’s normal is when they do, it isn’t as broad of a gap to go from campaigning primary to the general election. The problem with the current Dems is they doubled down on stupidity after losing in 2016 and went full tard on steroids to the left........ and has never stopped. To now go from where they are now to anywhere close to the middle will come across as so disingenuous and would be exposed. I really don’t see them having a chance anyway. They’ve made their bed.
...I cant even name but one or two others off the top of my head -- Joe Lieberman had his good points. ...
They used to call Joe Liebermann "the emergency conservative".
It didn't really fit him though. I can't really think of an issue upon which he takes the clearly conservative position. He was generally liberal with occasional moments of moderation. As a good friend of mine used to say, "Lieberman is a liberal who doesn't hate America and Jews, and that makes him look conservative."

I shouldnt have used the past tense, Joe Lieberman still has good points -- here he calls out Dem for opposing the Soleimani strike only because of “partisanship”

"we're at a point where whatever Donald Trump does, President Trump does, Democrats will oppose it"

If this is true, wouldn't Senators (such as Sanders and Warren) who are running for POTUS have to recuse themselves from the vote? Trump merely asks about Hunter Biden and he gets impeached because Joe Biden is "a political rival", shouldn't the conflict of interest here be much more straightforward?
Kevin McCarthy alleges the reason Pelosi held onto the articles so long was to hurt Sanders, that Dem power brokers are afraid their voters will nominate him.
McCarthy says Pelosi holding articles of impeachment to hurt Sanders' Iowa chances

McCarthy also added that Biden should suspend his campaign during any impeachment trial --
"The only rightful thing of Joe Biden, to make a pledge not to campaign while Bernie Sanders cannot after what the Democratic National Committee had done to his campaign a few short years ago."

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