
They can only remove him from office and bar him from holding future office. Only a court can impose a criminal punishment.

But what if they did more than that?
Much of this impeachment effort has already involved inappropriate acts by the Congress
It would fall to one person to explain it to them
So worst case then is that he tried to leverage them but the aid went through without the additional consideration of the alleged quid pro quo. So if it WAS a quid pro quo attempt, was that in and of itself a high crime or misdemeanor?

It very well could be a high crime or misdemeanor depending on the specifics of the quid pro quo and depending on the intent. If I was in the Senate, I'd vote to acquit not because there's no way his actions were an impeachable offense but because the House didn't make any serious effort to prove its case on the specifics or the intent.
But what if they did more than that?
Much of this impeachment effort has already involved inappropriate acts by the Congress
It would fall to one person to explain it to them

And I'm sure Roberts would explain that to them. If they pressed on anyway, the Supreme Court would step in.
It's amazing how many problems go away by simply following the Constitution. If we did that, most of our economic and pretty much all social problems and divisions would disappear.

Why start now? We haven't followed it since shortly after it was ratified.
In a way, I get football players who go to ou if not recruited by Texas. Never understood Texans otherwise who becomes fans of that slack jawed, hillbilly, land thieving place.

Bubba, did you play for ou?
Ou recruits heavily in Texas for students especially for those who could not get into UT when the quota system blocks good students. They really go after National Merit scholars.
I agree but it is close and if ou offers good schollies can be hard to turn down
I have friends whose kids go there.They think it is better than say TT.
To be fair, I moved to Eastern Ok when I was 6 weeks old. Dad was an ADA in Tyler and we moved back to where my great grandparents had lived on their allotment land after the Dawes Roll at the turn of the century and dad opened a practice there. I only lived in Mineola for the first 6 weeks. Many folks come from Texas to OU because they have no allegiance to UT. I had a lot of fraternity brothers from Houston and Dallas. The Dallas crew was as close and they always liked OU. Many of their parents were alums. I'm sure some couldn't get into UT but I'm sure some could. I went to Arkansas as a freshman and out of state tuition at UA was about equal to in state in Norman. Likewise, out of state tuition in Norman was similar to in state tuition costs at UT. I always found that interesting.

I did not play football in college. I tried to kick and Arkansas and it didn't take. A few of my small town high school friends did. They never played a meaningful down and loved it. My athletic achievements stemmed from the 3rd team intramural basketball where the Pikes once filed a complaint because I had also played in a B team game. Losers!
Many folks come from Texas to OU because they have no allegiance to UT.

Honestly, I have no allegiance to UT. I went to UT-Dallas (which is not comparable with UT just because it's UT system) for undergraduate and Baylor for law school. I just don't like Oklahoma and don't like Aggies, and that has more to do with experience rather than loyalty to UT.

I don't deny some other factors. Watching Switzer destroy the Dallas Cowboys in slow motion definitely hurt. Living in Austin for several years and being made to feel welcome by UT people also definitely made a difference.
I just don't like Oklahoma and don't like Aggies, and that has more to do with experience
You and me both, buddy. My experiences with aggy fans have been numerous and mostly all negative. My experiences with Sooner fans are very different because of one simple but powerful factor. Both sets of fans respect the other team's ability to kick their *** on any given day. With aggy, there is no respect, nor will there ever be.
Just not a fan of her.

Ditto. It is politically convenient to have a Democrat who doesn't blindly follow the idiots. However, her policy agenda is wretched. Furthermore, she used to be a social conservative, and of course now she's a staunch leftist. Obviously people can change their views on things. I've done it myself on some issues. However, when you change your position on a simple but fundamental issue as an adult and soon before running for office, I question the person's sincerity.
That is about one of the very few things she is not wrong about. Her policies are loony, but her lucidity on this topic will be her death knell in the (D) nomination process.

I think she is a mixture of bad and good. Sometimes she is outrageously awful but at other times she is terrific. We dont see many like this, not on their side at least -- usually they are Stepford Wives who do as they are programmed. Gabbard is something of a political unicorn.

I cant even name but one or two others off the top of my head -- Joe Lieberman had his good points. Dennis Kucinich was whacky as well but at least he was usually honest. What current elected Democrat could you describe similarly, as "usually honest?" Tulsi and who else?
I think she is a mixture of bad and good. Sometimes she is outrageously awful but at other times she is terrific. We dont see many like this, not on their side at least -- usually they are Stepford Wives who do as they are programmed. Gabbard is something of a political unicorn.

I cant even name but one or two others off the top of my head -- Joe Lieberman had his good points. Dennis Kucinich was whacky as well but at least he was usually honest. What current elected Democrat could you describe similarly, as "usually honest?" Tulsi and who else?
Yang seems to be saying the same about impeachment. I can't think of any candidates running who are level headed. Gabbard will acknowledge positives from Trump, thus she will not go far in the process.

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