Seattle Husker
10,000+ Posts
This is why I can't get there. I still care about context, and I care about what people actually say and what they likely mean. If it was about race, he'd say it about others with the same race or ethnicity but different politics. He doesn't.
Context is that he assumed these Congresswoman weren't native born citizens. To you it's political to think someone who has a different political view is from a different ccountry. I often listen or read people's political speeches and assume they are from a different country.

That's nonsensical and a rationalization. He's obviously seen video clips of these women speaking and made the leap. It was racist.
Each of the conservatives on West Mall will ultimately vote for Trump in 2020. You'll convince yourself that "liberals" are evil and pushed you into voting for him because they claim "everything is racist". Just know tat you are voting for an actual racist. No he's not David Duke but may be worse in that he's a racist with actual influence.
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